
Elizabeth Bouffan then Delap

???? - 1784


  1. Elizabeth Bouffan married Alex. Delap in St Catherine, Jamaica, 08/01/1751 (both of St Catherine, marital status unspecified). She may have been the widow of Solomon Bouffan (q.v.), who was buried in St Catherine, 26/03/1750.

  2. According to the will of Alexander Dellap, written in August 1764 and proved in December 1765, he had rented a pen in St Catherine and 21 enslaved people to Dr William Jackson for the past 13 years, effectively since his marriage, and this pen belonged to his wife Elizabeth. His will also reveals links to Donegal, Ireland.

  3. The will of Elizabeth Dellap, written in August 1782, with a codicil dated March 1784, was proved in London in March 1784. The will stated that she was tenant-for-life for an estate in Jamaica which at her death would become the property of Stephen Peter Godin of Southgate in Middlesex, England.


  1. St Elizabeth, Jamaica, parish register ( - unindexed Baptisms, marriages, burials 1669-1764 vol. 1 pp. 287, 295).

  2. PROB 11/914/228.

  3. PROB 11/1114/361.

We are grateful to Paul Hitchings for his assistance with compiling this entry.

Further Information

Alexander Dellap

PROB 11/1114/361 - precis.

Elizabeth Dellap of Queen Square, St Margaret, Westminster, widow.

I desire to be buried in Lambeth in the vault lately built by Thomas Baker Esquire in which Mrs Baker his late wife is buried, the said Thomas Baker having promised to consent thereto.

My freehold estate consisting of a lessuage or tenement garden and houthouses in Queen Square wherein I now live, tovether will the use of all the furniture and bed linen to Mrs Sarah Hay (widow of Thomas Hay Esquire) for her natural life; thereafter to Sarah Palmer widow and Elizabeth Baker widow of St Margaret Westminster jointly for their natural lives and the to the survivor of them; thereafter to Thomas Baker Esquire (son of Elizabeth Baker) forever, subject to several legacies hereinafter given.

Payments and items to:

Hamson Beckford Palmer (son of Sarah Palmer)

John Hay (one of the grandsons of Sarah Palmer)

Miss Sarah Hay and Miss Elizabeth Hay (sisters of John Hay)

Ann White of Lettykenny, Ireland, widow

Barbara Groves (wife of Mr Groves of Lettykenny, merchant)

Lilly Harvery of Linnyshone[?], Ireland, widow

My Goddaughter Ann Young (daughter of Lilly Harvey - her bequest includes the bracelets with the picture of my late husband and all my garnets)

Miss Catherine Vanheelen (grandniece of Mrs Catherine Royal)

Mrs Hall (wife of Jasper Hall Esquire of Jamaica)

Goddaughter Miss Jenny Hall (daughter of Jasper Hall)

Mrs Elizabeth Harvey of Portland Street

Mrs Dolbeare

Miss Elizabeth Baker (the eldest daughter of the said Thomas Baker Esquire)

Robert Cooper Lee Esquire

My faithful servant Mary Palmer (late Mary Ralph)

To Stephen Peter Godwin [= Godin] of Southgate, Middlesex, all rent that shall be due and owing to me at my decease from the tenants or occupiers of the estate at Jamaica in which I have a life interest and which at my decease will become the property of the said Stephen Peter Godwin and which payment shall be at the full satisfaction of any demand he or his heirs may have upon me for an in respect of the Negro Boy named Tom a slave upon Salt Pond Pen.

All rest and residue to Mrs Sarah Palmer and Mrs Elizabeth Baker.

Mrs Sarah Palmer to be executrix; Robert Cooper Lee and Thomas Baker to be executors.

Signed 16/08/1782.

Codicil dated 05/03/1784. Additional or changed legacies to Hamson Beckford Palmer, Miss Sarah Hay and Elizabeth Hay, Mrs Dolbeare.

Proved in London 24/03/1784 by the oaths of Sarah Palmer widow and Thomas Baker Esquire.

Relationships (4)

Other relatives
Notes →
Possibly wife and first...
Testator → Executor
Testator → Legatee
Notes →
Stephen Peter Godin was the remainderman of a pen in St Catherine of which Elizabeth Bouffan then Delap was tenant-for-life ...
Wife → Husband