

Towers Lab


News 2022

Greg attended the , Nov 2022

Conference pass for 1st South African Workshop on SARS-CoV-2 Variants and Evolution, Nov 2022


Greg went to South Africa to attend the '1st South African Workshop on SARS-CoV-2 Variants and Evolution' hosted by AHRI in St Lucia (SA) where he presented 'Evasion of innate immunity by SARS-CoV-2 and why we think this is important for transmission'

Pre Conference Shenanigans in South Africa, Nov 2022

Greg, Bec, Petra, Ethan, AK, and Clare on the beach in South Africa, Nov 2022

The group goes surfing in South Africa, Nov 2022

Greg, Clare, Bec, AK Petra eating at the beach in South Africa, Nov 2022

Petra and AK crocodile spotting in South Africa, Nov 2022

AK and a giraffe in South Africa, Nov 2022

Elephants in South Africa, Nov 2022

AK, Greg, Ethan, Bec, Clare, and Petra head off on safari in South Africa, Nov 2022

Petra and AK take a final walk on the beach in South Africa, Nov 2022

Doug's PhD paper is out in Retrovirology - 'HIV-2/SIV Vpx antagonises NF-κB activation by targeting p65', Dec 2022

Graphical abstract for Fink et al 2022 'HIV-2/SIV Vpx antagonises NF-κB activation by targeting p65' Dec 2022


Read about this novel mechanism in .

'Evasion of cGAS and TRIM5 defines pandemic HIV' is Published in Nature Microbiology, Oct 2022

Zuliani et al 2022. Fig. 5 | Pandemic-associated adaptation of HIV capsid at position 120


Ten years of work of collaborative work finally in print! What makes SIV zoonosis sometiimes lead to pandemic HIV in humans but not always. .

NIH Funding for the Collaboration with the Krogan lab has been confirmed, July 2022

news-Nevan Krogan, Greg Towers and Clare Jolly catching up in London Oct 2022


The Towers and Jolly labs are part of an NIH AViDD funded international collaboration. The goal of this collaboration is to produce potent inhibitors that act against SARS-CoV-2. It’s a huge collaboration involving many international laboratories and will cover everything from inhibitor design, library screening, and investigating structure activity relationships through to detailed studies of inhibitor mechanism.

Towers Lab Picnic 2022!

Greg's BBQed brisket and Clare's salad, picnic July 2022

Homecooked curry and salad, picnic July 2022

Towers picnic 2022, football, July 2022

Towers picnic - Morten and Greg discuss football, and Greg serves up the brisket, July 2022

Towers picnic - Becky's cupcakes, july 2022

Towers picnic - relaxing in the shade, Lydia, Giulia, Kate, Dejan, Jas, Mao, Chloe, AK, Petra, Julio, Jessie, Jane, Morten, Yevheniia, and Alina, July 2022

Towers lab hosted another summer picnic. Great weather, homecooked food and the traditional football made for a great afternoon.Really good to see some of our allumni too.


Delivering aid to the Polish/Ukraine border with , April 2022

Van-Aid logo and flags

Van-Aid route, April 2022

Unloading aid in Poland

Medical supplies, boots and food for Ukraine

Convoy 7th April drivers


Our Lab manager, Jane, was one of many drivers who have taken aid to the Polish/Ukraine border with . works closely with organisations in Poland, Slovakia and Ukraine such as Convents, Refugee Camps, and Orphanages and larger organisations like , and . The aid provided is in response to specific requests from these organisations and is handed to them either via depots on Ukraine's borders with Poland and Slovakia or directly to their representatives who drive across Ukraine 13 hours and more to meet the Van-aid convoys. Our delivery was made up of food, combat boots, sleeping bags and medical supplies and went on to a small town about 40 miles south of Lviv.

Van-Aid is a very young charity having been formed in response to the war in Ukraine by a group of couriers who had been approached for help transporting aid to those in need and fleeing the war. Using vans has proved to be a powerful tool allowing aid to be delivered following a 'just in time' scheme. They can travel from the depots in the UK to those on the border in 48 hours, half the time usually taken by larger vehicles. The vans also, being smaller, have the ability to get to smaller locations - important when delivering directly to people who have to come over the border to meet us and do not always know where they will be able to cross. Van-Aid is run by volunteers. The drivers are all volunteers and the vans are often lent or sponsored by UK business.

G2P is extended, March 2022

G2P Consortium, April 2022


Funding for our work with the has been extended for 12 months. Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê is one of 10 institutions working together to study newly identified variants focusing on transmission, severity of resulting COVID-19 disease and effectiveness of vaccines and treatments against these new variants. This work is used to inform Government stratagy.

UCSF hosted Greg as an invited speaker on his trip to visit our Collaborators in the Krogan Lab, Feb 2022

Greg visiting the Krogan lab and Lorena at UCSF 2022

Greg presents to UCSF on SARS-CoV-2, Feb 2022

Greg was invited to present his talk 'What makes a virus pandemic? HIV vs SARS-CoV2' at UCSF as part of a visit to Nevan Krogan, Lorena and the rest of his lab to build on the successful collaboration that has grown from the pandemic through Lorena.

Greg presented the Faculty of Medical Sciences Public Lecture on 8th Feb 2022

Greg presents the Faculty public lecture on SARS-CoV-2, Feb 2022

