



EPICentre Journal Paper is in Editor's choice & among Top Downloaded Articles in ASCE Journals

7 September 2019

EPICentre Journal Paper is in Editor's choice and among the top downloaded articles in ASCE journals in the Construction Engineering sector.


EPICentre's Journal Paper titled “Seismic Retrofit Schemes with FRP for Deficient RC Beam-Column Joints: State-of-the-Art Review” has been among the Top Downloaded Articles in Construction Engineering sector of ASCE Journal. The state-of-the-Art Review is authored by EPICentre members Dr Daniel A. Pohoryles, Dr Jose Melo and Prof Tiziana Rossetto in collaboration with Prof Humberto Varum from Laboratory for Earthquake and Structural Engineering (CONSTRUCT-LESE), Dept. of Civil Engineering at University of Porto. This research was part of the Challenging RISK project funded by EPSRC ().

The paper aims to review and critically assess experimental research efforts on the seismic retrofit of existing reinforced concrete (RC) beam-column joints with fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) sheets of the past 20 years. A review of the literature revealed several promising features of FRP strengthening schemes. FRP retrofits can be used to address a number of different deficiencies in non-seismically designed RC members framing into beam-column joints.
Check out the article on .

Type of design deficiency analysed for tested specimens reported in the literature.
Check out the cyclic tests conducted on reinforced concrete beam-column joints by Epicentre's researchers.

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