

London Geochemistry & Isotope Centre



°Õ³ó±ðÌýLoGIC Wednesday Meeting's exciting program can be found below

From October 2023, we will still meet on site or on Zoom on Wednesdays at 1pm every 2 weeks.  Please do join us then,  on site or from your laptop ;)

11/10/2023General welcome and catch-up
25/10/2023Susan - Proposal planning
8/11/2023´³³Ü±ô¾±±ðÌýµþ°ù´Ç·É²ÔÌý- BEIF (Bloomsbury Environmental Isotope Facility) lab
22/11/2023Arianna Olivelli - Tracing anthropogenic pollution: Sources and transport of lead in the South Atlantic Ocean
6/12/2022Leaving lunch for Gary Tarbuck
17/01/2024General welcome and catch-up
31/01/2024Helen Viva this day
14/02/2024Xu Zhang - Tracing surface changes in the Critical Zone through Li isotopes in lake sediments: titanic moment of tiny sub-micron particles
28/02/2024Lena Chen - Mineralogical controls on the Ni isotope composition in marine sediments
06/03/2024Will McMahon - Reconstructing step-changes in silicate weathering intensity coeval with the expansion of Paleozoic land plants
19/06/2024Peter Clift and Yifan Du - Mountain building, erosion, chemical weathering, carbon and Neogene global cooling
26/06/2024Hannah Elms - A stable cadmium isotope perspective on organic carbon burial trends during the Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
27/09/2024Kate Hendry - Critical zones or leaky pipes? Biogeochemical cycling in the polar regions across the land-ocean continuum 

You would like to give a presentation, lead a discussion, present some data? Please email our new Planning Committee, composed of Susan, Hazel and Lin. 

You can also have a look at the list of our previous seminars under this link.