
Alexander Dellap or Delap

???? - 1765


Elizabeth Bouffan married Alex. Delap in St Catherine, Jamaica, 08/01/1751 (both of St Catherine, marital status unspecified). She may have been the widow of Solomon Bouffan, who was buried in St Catherine, 26/03/1750.

According to his will, written in August 1764 and proved in December 1765, he had rented a pen in St Catherine and 21 enslaved people to Dr William Jackson for the past 13 years, effectively since his marriage, and this pen belonged to his wife Elizabeth. His will also reveals links to Donegal, Ireland.

Alexander Delap of Britain, Esquire. Estate probated in Jamaica in 1766. Slave-ownership at probate: 0 of whom 0 were listed as male and 0 as female. 0 were listed as boys, girls or children. Total value of estate at probate: £3729.38 Jamaican currency of which £0 currency was the value of enslaved people. Estate valuation included £0 currency cash, £3729.38 currency debts and £0 currency plate.


St Elizabeth, Jamaica, parish register (familysearch.org - unindexed Baptisms, marriages, burials 1669-1764 vol. 1 pp. 287, 295).

PROB 11/914/228.

Trevor Burnard, Database of Jamaican inventories, 1674-1784.

We are grateful to Paul Hitchings for his assistance with compiling this entry.

Further Information

Elizabeth Bouffan

PROB 11/914/228 - precis.

Alexander Dellap now of the City of London.

All just debts be fully paid. No more than £20 to be expended on my funeral charges.

I have already made a settlement of £200 sterling per annum to my wife Elizabeth Dellap. In consideration of her being the best of wives and her tender care and affection to me in my long illness, all my linen and plate and the sum of £500 sterling to her to be paid within one month after my decease out of the money in the hands of Messrs. Morse and Bayly, merchants of London.

Whereas I have rented a pen and 21 negroe slaves in St Catherine, Jamaica, to Dr William Jackson for the term of 13 years at the yearly rent of £200 Jamaican currency, the said pen and negroe slaves is the property of my wife Elizabeth. It is my will and desire that she receives all rents and profits thereof to dispose of at her pleasure.

Whereas I stand indebted to my brothers and sister the following sums as by account settled and remitted to them being the balance due to them of the estate and effects of John Patten deceased in my hands: to my brother Alexander Dellap £460 19s; to my brother-in-law Gellispick White £280 19s; to my brother-in-law Thomas Harvey £419 15s; to my sister Barbara Dellap £470 10s. These sums to be paid as soon as possible after my decease with interest from 28/08/1763.

To my nurse Margaret Cooper of Donegal, Ireland, £10.

To the poor and distressed housekeepers of the parish of Gully Anglinish in Donegal, £20.

My executors to remit these two sums of £10 and £20 to the hands of my brother Andrew Dellap of Ray in Donegal.

To my nephew Alexander Dellap £50 to be laid out on his education, my executors to remit this to my brother Andrew Dellap.

To my amiable and affectionate sister Catherine Dellap, wife of my brother Robert Dellap, a ring of 20 guineas.

All rest, residue and remainder to my brother and sisters Andrew Dellap, Ann White (wife of Gillespick White), Lilly Harvey (wife of Thomas Harvey) and Barbara Dellap, all of Donegal, to be equally divided between them.

My good friends John Morse of the City of London, James Prevost and Robert Cooper Lee, both of St Catherine, Jamaica, Esquires to be executors.

Signed 29/08/1764.

Proved 09/12/1765. Will of Andrew Dellap formerly of the island of Jamaica, late of the City of London but at the Hot Wells near the City of Bristol Esquire deceased. Proved by Andrew Dellap, brother.

Relationships (4)

Testator → Executor
Testator → Executor
Testator → Executor
Husband → Wife

Inventories (1)