



Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê-UCU: Executive Committee Elections 2022-23

14 June 2022

Candidates' statements for the contested post (secretary)

Please find belowÌýthe candidates' statements for the contested post of secretary.

The election will take place by all member electronic ballot, using the 'Choice Voting' platform, and started yesterday, 13 June at 17:00, closing on 27 June at 17:00 (14 days).

Yesterday an invitation email from the ‘Choice Voting’ platform was sent out at approximately 5 pm when the ballot opened (support@choicevoting.co.uk).

We remind members that the voting system allows you to change the vote you have saved right up until the end of voting.

If you do not receive an invitation email, or you have difficulty using the voting platform, please contact ucu@ucl.ac.uk.

Finally, a reminder of our Annual General Meeting which will be held on Wednesday 29 June from 13:00-14:00 (facilitated using Zoom conferencing).

Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê UCU Executive Committee




Candidates' statements for the contested post of secretary

Tony Brown

I was first elected as a Departmental UCU Representative in ISD, and then to the Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê UCU Executive Committee in June 2009, and have held branch officer positions, initially as President, and then as Secretary, since 2011.

In 2016 Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê management victimised me for my union activities in ISD. With the backing of the UCU I fought a long campaign for redress. We won an ET case against Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê in 2018. Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê appealed and lost at an EAT in December 2020. The EAT judgement set legal precedent, and strengthens the right of all trade unionists to engage in trade union activities in the workplace without fear of victimisation.

I have supported the local UCU branch through a period of transformative change in the sector, and have worked hard to ensure that the growth of our branch membership in the run-up to the 2018 USS strikes translated into stronger local union organisation.

More recently I’ve helped us respond to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, adopting the use of on-line meetings to support participation in our activities and decision making. I’ve worked with local reps and activists to pioneer novel approaches to ‘Get The Vote Out’, and effective and safe strike organisation.

I’m seeking re-election so that I can continue to support our branch activities for the coming year.


Saladin Meckled-Garcia (he/him; they/them)

I am standing for Branch Secretary because I believe we need urgently to improve support for members and engagement with our branch membership. As Branch Secretary I will work towards:

  • dedicated meetings to fully discuss significant issues affecting the branch, rather than rushing to a vote on several motions after a very brief debate.
  • innovative ways to get feedback from and engage the wider membership directly, such as polls and surveys on the action we should take
  • more focus and resources for building member networks (such as the growing Departmental Reps. Network, the Teaching staff Network, Researchers Network, and Academic Related staff forum)
  • an end to the practice of circulating Branch Meeting Agendas and motions at the last minute (sometimes less than 24 hours in advance), which excludes so many from participating.
  • having a full-time, full-contract, branch administrator with trade union rights (rather than someone on a Temp contract and no TU rights as we presently have), as essential for fully and quickly supporting members.
  • improving case-work management in supporting members and proposing a dedicated case-work officer that regularly reports back on progress and needs.

I also support theseÌýÌýfor making our branch more effective.

I have previously been Branch President, Vice President, and Communications Officer, and an active voice for staff on Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê governance bodies.

To respond to the current hostile HE environment, we need a step change in how we engage members, listen to them, act on their views, and support them.