



UCU Election Debate: How can UCU win on pay and pensions?

15 January 2019

UCU Election Debate - Candidates for Vice President of the Union: 1-2pm, Thu 17 Jan, G12 1-19 Torrington Place

Election Debate

We have organised a debate about the future of UCU for Thursday 17 January. Two of the candidates for UCU Vice President, Jo McNeill (Liverpool) and Vicky Blake (Leeds) [1], will set out their aims for UCU and answer questions from members: 

UCU Election Debate: How can UCU win on pay and pensions
Thursday 17 January, 1-2pm, .

These elections are important. After the General Secretary, the Vice President is the most important, and influential, elected role in the UCU.

  • The Vice President (VP) is elected annually, in alternating years from FE and HE, but always by the whole membership. Once elected, the VP serves four years: the first as VP, the second as President-Elect, the third as President, and fourth as Immediate Past President. They are heavily-involved in decision making and are members of the pay negotiating teams for their sector. [2]

Please join in this important debate. You can download a publicity poster here.  Links to candidate biographies are above right.

We will also be distributing Get The Vote Out materials for the pay ballot at this event.

PS. In order to expedite discussion, we’ll be collecting written questions in advance and at the event. If you have a question you would like to put to either / both candidates please send it to us at ucu@ucl.ac.uk (you can ask to be anonymous).

[1] A third candidate, Adam Ozanne (Manchester), was invited but is unable to attend due to work commitments.

[2] Rachel Cohen, , @USSBriefs 23