

UK Consortium on Mesoscale Engineering Sciences


WP C - Thermal Applications

Lead: Rongshan Qin

The work package thermal application is concerned with the development and application of mesoscopic simulation methods for understanding thermal fluids

Lattice Boltzmann Methods for Thermal Flow

Lattice Boltzmann methods are continually being developed for thermal flow to cover the full range of temperatures and temperature variations. Single-distribution and double-distribution function LBM as well as hybrid LBM-finite difference methods are considered.

Coupling hydrodynamics with engineering thermodynamics

The mesoscopic interparticle potentials are derived from the engineering thermodynamics and then substituted into the mesoscopic hydrodynamic models. This enables to investigate the interactions between fluid flow and phase transformation.

Materials processing simulation

Current efforts include the simulation of blast furnace processing, super-clean steelmaking and fast solidification. Some external fields, e.g. pulsed electric field or electropulsing, are implemented in the investigations. 

Particle-based mesoscopic methods

Smoothed particle hydrodynamics and dissipative particle dynamics code packages are developed to address the engineering thermal fluid problems. Multiphase and multicomponent systems are the primary interests in this work package.