

Projet Volterra


Volterra I Colloquium III

Law and Empire AD193-455 (Volterra Colloquium) Institute of Classical Studies (Third Floor) Senate House, University of London Malet Street, London

26-27 March 2004

Friday, 26 March 2004

14.00: Introduction
14.15: Hartwin Brandt (Bamberg/Exeter): " 'All the King's Horses. . .': imperial legislation concerning the collatio equorum in late antiquity"
15.00: Caroline Humfress (Birkbeck College): "Cracking the Codex: late Roman legal practice in context"
15.45: Tea
16.15: Discussion
17.00: Magnus Ryan (The Warburg Institute): "The Mediaeval Justinian?"
18.00: Drinks in ICS common room

Saturday, 27 March 2004

from 10.30: Coffee (in Cafe Deco, on corner of Gower Street and Store Street); then remove into Senate House for:
11.00: Workshop on imperial texts with Simon Corcoran, Michael Crawford, and Benet Salway

The papers by Hartwin Brandt and Caroline Humfress, plus one by Simon Corcoran (based on his presentation in the workshop) on the new Heraclea Sintica letter of Galerius (AE 2002.1293), together with a general introduction to the Projet Volterra (also written by Simon Corcoran), appeared as a subsection within the 49 (2006) pp. 215-254 (published November 2007).
