



Participation of Researchers at External Workshop on Disaster Resilience

13 December 2021

UNESCO Chair researchers Dr. Rohit Kumar Adhikari and Ms. Ahsana Parammal Vatteri are participating at a Partnership Development Workshop, from 13-16 December 2021, organised by University of Wolverhampton as part of a UKIERI-DST India project.


Theme of the workshop is urbanisation and resilience against natural and man-made disasters with a focus on developing a roadmap to build resilient cities in India.

Dr. Adhikari will participate on all four days of the workshop, to chair a session on 13th and deliver a talk on the topic ‘GLOSI (Global Library of School Infrastructure): Tools and guidelines for improving the disaster resilience of school infrastructure’ on 15th.

Ms. Vatteri will participate on the first two days and deliver a talk on ‘Application of Bayesian networks for assessment of disruption to school systems under combined flood and seismic hazards’ on Day 2.

The workshop is expected to provide networking opportunities with other researchers and practitioners not only from the UK but also beyond the boarder.

More Information & Schedule:Â