

Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction


IOM UN Migration Hackathon: Bridging Climate Change and Human Mobility

06 October 2023–07 October 2023, 10:00 am–6:00 pm

markers on a map

Interested in the relationship between climate change and human mobility and keen to investigate with other students? Our Hackathon with the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) will give you a chance to analyse data and present your findings, with a chance to win a six-week placement.

This event is free.

Event Information

Open to

Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê students






Dr Bayes Ahmed


10 Dean Farrar Street
United Kingdom

TheÌýtwo-day hackathon will bring together undergraduate and postgraduate students from different U.K. institutions to address different research questions examining the relationship between climate change and human mobility in the East and Horn of Africa region. Participants will present their methods, analysis, and results to a panel of judges.Ìý

Participants will be divided into teams.ÌýYou may apply as an individual participant or as a team. Each team will be assigned a research question to investigate using the International Organisation for Migration's Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) data sets as well as other literature or publicly available data. Teams will present their findingsÌý to a panel of judges, and complete a written submission outlining their key findings, analysis, methodology, and challenges faced. Ìý

First place team members will be offeredÌýan in-person or remote six-week part-time work placement at IOM London with the DTM team.ÌýÌýThe first and second place teams will have the opportunity to have theirÌýwork published in an IOM report, with their names listed as contributors. Report findings will inform an IOM presentation at the COP 28.Ìý


Participants must be enrolled in a UK-based institution and be pursuing a degree in data science, public policy, migration studies, geography, computer science, environmental studies, or another relevant field. Both undergraduate and post-graduate students are welcome to apply. Ìý
Participants with strong technical skills (i.e. Python and/or R programming languages) will be needed in each team and are strongly encouraged to apply. Additionally, participants from fields of study relating to climate or migration studies and those with diverse technical and thematic backgrounds will also be important to team composition and are encouraged to apply.Ìý

How to apply

Applications will close on September 29.Ìý

Applications will be considered on a rolling basis and applicants are strongly encouraged to apply as soon as possible.ÌýDue to limited space, earlier applications will be given priority.Ìý
If accepted, please bringÌýan officialÌýIDÌý(i.e. a passport or UK residency card) andÌýaÌýpersonal computer.ÌýIf you are unable to bring a personal computer, please indicate so below. Ìý

If you have any questions, please contact:ÌýDTMLondonHackathon@gmail.com

About the Speaker

at Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction