

香港六合彩 Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction


What鈥檚 on

Details of all of our upcoming public events and our latest news and commentary.
IRDR Public Events Calendar 2023鈥24

Book Launch: The Politics of Crisis-Making

Tuesday 3 October, 5:15鈥7:15pm
IOM UN Migration Hackathon: Bridging Climate Change and Human MobilityFriday 6 October 鈥 Saturday 7 October, 10:00am鈥6:00pm
MAPS IE Seminar: Academic Consultancy (using research to influence global strategic policies)Wednesday 11 October, 2:00鈥3:00 pm
IRDR monthly event Gender and sexual minorities in disaster risk reduction (DRR): Reference guide launch听Friday 13 October,听6:00鈥8:00pm
香港六合彩 Lunch Hour Lecture | Is climate change increasing disasters?Tuesday 17 October, 1:00鈥2:00 pm
Monday 6 鈥 Tuesday 7 November
Saturday 11 November
Introduction to humanitarian studies online tasterMonday 13 November 4:30-6:30pm
IRDR monthly event: Risk, sustainability and green financeTuesday 14 November,听6:00鈥8:00pm
IRDR monthly event: What's behind modern slavery in the UK?Tuesday 12 December,听听6:00鈥8:00pm
IRDR monthly event: Hope and inspiration for futures under climate changeTuesday 30 January 2024,听6:00鈥7:30pm
IRDR career discovery eveningWednesday 21 February, 5:30鈥8pm
IRDR monthly event: From a tribulation to a trial: Navigating research in complex environments: The Ebola experienceTBC
IRDR monthly event: Essential yet exploited? Invisibilised frontline workers during the pandemicFriday 15 March, 5:30鈥7:00pm
Book talk: Advocacy and Change in International OrganisationsTuesday 23 April, 4:00-7:00pm
dPHE 6th Annual Workshop: Vector-borne diseases Digital One Health approachWednesday 15 May, 3:00-9:00pm
IRDR 14th听Annual Conference 鈥撎Futures of Risk: Causes, Consequences, ChangeTuesday 25 June
UKADR 2024 Conference: Collaborative research to make a differenceWednesday 26 鈥 Thursday 27 June
香港六合彩 IRDR in the Media

Experts from the 香港六合彩 Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction are frequently called upon for commentary and insights during and after major disasters. Recent 香港六合彩 IRDR media appearances include:

Dr Yulia Ioffe on听Belarus's suspected role in the transfers of children
23 May 2023, Dr听Yulia Ioffe was interviewed by Reuters as part of an article on听Ukraine investigating the role of Belarus in transfers of children.

Dr Sarah Dryhurst on how music can influence climate change action
31 March 2023, Dr Sarah Dryhurst was quoted in a LA Times article and featured in an associated podcast about the听Tempo: Music for Climate Action research project, which looks at whether music can influence climnate change action.

Prof Ilan Kelman on whether we can reduce lives lost from extreme weather
2 January 2023, Prof Ilan Kelman appeared on the BBC World Service programme 'The Climate Question' discussing听how the number of lives lost due to extreme weather can be reduced.

Prof Joanna Faure Walker on how to respond and reconstruct when disaster strikes
13 December 2022, Prof Joanna Faure Walker appeared on Euronews as part of a panel discussing disaster reconstruction with a focus on the 2011 Japan earthquake and tsunami.

Dr Mohammad Shamsudduha on how irrigation systems in Bangladesh may help to avoid flooding
15 September 2022, Dr Mohammad Shamsudduha was quoted in a New Scientist article about how farmers' irrigation systems are helping to avoid flooding in Bangladesh. The piece referenced .

Dr Gianluca Pescaroli on how banks are preparing for winter power shortages
7 September 2022, Dr Gianluca Pescaroli was featured in a Reuter's analysis of how European banks and financial institutions are preparing for potential winter power shortages.

23 September 2022, he also appeared in a feature on Bloomberg UK about how banks are using their lockdown plans to prepare for power blackouts.

Dr Louisa Acciari听on the devastating floods in Recife
29 May 2022, Dr Louisa Acciari gave an interview to听French-language news channel RFI about the flooding in Recife.

Dr Gianluca Pescaroli on why risk management experts are in high demand
10 March 2022, Dr Gianluca Pescaoli was featured in a BBC article about the demand for risk management experts and their increasing importance in the workplace.

Prof Ilan Kelman on the 'grim reading' but glimmers of hope in major UN report on Climate Change
28 February 2022, Prof Ilan Kelman was quoted by ITV in a story about the findings of听the UN鈥檚 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, published in February 2022.听

Prof Kelman also published two commentaries on the report: and .

Dr Joanna Faure Walker on predicting earthquakes
21 March 2021, Dr Faure Walker appeared on BBC Radio Cambridgeshire's "Naked scientists" programme discussing why we cannot predict earthquakes.听

25 June 2020, the Centre for Digital Public Health in Emergencies' app that tracks people's coronavirus lockdown activities听was featured in the Mail Online and iNews.听

Covid-19 pandemic coverage
March鈥揂pril 2020, a听number of our staff appeared听in the global media about the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic, commenting听on aspects ranging from听prevention, preparedness, and emergency management for a pandemic to the international political effects, the consequences of lockdown, and digital epidemiology. Some of those appearances are listed in this news article.

Dr Gianluca Pescaroli on flooding and flood risk
1 March 2020, Dr Gianluca Pescaroli discussing flooding and flood risk听in the wake of storms Ciara and Dennis in early 2020, on Sky Breakfast News (Sunday).听

Dr Robert Wicks and Professor Ilan Kelman on the impact of solar storms on power networks
18 January 2020, as Sky One aired disaster drama series COBRA, Dr Robert Wicks and Professor Ilan Kelman spoke to Sky News about the impact of solar storms on power networks.

IRDR and Tohoku University IRIDeS on the Role of Gender in Evacuation
11 October 2018, Prof Maureen Fordham, other IRDR staff and our colleagues at Tohoku University feature on NHK News, Japan's largest broadcasting organisation (in Japanese)

Prof David Alexander commentary on Hurricane Ophelia and Ireland

18 October 2017, an opinion piece in the Irish Times newspaper on "Why Ireland had to shut down for Ophelia".听

Dr Joanna Faure Walker on September 2017 Mexico City Earthquake

Thursday 21st September 2017, discussing damage and risk reduction relating to the Mexico City earthquake on BBC News:听

Wednesday 20th September, commentary on the Mexico Earthquake on TRT World news:听

Dr Joanna Faure Walker on Caribbean Hurricanes

Saturday 9th September 2017, commentary post disaster housing in the Caribbean on Radio 4's Today Programme:听

Dr Ilan Kelman commentary on Hurricane Harvey

Friday 1st September 2017, authored an article in听Dezeen:听"Urban design caused the Hurricane Harvey disaster":听

Thursday 31st August 2017, interviewed by CBC News on Hurricane Harvey and the poor (audio link):听

Wednesday 30th August 2017, authored an article in The Independent on听 No, climate change didn't cause the Hurricane Harvey disaster 鈥 society did:听

Wednesday 30th August 2017, quoted in听Press TV:听More storms expected due to global warming, scientists say:听

Tuesday 29th August 2017, quoted in听BBC News:Hurricane Harvey: The link to climate change:听

Tuesday 29th August 2017, authored an article in听The Conversation听on听听Don鈥檛 blame climate change for the Hurricane Harvey disaster 鈥 blame听society:听听also published on Yahoo News听

Tuesday 29th August 2017, authored an article in听Yes! Magazine:Hurricane Harvey Isn鈥檛 a 鈥淣atural鈥 Disaster. Politics Created the Chaos:听, also published on Vox Populi听

Dr Ilan Kelman on Climate Migrants

Friday 18th August 2017, authored an article in听Thompson Reuters Foundation News, on听How do islanders think about becoming climate migrants?

