

UK Consortium on Mesoscale Engineering Sciences


The UK Consortium on Mesoscale Engineering Sciences, UKCOMES

An EPSRC High End Computing Consortium


  1. To advance the emerging mesoscale science and engineering through exploitation of national high-end computing (HEC) resources.
  2. To bring together all the required expertise to make critical theoretical discoveries and model developments and translate these into software that is able to exploit today's and future HEC hardware.
  3. To upgrade the DL_MESO suite into a world-leading open-source software infrastructure for mesocale and multiscale modelling and simulation that is readily accessible to both academy and industry.
  4. To enable cutting-edge simulations in strategically important areas on national HEC platform to generate high impact research output.
  5. To connect the UK and global research and the end-user communities, e.g. in industries, in order to develop mesoscale sciences that underpin vital technologies for UK industry and economy.
  6. To provide a stimulating, collaborative and interdisciplinary environment to train future generations in the relevant fields.

HEC Resources

UKCOMES's main HEC platform is the UK National Supercomputing Service, , which is currently ranked No. 25 among the in the world. Moreover, it is one of the very top supercomputers in the world dedicated to academic research. It is based on the Cray XC30 architecture, Intel Xeon E5 v2 12C 2.700GHz processors, and Aries interconnect. It has 133,824 cores in total and a peak speed of 2.569 Petaflops.

Dr Rupert Nash of EPCC serves as the ARCHER contact for UKCOMES.

In addition, consortium members have access to a range of local supercomputers. For example, the Blue Joule at Daresbury Laboratory - STFC has a total of 131072 processors and a peak speed of 1.678 Petaflop, which is ranked No. 30 among the Top 500 Supercomputers in the world.

EPSRC Manager

Dr Louise Tillman
Senior Portfolio Manager
Research Infrastructure

E-mail: louise.tillman@epsrc.ac.uk