

The Constitution Unit


Special adviser resources

Private Eye cartoon on SpAds.
During our research on special advisers, one heartfelt plea was for better induction and training materials. This cache of resource material aims to help meet that demand.

For more information about this resource, please contact Professor Robert Hazell.


Spad Handbook

Advice and practical tips from eight Spads, on how to make the most of the job, the opportunities and the Whitehall machine.

Understanding Whitehall

A short easy to read guide on how Whitehall works by Peter Waller, a former senior civil servant.

Spad videos

In a series of eight short videos, Spads and others from across the political spectrum share their collective wisdom on how to maximise your impact as a Spad, how to harness the Whitehall machine and how to survive in departments and at the centre of government.

YouTube Widget Placeholder

Additional resources

Codes of conduct and other useful guidance

Other resources

  • Special Advisers: Who they are, what they do and why they matter by Ben Yong and Robert Hazell (Hart, 2014)
  • '' by Nick Hillman (Institute for Government, March 2014)
  • , by Lucinda Maer and Ray McCaffrey (House of Commons Library Briefing 3813, March 2018)
  • , by Tim Durrant et al (Institute for Government, October 2020)
  • '', House of Commons Public Administration Select Committee, (Sixth Report of Session 2012–13)
  • '' by Zoe Gruhn, Felicity Slater (Institute for Government, October 2012)
  • 'Working with Ministers: A practical handbook on advising, briefing & drafting' (UK Government, November 2014)
  •  by John Hutton and Leigh Lewis (Biteback, 2014)
  • by Gavin Barwell (Atlantic, 2021)
  •  by Anthony King and Ivor Crewe (Oneworld, 2013)
  •  by Michael Barber (Politico's, 2007)