

London Geochemistry & Isotope Centre


Previous Seminars

Here is a list of the presentations we had the chance to host in house or virtually during previous terms


19/10/20221st LoGIC meeting of 2022-2023 - KLB 127
02/11/2022Antoine Souron & Maëlle Couvrat (University of Bordeaux): "A slice of hippo? Combining enamel histology and stable isotope analysis on hippopotamid canines: implications for (paleo)seasonality reconstructions" - on ZOOM
16/11/2022Catch Up
07/12/2022Discussion: "How to critically analyse journal articles", lead by John McArthur
21/12/2022LoGIC Christmas celebrations
25/01/2023Sarah Wexler (ϲ, IoA): "Isotopes and the Nitrogen Cycle"
15/02/2023Xi (Sean) Chen (ϲ, ES): "Principles of open science & Initial plans for a chemostratigraphic database"
22/02/2023Paul Minton (ϲ, ES): "Middle to late Miocene eastern equatorial Pacific responses to Antarctic climate change"
08/03/2023Martin Smith (Brighton University): "The Biogeochemistry of marine steel corrosion: Characteristics and causes of Accelerated Low Water Corrosion"
03/05/2023Self-introduction of PhD students: Katie Brown, Yue He, Yu Zhang, Ashraf Khan
17/05/2023Jack Wharton (ϲ, Department of Geography): "Hydrographic profiles of the glacial Northwest Atlantic"


22/09/20211st Logic meeting of 2021-2022
06/10/2021Dr. Timothy M. Gibson - Yale University (on Zoom only)
20/10/2021Logic catch up - KLB 127
03/11/2021Logic catch up - KLB 127
17/11/2021Dr. Carlos Tornero Dacasa - The Catalan Institute of Human Paleoecology and Social Evolution (IPHES) - "Tracing life-stories from past herds: isotopic glints of light on altitudinal pastoral herding systems"
01/12/2021Dr. Niklas Meinecke -MARUM - "Clumped isotope thermometry in foraminifera, From calibration to Plio-Pleistocene temperature reconstructions in the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool"
15/12/2021A Merry LoGiC Christmas! virtual get together on Zoom -4pm- (link sent by email)
5/01/2022New Year Catch Up (Zoom)

"LoGIC member update" session:
Xianyi Liu - 'Rapid land colonization of vascular plants changed continental weathering regime'

02/02/2022Susan Little -'Ongoing activities of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion committee at the European Association of Geochemistry’
16/02/2022Katie McFall -Title TBC
02/03/2022Catch Up Session - Small Teaching Lab
16/03/2022"LoGIC member update" session:
Jonathan Holmes (ϲ Geog) - 'Tales from the lockdown raingauge' - in the Small Teaching Lab
30/03/2022Geochem Group Writing Workshop - external event
6/04/2022Catch up Session - Small Teaching Lab
13/04/2022-- Easter Break --
27/04/2022Practice Talks
5/05/2022Geochemistry Group Research in Progress Meeting 5 - 6 May 2022, Cardiff (External Event)
18/05/2022Dr Katie Hemer (IoA) - Stable isotope analysis, osteology, and skeletal histology to explore past population health, diet, migration, and childhood in the past. - Small Teaching Lab
1/06/2022Tim Jesper Suhrhoff (ETH Zurich) -A first look at paleo-silicate rock weathering at Lake Baikal using Be, Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopes - on line
15/06/2022LoGIC Summer Picnic!!! 1pm in Gordon Square
20/07/2022Tianchen He (University of Leeds) - "Marine redox dynamics across the end-Triassic mass extinction" - on Zoom

2nd & 3rd Term 2020-2021

06/01/2021Maximilian Hansen (JoGU Mainz; Speleothem Research): "Stable isotope fractionation processes (∂18O and ∂ 13C) during precipitation of speleothem calcite: systematic investigation in laboratory experiments"
13/01/2021Keeping up with... Hazel Reade (ϲ, IoA): "Nitrogen Palaeo-Isoscapes: Exploring past spatial variations in environmental δ15N"
20/01/2021Franziska Stamm (Lund University): "Extreme silicon isotope fractionation due to Si complexation and implications for silica biomineralization"
27/01/2021 (5PM)Scott Blumenthal (University of Oregon): "Dietary niche partitioning among African fossil hominins: evidence from intra-tooth isotopic analysis using laser ablation IRMS" @5PM
03/02/2021Fieke Mulders (ϲ, Earth Science) : "Predicting reaction rates in natural environments"
10/02/2021Keeping up with... J. Schwanethal (ϲ/ Open University): "Autistic Spectrometry"
17/02/2021Noah Planavsky (Yale University): "The evolution of the global Si cycle "
24/02/2021Laszlo Kocsis (Brunei Darussalam): "Neogene fossils from Brunei (North Borneo) with focus on the 'Borneo amber' record"
03/03/2021Jeffrey P. H. Perez (GFZ Potsdam): "Arsenic cycling in groundwater and the effect of GR transformation on As removal"
10/03/2021Keeping up with... John McArthur (ϲ, Earth Science) : "Where did Belemnites live?"
17/03/2021Rosalie Tostevin (University of Cape Town): "Rare earth elements in carbonate as environmental and ecological tracers"
24/03/2021Klervia Jaouen (Geosciences Env. Toulouse): "How Zn isotopes can document ancient diets?"
31/03/2021Anna Harrison (Geosciences Env. Toulouse): "Harnessing mineral weathering to capture CO2: Mechanisms and tracers"
07/04/2021-- Easter Break --
14/04/2021Mathieu Dellinger (Durham): "Rhenium isotopes as a proxy for redox processes: Insights from the study of the Mackenzie River"
21/04/2021Roz Gillis (ICArEHB, Universidade do Algarve): “Forest foddering and the first herds of Europe: stable isotopic perspectives.
28/04/2021Meghan Burchell (Memorial University of NFL, St.John's): "Stable isotopes, gender and status on the Pacific Northwest Coast"
05/05/2021Keeping up with... Phil Hopley (Birkbeck/ϲ): "Plio-Pleistocene Stable Isotopes of Africa: Insights from Caves and Carnivores"
12/05/2021Tais Wittchen Dahl (University of Copenhagen): "Reconstructing geological time and paleoenvironments at ultra-high stratigraphic resolution – new prospects with core scanning XRF"
19/05/2021Antoine Souron (University of Bordeaux): "Beyond the C3 browse / C4 grass paradigm in paleodietary reconstructions of African mammals? An example using Plio-Pleistocene bovids and theropiths"
26/05/2021Vasileios Mavromatis (Geosciences Env. Toulouse): "The role of aqueous complexation and precipitation pathway on the isotopic composition of carbonate minerals"
02/06/2021Keeping up with... TBD
09/06/2021Hal Bradbury (Cambridge): "The link between the global carbon cycle and the interplay between calcium and sulfur in marine pore fluid"
16/06/2021Hervé Bocherens (University of Tuebingen): "Isotopic insights on the ecological interactions between humans and woolly mammoths and their implications for megafauna extinction"

1st Term 2020-2021

07/10/2020Keeping up with... Delphine Fremondeau (ϲ, IoA): "Investigating the reproductive management of domestic herds by sequential stable oxygen isotope analysis in tooth enamel"
14/10/2020Molly Trudgill (University of St Andrews): "Pulses of ocean acidification at the Triassic-Jurassic boundary recorded by boron isotopes"
21/10/2020Xiangdong Zhao (Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology): "Recovery of lake ecosystems after the end-Permian mass extinction in northwestern China" & "Terrestrial records of the Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a in China"
28/10/2020Keeping up with... Pieter Vermeesch (ϲ, Earth Sciences): "A geological neutrino detector"
04/11/2020Patrick Roberts (Max Plack Institute, Jena): "Past tropical forest changes, megafaunal extinctions, and hominin turnover in Southeast Asia"


1- Raphael Pietzsch (University of Oxford): "Unveiling the geological history and past environments of ancient deposits with isotopes"

2- Sophie Gill(University of Oxford): "The response of coccolithophores and foraminifera to enhanced alkalinity as a CO2 sequestration technique"

18/11/2020Sarah Pederzani (Max-Planck-Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig): " Cold climatic conditions during an early occurence of Upper Palaeolithic Homo sapiens in Europe - stable isotope evidence from Bacho Kiro Cave, Bulgaria"

Eric Walliser (JoGU Mainz): "Inoceramids, rudists and sclerochronology - A story on the ocean-atmosphere system of Central Europe during the late Turonian"

02/12/2020Keeping up with... John McArthur (ϲ, Earth Sciences): "Ocean acidification in the early Toarcian "


Ashleigh Hood (University of Melbourne): "Oxygenation and diagenesis from the Devonian reefs of the Canning Basin." ! AT 10AM !


Judith Sealy (University of Cape Town): "Last Glacial Maximum in southernmost Africa"

Lockdown and Post Lockdown schedule - LoGic Virtual Meeting on Zoom

01/04/2020Mel Murphy
08/04/2020Colin Mettam
15/04/2020catch up
22/04/2020David Wilson
29/04/2020Lisa Fuellenbach


Jonathan Holmes: "Oxygen-isotopes in chironomid head capsules as indicators of late glacial climate: potential and pitfalls"

Huan Cui (Brussels) : "Testing the credibility of geochemical anomalies in sedimentary rocks"


catch up


Romain Guilbaud (Toulouse): "Reconstructing th redox cycling of P in the Precambrian ocean"


catch up


catch up


catch up


catch up


@5.30pm : LoGIC Zoom's Celebrations


Discussion Topic: Race and Racism in Geoscience


catch up


Discussion Topic: Virtual conferences


catch up


- "what have you been up to" section: Anne-Lise Jourdan

- "pick a topic" section: Lucy Roberts, "Should Geography and Earth Sciences departments (in general) be more integrated to promote a) cohesive research and b) the student experience"


- "what have you been up to" section: Chunyao Liu & Xianyi Liu

- "pick a topic" section: David Wilson, "Earth Science Outreach - experiences, approaches, topics, etc..."


- "what have you been up to" : Fieke Mulders

- "pick a topic" : John McArthur, "Extensive arsenic contamination in high-pH unconfined aquifers in the Indus Valley"


- "what have you been up to" : none

- "pick a topic" : Anne-Lise Jourdan, NewScientist article on "


LoGIC Summit: updates on labs and discussion on possible new research avenues


LoGIC mini Virtual Conference- program can be found here:


- catch up

- "pick a topic" :Fieke Mulders, "the limitations of scientific freedom on topic-specific grants"


Catch up


- "what have you been up to" : Graham Shields' group

2nd Term 2019-2020

08/01/2020Hong Chin Ng
(University of Bristol)
Nutrient seepage out of seafloor sediments in the high latitudesTeaching Lab 2
15/01/2020Pedram Mahzari
(ϲ Earth Sciences)
Impact of non-aqueous phase wettability on geochemical interactions - Rescheduled from 15/01/2020Teaching Lab 2
22/01/2020Amy Edgington
(ϲ Earth Sciences)
the Geobus: Getting Earth Science Outreach on the RoadTeaching Lab 2
05/02/2020no seminar(no seminar due to departmental event)
11/02/2020Yukun Shi
(Nanjing University)
Geochemical signals from Early Permian foraminifera -Tuesday-
12/02/2020Paul Dennis
(University of East Anglia)
RESOLVE: Resolution of Earth’s surface temperature record and ocean isotopic composition over geologic time -cancelled-Teaching Lab 2
19/02/2020Reading weekNo Seminar
26/02/2020Vincent Hare
(University of Cape Town)
Do we need calibration for stable carbon isotopes? Effects of CO2 on palaeoclimate and palaeodiet reconstructionTeaching Lab 2
11/03/2020Paul Dennis
(University of East Anglia)
RESOLVE: Resolution of Earth’s surface temperature record and ocean isotopic composition over geologic time - re-cancelled -

1st Term 2019-2020

25/09/20191- Lewis Alcott (Leeds)Early Earth oxygenation and links to the phosphorus cycleTeaching Lab 2
2- Nick Hayes (Bristol)Evaluating Controls on the Chemical Weathering Thermostat: Cretaceous-Eocene Edition
3- Alex Krause (Leeds)Evolution of a Habitable Planet
02/10/2019-- No Seminar --
09/10/2019no seminarno seminarTeaching Lab 2


TBCTeaching Lab 2
23/10/2019Rhiannon Stevens
(Institute of Archaeology)
Tracking permafrost thaw and greenhouse gas release across the last deglacial using fossil bone isotopes.Teaching Lab 2
30/10/2019Paul Dennis
(University of East Anglia)
CANCELLED - (RESOLVE: Resolution of Earth’s surface temperature record and ocean isotopic composition over geologic time)Teaching Lab 2
06/11/2019Reading Week- No Seminar --
13/11/2019Ying Zhou
(ϲ Earth Sciences)

- New Fe speciation evidence for widespread euxinia during the late Ediaracan ocean oxygenation event (Shuram) in South China

- New thoughts about the Precambrian mysterious Molar Tooth Structure.

Teaching Lab 2
20/11/2019Anna Joy Drury
(ϲ Earth Sciences)
Delving into Miocene climate - perspectives from high-resolution XRF and stable isotope recordsTeaching Lab 2
27/11/2019Pedram Mazhari
(ϲ Earth Sciences)
Impact of non-aqueous phase wettability on geochemical interactions - Rescheduled for 15/01/2020Teaching Lab 2
04/12/2019John McArthur

Acid groundwaters; no pyrite, no hydrothermalism. Explain -Cancelled due to ϲ strike action-

Teaching Lab 2
11/12/2019Bridget Wade
(ϲ Earth Sciences)
Evolution of Paleogene deep-sea sediments and implications for productivityTeaching Lab 2
18/12/2019Philip Pogge Von Strandmann
(ϲ Earth Sciences)
The complexity of organics in weathering - or, Pogge doesn’t understand organic chemistryTeaching Lab 2

2nd Term 2018-2019

27/02/2019Long-Fei Gou
(Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Spatiotemporal Li isotopic variation in the Yellow River: Sources and fractionation
06/03/2019Eric Oelkers
Quantifying the rates of mineral-fluid isotopic exchange using the three isotope methods
20/03/2019Sadaf Nassem
Arsenic and other water‐quality issues affecting groundwater,Indus alluvial plain, Pakistan
27/03/2019Philip Pogge Von Strandmann
Palaeo-weathering: the short and the long
03/04/2019Ann Holbourn
(Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel)
Reconstructing Miocene warm climate dynamics from Indo-Pacific marine archives
01/05/2019Sudeshna Basu
Implications of noble gases and nitrogen in bulk shales from Haynesville-Bossier formation
08/05/2019Lucy Roberts
A 3,000 year benthic foraminifera oxygen-isotope record of meltwater in the Arctic Ocean
22/05/2019Lisa Fuellenbach
Ferrous iron carbonate dissolution in the presence of lead
29/05/2019John McArthur
Oceanic Anoxic Events? Really?
05/06/2019Andy Carter
(ϲ/ Birkbeck)
How geochronology can help better understand the early Antarctic cryosphere
12/06/2019Tim Atkinson
Speleothems and isotope gradients in palaeo-rainfall along the Glacial North Atlantic seaboard
26/06/2019Mel Murphy
High Arctic rivers: a transient source or sink for atmospheric CO2

1st Term 2018-2019

Calibrating the chromium isotope system and evaluating its potential to record paleo-redox changes
17/10/2018Colin Mettam
(St Andrews)
Interpreting ancient nitrogen isotope data: The importance of depositional setting, redox conditions and organic matter provenance
28/11/2018Prof Weiqiang Li
(Nanjing University)
Oscillations in Phanerozoic Seawater Chemistry: constraints from Mg isotopes in dolostones
05/12/2018Susannah Porter
(UC Santa Barbara)
Some thoughts on oxygen, biomarkers, and the nature of early eukaryots
16/01/2019David Wilson
Late Pleistocene instability of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet? Insights from radiogenic isotope provenance tracing
23/01/2019Zhenbing She
(Wuhan University)
Phosphogenesis and rise of metazoans in the Ediacaran
30/01/2019Giuseppe Saldi
Boron isotope fractionation during sorption on calcite: insights into its incorporation mechanisms

2nd Term 2017-2018

10/01/2018Rod Brown
(University of Glasgow)
Why the age of African topography is controversial and why resolving this argument matters
24/01/2017Paul Henry Nadeau
(University of Stavanger)
Rock-Water Geochemistry in Hydrocarbon Reservoirs
31/01/2018Pieter Vermeesch
Redefining delta notation in stable isotope geochemistry
07/02/2018Ying Zhou
Molar Tooth Structure and its potential to reconstruct Proterozoic Ocean Chemistry
Reading Week-No Seminar------
21/02/2018Mel Murphy
Tracing silicate weathering processes in the permafrost-dominated Lena River watershed using lithium isotopes
28/02/2018Graham Shields
Weathering ocean oxygenation and Ediacaran radiation
21/03/2018Jenine McCutcheon
(University of Leeds)
Microbial beachrock formation: Implications for reef island stability
22/03/2018Elizabeth Niespolo
U-Th burial dating of ostrich eggshells: a novel approach to dating African archaeological sequences beyond the 14C limit
28/03/2018Norman Moles
(Univ. of Brighton)
The formation of the Aberfeldy sedex baryte deposits and how they inform on ocean geochemistry in the Neoproterozoic

1-Paul Pearson

Ocean carbon cycling since the middle Miocene: testing the metabolic hypothesis

2-Elaine Mawbey

Investigating the Oligocene-Miocene transient glaciation using geochemical proxies

3-Qiong Li

Carbonate isotopic and elemental constraints on seawater chemistry and climate change in the Mesozoic
13/06/2018Eric Oelkers
The role of particulate material in the oxgenation of the Earth
27/06/2018Sean Jordan
The Origin of Life: From Geochemistry to Biochemistry

Gaojun Li
(U. of Nanjing, China)


1st Term 2017-2018

11/10/2017Matt Fox
(ERC Fellow, ϲ)
Using low temperature thermochronology to understand landscape evolu
18/10/2017Anna Harrison
(Marie Curie Fellow, ϲ)
Exploring the impact of the mineral-gas-water interface on mineral reactivity
26/10/2017Jeremy Caves Rugenstein
(ETHZ, Switzerland)
Cenozoic Carbon Cycle Imbalances and Implications of a Variable Weathering Feedback
01/11/2017Logic Group Discussion-----
Reading Week-No Seminar------
29/11/2017Philip Pogge von Strandmann
Recovery from Snowball Earth
06/12/2017Alex Dickson
The effect of thermal maturity on the concentration and isotopic composition of molybdenum, zinc and cadmium in organic-rich mudrocks
13/12/2017Andrew Putnis
(Universität Münster)
Deformation, hydration, stress generation and mass transfer during non-equilibrium metamorphism