
Edward Earl

1755 - 1821


Planter and attorney in Jamaica. Died in 1821. In his will, he reckoned his estate to be worth around £40,000, of which he left £10,000 in trust to his brother, his sister and their children. Seafield Pen and his residuary estate were to be shared equally in trust among his 10 free reputed children, and another reputed child, Rosey, whose freedom was to be purchased. The mother of 7 of his free children and of Rosey, named Hardtime, was enslaved and living on Orange Valley estate; she was to be manumitted as well if possible.

His will also states that he was born 11/06/1755 (old style) and arrived in Jamaica in February 1777. In the Accounts Produce he is listed as overseer on Orange Valley estate in Trelawny from at least 1793 to 1808.


PROB 11/1674/90.

Familysearch.org, Jamaica Church of England Parish Register Transcripts, 1664-1880 [database online].

Further Information

3 chidren with Lurcretia; 8 children with Hardtime

PROB 11/1674/90.

Edward Earl of Trelawny in Jamaica, planter.

Balance of my estate 31/12/1819 is £36,930 2s 6d 1 farthing Jamaican currency. If I live to the end of this year it may probably amount to £39,000 or £40,000.

To my friends Herbert Newton Jarrett of Great Britain, near Colchester in Essex and William Bradley of Louth in Lincolnshire, linen draper, all that my cottage or little farm in the villagteof Ingham alias Ingham Le Ather in Lincolnshire containing by estimation 10 acres of land upon trust for the use of my only brother Robert Earl of St Ann, Jamaica, schoolmaster for life. After his death to his lawful children for ever. In default to the use of my only sister Ann Burnett, present wife of Richard Burnett of Ingham, butcher, for life, and thereafter to Edward Earl Bradly, infant son of my niece Elizabeth Bradley, wife of William Bradley, linen draper.

To my brother Robert Earl £500 Jamaican currency, my gold watch, books, bookcases and surveying instruments.

To my niece Elizabeth Bradley my siver place, marked with my cypher, viz a large drinking cup, a teapot, sugar dish, cream jug and tea tongs.

To William Bradley £500 sterling to assist him in his line of business.

To Mary Goodin, a free woman of colour in Trelawny, £50 Jamaican currency as a small acknowledgment to her for her attention to me in sickness.

To my friends Herbert Newton Jarrett and William Bradley and also to William Mitchell Kerr and William Reeves, both of Trelawny, £10,000 sterling in trust for the several uses intents and purposes thereinafter declared, that they place the sum in the public funds of Great Britain or other good and lawful security, the interest to be equally divided each year between my said brother and sister for their natural lives. After the death of both of them, the £10,000 to go to my niece Elizabeth Bradley.

To my negro woman Kitty £40 Jamaican currency. She shall reside at Seafield Penn or where else she may choose and that she shall not be bound to do any labour or servitude for any person whomsoever as long as she lives.

To a negro woman named Hardtime belonging to Orange Valley Estate in Trelawny, the property of Herbert Newton Jarrett, £100 currency.

To three mulatto girls named Jane and Kitty (daughters of a negro woman named Cumba) and Mary (daughter of a negro woman named Rose), all belonging to Orange Valley Estate £40 currency each.

I am the reputed father of the two following [groups of] mulatto people whose freedom I purchased 05/04/1808 viz John, Sally and Ned, the sons and daughter of a negro woman (sure dead) named Lucretia that did belong to Orange Valley Estate and Betty, Robin, Frederick, Archy, Mary, Ann and Fanny, the sons and daughters of Hardtime.

To Herbert Newton Jarrett, William Bradley, William Mitchell Kerr and William Reeves my pen, plantation or settlement called Seafield in Trelawny [with a list of enslaved people] upon trust for the use of John Earl, Ned Earl, Robin Earl, Frederick Earl, Archy Earl, Sally Earl, Betty Earl, Mary Earl, Ann Earl and Fanny Earl for their natural lives to receive the rents, issues and profits of the said premises. Immediately after their decease to the use of Mary Milburn and Sarah Milburn, children of the said Sally Earl and Jessy Stothart and Thomas Stothart, children of the said Betty Earl, and any children of the said John Earl, Ned Earl, Robin Earl, Fredrick Earl, Archy Earl, Sally Earl, Betty Earl, Mary Earl, Ann Earl and Fanny Earl as may be living at the time. Ie to their children that are born free.

Since I manumised the above 10 people of colour I am the reputed father of another mulatto child named Rosee, a daughter of Hardtime. I beg that my executors will use every means in their power to have my said reputed daughter and also her mother Hardtime purchased and manumised at the espense of my estate. If this can be effected then Rosee to have the same share in the profits of Seafield pen. If the freedom of the mother Hardtime can be obtained, as I have already left her a legacy of £100 she can go and reside with her sons and daughters at Seafield. If Rosee's freedom cannot be obtained then my executors to pay into the hands of the Orange Valley estate £300 currency, the interest to be paid to Rosee each year for life and the captial to then go to her children.

My reputed grandchildren Mary Milburn, Sarah Milburn, Jessy Stothart and Thomas Stothart cannot come into their inheritance of Seafield until the demise of all the said 10 people of colour. And as my 4 grandchildren are grown and growing up fast I give and bequeath to them £300 currency each.

To my executors and trustees Herbert Newton Jarrett, William Bradley, William Mitchell Kerr and William Reeves £50 currency each. I hereby aquaint them that I was born 11/06/1755 (old style) and I arrived on this island in February 1777 and it is my desire that if my death does not happen too far from Seafield penn that I be interred in the garden on that property.

All rest and residue to the before mentioned 10 people of colour and also to the mulatto girl named Rosee if her freedom can be obtained as tenants in common.

Signed 01/11/1820.

First codicil dated 28/05/1821?????????. The balance of my estate now worth £41,656 19s 8 pence three farthings. In addition to what I have given to my sister Ann Burnett, I give her £400 sterling. In addition to what I have given my negro woman Kitty I give her £20 more, making £60 currency altogether.

Second codicil dated 28/05/1821. By my will I have left my residuary estate to be equally divided among my 10 reputed children who are free. Instead I now give my residuary estate to by shared among the females only, viz. Sally Earl, Betty Earl, Mary Earl, Ann Earl and Fanny Earl, and also Rosey Earl.

Third codicil dated 25/06/1821. To my reputed daughters that are free namely Sally Earl, Betty Earl, Mary Earl, Ann Earl and Fanny Earl also Rosey Earl £100 Jamaican currency which sum I expext to be produced by the first years interest of bonds in my possession, the last years of my slaves on Kent estate qne my salary as attorney from 31st December last.

Sworn in Jamaica 15/07/1821.

Proved in London 16/08/1823.

Planter and attorney

Associated Estates (8)

The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:

  • SD - Association Start Date
  • SY - Association Start Year
  • EA - Earliest Known Association
  • ED - Association End Date
  • EY - Association End Year
  • LA - Latest Known Association
1817 [EA] - 1820 [LA] → Executor
1817 [EA] - 1820 [LA] → Attorney
1817 [EA] - 1820 [LA] → Attorney
1817 [EA] - 1820 [LA] → Executor
Judgement creditor

Edward Earl was deceased by 1834.

1817 [EA] - 1820 [LA] → Attorney
1817 [EA] - 1821 [EY] → Owner
1821 [EA] - 1834 [LA] → Previous owner

Relationships (13)

Other relatives
Notes →
Bradley was married to Earl's...
Father → Natural Son
Father → Natural Son
Father → Natural Son
Father → Natural Son
Father → Natural Son
Father → Natural Daughter
Father → Natural Daughter
Father → Natural Daughter
Father → Natural Daughter
Father → Natural Daughter
Father → Natural Daughter
Extra-marital relationships
Notes →
First child born before 1789 and the last in...