



2024 Publications

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The 2023 UN high-level meeting on tuberculosis: Renewing hope, momentum, and commitment to end tuberculosis. (2024) Millington, K. A., White, R. G., Lipman, M., McQuaid, C. F., Hauser, J., Wooding, V., Potter, J., Abubakar, I., and Wingfield, T. Lancet Respir Med 12, 10-13: .

Acetic acid enables molecular enumeration of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from sputum and eliminates the need for a Biosafety Level 3 laboratory.Ìý(2024) Palekyte, A., Morkowska, A., Billington, O., Morris-Jones, S., Millard, J., Marakalala, M. J., Owolabi, O., Sambou, B., Zumla, A., Sutherland, J. S., McHugh, T. D., and Honeyborne, I. Clin Chem 70, 642-652:Ìý.

BacPROTACs targeting Clp protease: a promising strategy for anti-mycobacterial drug discovery. (2024) Bonjorno, A. F., Pavan, A. R., Fernandes, G. F. S., Scarim, C. B., Castagnolo, D., and Dos Santos, J. L. Front Chem 12, 1358539: .

Bioarchaeological investigation of individuals with suspected multibacillary leprosy from the mediaeval leprosarium of St Mary Magdalen, Winchester, Hampshire, UK. (2024) Taylor, G. M., White-Iribhogbe, K., Cole, G., Ashby, D., Stewart, G. R., and Dawson-Hobbis, H. J Med Microbiol 73 .

Blazing the trail for innovative tuberculosis diagnostics. (2024) Yerlikaya, S., Broger, T., Isaacs, C., Bell, D., Holtgrewe, L., Gupta-Wright, A., Nahid, P., Cattamanchi, A., and Denkinger, C. M. Infection 52, 29-42: .

Blood RNA biomarkers for tuberculosis screening in people living with HIV before antiretroviral therapy initiation: a diagnostic accuracy study.Ìý(2024) Mann, T., Gupta, R. K., Reeve, B. W. P., Ndlangalavu, G., Chandran, A., Krishna, A. P., Calderwood, C. J., Tshivhula, H., Palmer, Z., Naidoo, S., Mbu, D. L., Theron, G., and Noursadeghi, M. Lancet Glob Health 12, e783-e792:Ìý.

Characteristics and phenotypes of a COPD cohort from referral hospital clinics in Uganda.Ìý(2024) Alupo, P., Mugenyi, L., Katagira, W., Kayongo, A., Nalunjogi, J., Siddharthan, T., Hurst, J. R., Kirenga, B., and Jones, R. BMJ Open Respir Res 11Ìý.

Classification of early tuberculosis states to guide research for improved care and prevention: an international Delphi consensus exercise.Ìý(2024) Coussens, A. K., Zaidi, S. M. A., Allwood, B. W., Dewan, P. K., Gray, G., Kohli, M., Kredo, T., Marais, B. J., Marks, G. B., Martinez, L., Ruhwald, M., Scriba, T. J., Seddon, J. A., Tisile, P., Warner, D. F., Wilkinson, R. J., Esmail, H., Houben, R., and International Consensus for Early, T. B. g. Lancet Respir MedÌý.

Clinical outcomes in children living with HIV treated for non-severe tuberculosis in the SHINE Trial.Ìý(2024) Chabala, C., Wobudeya, E., van der Zalm, M. M., Kapasa, M., Raichur, P., Mboizi, R., Palmer, M., Kinikar, A., Hissar, S., Mulenga, V., Mave, V., Musoke, P., Hesseling, A. C., McIlleron, H., Gibb, D., Crook, A., Turkova, A., and team, S. t. Clin Infect DisÌý.

Community views on active case finding for tuberculosis in low- and middle-income countries: a qualitative evidence synthesis.Ìý(2024) Taylor, M., Medley, N., van Wyk, S. S., and Oliver, S. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 3, CD014756:Ìý.

Detection of a historic reservoir of bedaquiline/clofazimine resistance-associated variants in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. (2024) Nimmo, C., Ortiz, A. T., Tan, C. C. S., Pang, J., Acman, M., Millard, J., Padayatchi, N., Grant, A. D., O'Donnell, M., Pym, A., Brynildsrud, O. B., Eldholm, V., Grandjean, L., Didelot, X., Balloux, F., and van Dorp, L. Genome Med 16, 34: .

Diagnosis and management of tuberculosis infection in inclusion health populations in London. (2024) Gray, A., Surey, J., Veitch, M., Menezes, D., Gibbons, J., Leonard, M., Sultan, B., Esmail, H., and Story, A. BMC Infect Dis 24, 252: .

Diagnostic accuracy of a three-gene Mycobacterium tuberculosis host response cartridge using fingerstick blood for childhood tuberculosis: A multicentre prospective study in low-income and middle-income countries. (2024) Olbrich, L., Verghese, V. P., Franckling-Smith, Z., Sabi, I., Ntinginya, N. E., Mfinanga, A., Banze, D., Viegas, S., Khosa, C., Semphere, R., Nliwasa, M., McHugh, T. D., Larsson, L., Razid, A., Song, R., Corbett, E. L., Nabeta, P., Trollip, A., Graham, S. M., Hoelscher, M., Geldmacher, C., Zar, H. J., Michael, J. S., Heinrich, N., and RaPaed, T. B. c. Lancet Infect Dis 24, 140-149: .

Editorial: The evolution in pharmacology of infectious diseases: 2022.Ìý(2024) Porta, E. O. J., Saffaei, A., and Kalesh, K. Front Pharmacol 15, 1386077:Ìý.

The effect of HIV on the association of hyperglycaemia and active tuberculosis in Zambia, a case-control study.Ìý(2024) Bailey, S. L., Floyd, S., Cheeba-Lengwe, M., Maluzi, K., Chiwele-Kangololo, K., Kaluba-Milimo, D., Amofa-Sekyi, M., Yudkin, J. S., Godfrey-Faussett, P., and Ayles, H. J Epidemiol Glob HealthÌý.

Evaluation of serological assays for the diagnosis of childhood tuberculosis disease: a study protocol.Ìý(2024) Neudecker, D., Fritisch, N., Sutter, T., Lu, L., Lu, P., Tebruegge, M., Santiago-Garcia, B., and Ritz, N. BMC Infect Dis 24, 481:Ìý.

Evaluation of the Xpert MTB Host Response assay for the triage of patients with presumed pulmonary tuberculosis: A prospective diagnostic accuracy study in Viet Nam, India, the Philippines, Uganda, and South Africa. (2024) Gupta-Wright, A., Ha, H., Abdulgadar, S., Crowder, R., Emmanuel, J., Mukwatamundu, J., Marcelo, D., Phillips, P. P. J., Christopher, D. J., Nhung, N. V., Theron, G., Yu, C., Nahid, P., Cattamanchi, A., Worodria, W., Denkinger, C. M., and Network, R. D. T. Lancet Glob Health 12, e226-e234: .

A flexible multi-metric Bayesian framework for decision-making in Phase II multi-arm multi-stage studies. (2024) Dufault, S. M., Crook, A. M., Rolfe, K., and Phillips, P. P. J. Stat Med 43, 501-513: .

A Global Tuberculosis Dictionary: unified terms and definitions for the field of tuberculosis.Ìý(2024) Garcia-Basteiro, A. L., Ehrlich, J., Bonnet, M., Calnan, M., Graham, S. M., Hermans, S., Jarrett, A., Lewa, R., Mandalakas, A., Martinez, L., Migliori, G. B., Ong, C. W. M., Otero, L., Rangaka, M. X., Raviglione, M. C. B., Seaworth, B., Ssengooba, W., Theron, G., Trajman, A., and Behr, M. A. Lancet Glob Health 12, e737-e739:Ìý.

Health and illness beliefs in adults with tuberculosis infection during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK.Ìý(2024) Kilic, A., Clarke, A. L., Moon, Z., Hamada, Y., Chan, A. H. Y., Rahman, A., Layton, C., Griffiths, C. J., Zenner, D., Powell, E., Kunst, H., Lipman, M., Mandelbaum, M., Papineni, P., Tattersall, T., Duong, T., Abubakar, I., Rangaka, M. X., and Horne, R. Dialogues Health 4, 100162:Ìý.

Healthcare provisions associated with multiple HIV-related outcomes among adolescent girls and young women living with HIV in South Africa: a cross-sectional study. (2024) Toska, E., Zhou, S., Laurenzi, C. A., Saal, W., Rudgard, W., Wittesaele, C., Langwenya, N., Jochim, J., Banougnin, B. H., Gulaid, L., Armstrong, A., Sherman, G., Edun, O., Sherr, L., and Cluver, L. J Int AIDS Soc 27, e26212: .

Heteroresistance in tuberculosis: are we missing drug-resistant bacteria hiding in plain sight? (2024) Park, M., Satta, G., and Haldar, P. ThoraxÌý.

HIV, multimorbidity, and health-related quality of life in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: A population-based study. (2024) Stanton, A. M., Boyd, R. L., O'Cleirigh, C., Olivier, S., Dolotina, B., Gunda, R., Koole, O., Gareta, D., Modise, T. H., Reynolds, Z., Khoza, T., Herbst, K., Ndung'u, T., Hanekom, W. A., Wong, E. B., Pillay, D., Siedner, M. J., and Vukuzazi Study, T. PLoS One 19, e0293963: .

Identification and molecular characterization of Mycobacterium bovis DNA in GeneXpert(R) MTB/RIF ultra-positive, culture-negative sputum from a rural community in South Africa.Ìý(2024) Goosen, W. J., Moodley, S., Ghielmetti, G., Moosa, Y., Zulu, T., Smit, T., Vukuzazi, T., Kleynhans, L., Kerr, T. J., Streicher, E. M., Hanekom, W. A., Warren, R. M., Wong, E. B., and Miller, M. A. One Health 18, 100702:Ìý.

Identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis transcriptional repressor EthR inhibitors: Shape-based search and machine learning studies.Ìý(2024) Chikhale, R. V., Eldesoky, G. E., Kolpe, M. S., Suryawanshi, V. S., Patil, P. C., and Bhowmick, S. Heliyon 10, e26802:Ìý.

Identification of novel hit molecules targeting M. tuberculosis polyketide synthase 13 by combining generative AI and physics-based methods.Ìý(2024) Chikhale, R. V., Choudhary, R., Malhotra, J., Eldesoky, G. E., Mangal, P., and Patil, P. C. Comput Biol Med 176, 108573:Ìý.

Integrated plasma proteomics identifies tuberculosis-specific diagnostic biomarkers.Ìý(2024) Schiff, H. F., Walker, N. F., Ugarte-Gil, C., Tebruegge, M., Manousopoulou, A., Garbis, S. D., Mansour, S., Wong, P. H. M., Rockett, G., Piazza, P., Niranjan, M., Vallejo, A. F., Woelk, C. H., Wilkinson, R. J., Tezera, L. B., Garay-Baquero, D., and Elkington, P. JCI Insight 9Ìý.

Integrating molecular microbial methods to improve faecal pollution management in rivers with designated bathing waters. (2024) Karunakaran, E., Battarbee, R., Tait, S., Brentan, B. M., Berney, C., Grinham, J., Herrero, M. A., Omolo, R., and Douterelo, I. Sci Total Environ 912, 168565: .

Isoniazid preventive therapy completion between July-September 2019: A comparison across HIV differentiated service delivery models in Uganda. (2024) Mugenyi, L., Namuwenge, P. M., Ouma, S., Bakashaba, B., Nanfuka, M., Zech, J., Agaba, C., Mijumbi Ojok, A., Kaliba, F., Bossa Kato, J., Opito, R., Miya, Y., Katureebe, C., and Hirsch-Moverman, Y. PLoS One 19, e0296239: .

Liposome-siderophore conjugates loaded with moxifloxacin serve as a model for drug delivery against Mycobacterium tuberculosis.Ìý(2024) Maringolo Ribeiro, C., Augusto Roque-Borda, C., Carolina Franzini, M., Fernanda Manieri, K., Manaia Demarqui, F., Leite Campos, D., Temperani Amaral Machado, R., Cristiane da Silva, I., Tavares Luiz, M., Delello Di Filippo, L., Bento da Silva, P., Cristina Oliveira da Rocha, M., Nair Bao, S., Masci, D., Fernandes, G. F. S., Castagnolo, D., Chorilli, M., and Rogerio Pavan, F. Int J Pharm 655, 124050:Ìý.

Localised erythema nodosum leprosum-A rare entity managed with thalidomide.Ìý(2024) Patel, C., De Barros, B., and Walker, S. L. Skin Health Dis 4, e339:Ìý.

Machine learning assisted methods for the identification of low toxicity inhibitors of Enoyl-Acyl Carrier Protein Reductase (InhA).Ìý(2024) Chikhale, R. V., Abdelghani, H. T. M., Deka, H., Pawar, A. D., Patil, P. C., and Bhowmick, S. Comput Biol Chem 110, 108034:Ìý.

Mathematical models of drug-resistant tuberculosis lack bacterial heterogeneity: A systematic review.Ìý(2024) Fuller, N. M., McQuaid, C. F., Harker, M. J., Weerasuriya, C. K., McHugh, T. D., and Knight, G. M. PLoS Pathog 20, e1011574:Ìý.

Multi-ancestry meta-analysis of host genetic susceptibility to tuberculosis identifies shared genetic architecture. (2024) Schurz, H., Naranbhai, V., Yates, T. A., Gilchrist, J. J., Parks, T., Dodd, P. J., Moller, M., Hoal, E. G., Morris, A. P., Hill, A. V. S., and International Tuberculosis Host Genetics, C. Elife 13 .

Mycobacterial FtsEX-RipC interaction is required for normal growth and cell morphology in rifampicin and low ionic strength conditions. (2024) Samuels, V., Mulelu, A. E., Ndlovu, H., and Marakalala, M. J. Microbiol Spectr, e0251523: .

Non-tuberculous mycobacterial pulmonary disease (NTM-PD): Epidemiology, diagnosis and multidisciplinary management. (2024) Kumar, K., Ponnuswamy, A., Capstick, T. G., Chen, C., McCabe, D., Hurst, R., Morrison, L., Moore, F., Gallardo, M., Keane, J., Harwood, S., Sinnett, T., Bryant, S., Breen, R., Kon, O. M., Lipman, M., Loebinger, M. R., and Dhasmana, D. J. Clin Med (Lond) 24, 100017: .

A novel regulatory interplay between atypical B12 riboswitches and uORF translation in Mycobacterium tuberculosis.Ìý(2024) Kipkorir, T., Polgar, P., Barker, D., D'Halluin, A., Patel, Z., and Arnvig, K. B. Nucleic Acids ResÌý.

Perspectives on development and advancement of new tuberculosis vaccines.Ìý(2024) da Costa, C., Benn, C. S., Nyirenda, T., Mpabalwani, E., Grewal, H. M. S., Ahmed, R., Kapata, N., Nyasulu, P. S., Maeurer, M., Hui, D. S., Goletti, D., and Zumla, A. Int J Infect Dis 141S, 106987:Ìý.

Phenotype versus genotype discordant rifampicin susceptibility testing in tuberculosis: Implications for a diagnostic accuracy. (2024) Qadir, M., Faryal, R., Khan, M. T., Khan, S. A., Zhang, S., Li, W., Wei, D. Q., Tahseen, S., and McHugh, T. D. Microbiol Spectr 12, e0163123: .

Point-of-care C-reactive protein and Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra for tuberculosis screening and diagnosis in unselected antiretroviral therapy initiators: a prospective, cross-sectional, diagnostic accuracy study.Ìý(2024) Reeve, B. W. P., Ndlangalavu, G., Mishra, H., Palmer, Z., Tshivhula, H., Rockman, L., Naidoo, S., Mbu, D. L., Naidoo, C. C., Derendinger, B., Walzl, G., Malherbe, S. T., van Helden, P. D., Semitala, F. C., Yoon, C., Gupta, R. K., Noursadeghi, M., Warren, R. M., and Theron, G. Lancet Glob Health 12, e793-e803:Ìý.

Prevalence of subclinical pulmonary tuberculosis in adults in community settings: an individual participant data meta-analysis.Ìý(2024) Stuck, L., Klinkenberg, E., Abdelgadir Ali, N., Basheir Abukaraig, E. A., Adusi-Poku, Y., Alebachew Wagaw, Z., Fatima, R., Kapata, N., Kapata-Chanda, P., Kirenga, B., Maama-Maime, L. B., Mfinanga, S. G., Moyo, S., Mvusi, L., Nandjebo, N., Nguyen, H. V., Nguyen, H. B., Obasanya, J., Adedapo Olufemi, B., Patrobas Dashi, P., Raleting Letsie, T. J., Ruswa, N., Rutebemberwa, E., Senkoro, M., Sivanna, T., Yuda, H. C., Law, I., Onozaki, I., Tiemersma, E., Cobelens, F., and sc, T. B. M. I. G. Lancet Infect DisÌý.

Protective role of Bacillus Calmette-Guerin vaccine in Alzheimer's disease progression: A systematic review and meta-analysis.Ìý(2024) Umar, T. P., Jain, N., Stevanny, B., Javed, B., Priandhana, A., Siburian, R., and Kostiks, A. Heliyon 10, e27425:Ìý.

Quantifying non-adherence to anti-tuberculosis treatment due to early discontinuation: a systematic literature review of timings to loss to follow-up. (2024) Walker, E. F., Flook, M., Rodger, A. J., Fielding, K. L., and Stagg, H. R. BMJ Open Respir Res 11.

Radiographic characteristics of rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis in the STREAM stage 1 trial and their influence on time to culture conversion in the short regimen. (2024) Chiang, C. Y., Bern, H., Goodall, R., Chien, S. T., Rusen, I. D., Nunn, A., and Collaborators, S. S.-s. BMC Infect Dis 24, 144: .

Screening for latent tuberculosis in migrants-status quo and future challenges.Ìý(2024) Petersen, E., Al-Abri, S., Al-Jardani, A., Memish, Z. A., Aklillu, E., Ntoumi, F., Mwaba, P., Wejse, C., Zumla, A., and Al-Yaquobi, F. Int J Infect Dis 141S, 107002:Ìý.

Screening for tuberculosis infection and effectiveness of preventive treatment among people with HIV in low-incidence settings. (2024) van Geuns, D., Arts, R. J. W., de Vries, G., Wit, F., Degtyareva, S. Y., Brown, J., Pareek, M., Lipman, M., and van Crevel, R. AIDS 38, 193-205: .

Short oral regimens for pulmonary rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis (TB-PRACTECAL): an open-label, randomised, controlled, phase 2B-3, multi-arm, multicentre, non-inferiority trial. (2024) Nyang'wa, B. T., Berry, C., Kazounis, E., Motta, I., Parpieva, N., Tigay, Z., Moodliar, R., Dodd, M., Solodovnikova, V., Liverko, I., Rajaram, S., Rassool, M., McHugh, T., Spigelman, M., Moore, D. A., Ritmeijer, K., du Cros, P., Fielding, K., and team, T.-P. Lancet Respir Med 12, 117-128: .

Synergistic combination of antimicrobial peptide and isoniazid as inhalable dry powder formulation against multi-drug resistant tuberculosis.Ìý(2024) Shao, Z., Tam, K. K., Achalla, V. P. K., Woon, E. C. Y., Mason, A. J., Chow, S. F., Yam, W. C., and Lam, J. K. W. Int J Pharm 654, 123960:Ìý.

Tobacco smoking clusters in households affected by tuberculosis in an individual participant data meta-analysis of national tuberculosis prevalence surveys: Time for household-wide interventions?Ìý(2024) Hamada, Y., Quartagno, M., Law, I., Malik, F., Bonsu, F. A., Adetifa, I. M. O., Adusi-Poku, Y., D'Alessandro, U., Bashorun, A. O., Begum, V., Lolong, D. B., Boldoo, T., Dlamini, T., Donkor, S., Dwihardiani, B., Egwaga, S., Farid, M. N., Garfin, A., Gaviola, D. M. G., Husain, M. M., Ismail, F., Kaggwa, M., Kamara, D. V., Kasozi, S., Kaswaswa, K., Kirenga, B., Klinkenberg, E., Kondo, Z., Lawanson, A., Macheque, D., Manhica, I., Maama-Maime, L. B., Mfinanga, S., Moyo, S., Mpunga, J., Mthiyane, T., Mustikawati, D. E., Mvusi, L., Nguyen, H. B., Nguyen, H. V., Pangaribuan, L., Patrobas, P., Rahman, M., Rahman, M., Rahman, M. S., Raleting, T., Riono, P., Ruswa, N., Rutebemberwa, E., Rwabinumi, M. F., Senkoro, M., Sharif, A. R., Sikhondze, W., Sismanidis, C., Sovd, T., Stavia, T., Sultana, S., Suriani, O., Thomas, A. M., Tobing, K., Van der Walt, M., Walusimbi, S., Zaman, M. M., Floyd, K., Copas, A., Abubakar, I., and Rangaka, M. X. PLOS Glob Public Health 4, e0002596:Ìý.

Tuberculosis disease in immunocompromised children and adolescents: a pTBnet multi-centre case-control study.Ìý(2024) Rodriguez-Molino, P., Tebruegge, M., Noguera-Julian, A., Neth, O., Fidler, K., Brinkmann, F., Sainz, T., Ivaskeviciene, I., Ritz, N., Brito, M. J., Milheiro Silva, T., Chechenieva, V., Serdiuk, M., Lancella, L., Russo, C., Soler-Garcia, A., Navarro, M. L., Krueger, R., Feiterna-Sperling, C., Starshinova, A., Hiteva, A., Hoffmann, A., Kalibatas, P., Lo Vecchio, A., Scarano, S. M., Bustillo, M., Blazquez Gamero, D., Espiau, M., Buonsenso, D., Falcon, L., Turnbull, L., Colino, E., Rueda, S., Buxbaum, C., Carazo, B., Alvarez, C., Dapena, M., Piqueras, A., Velizarova, S., Ozere, I., Gotzinger, F., Pareja, M., Garrote Llanos, M. I., Soto, B., Rodriguez Martin, S., Korta, J. J., Perez-Gorricho, B., Herranz, M., Hernandez-Bartolome, A., Diaz-Almiron, M., Kohns Vasconcelos, M., Ferreras-Antolin, L., and Santiago-Garcia, B. Clin Infect DisÌý.

Tuberculosis treatment monitoring tests during routine practice: study design guidance. (2024) MacLean, E. L., Zimmer, A. J., den Boon, S., Gupta-Wright, A., Cirillo, D. M., Cobelens, F., Gillespie, S. H., Nahid, P., Phillips, P. P., Ruhwald, M., and Denkinger, C. M. Clin Microbiol Infect .

Tuberculosis-associated hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis: diagnostic challenges and determinants of outcome.Ìý(2024) Kurver, L., Seers, T., van Dorp, S., van Crevel, R., Pollara, G., and van Laarhoven, A. Open Forum Infect Dis 11, ofad697:Ìý.

T-wave morphology abnormalities in the STREAM stage 1 trial.Ìý(2024) Hughes, G., Young, W. J., Bern, H., Crook, A., Lambiase, P. D., Goodall, R. L., Nunn, A. J., and Meredith, S. K. Expert Opin Drug Saf 23, 469-476:Ìý.

Understanding the potential role of whole genome sequencing (WGS) in managing patients with gonorrhoea: A systematic review of WGS use on human pathogens in individual patient care.Ìý(2024) Osman, R., Dema, E., David, A., Hughes, G., Field, N., Cole, M., Didelot, X., and Saunders, J. J Infect 88, 106168:Ìý.

Variability in plasma rifampicin concentrations and role of SLCO1B1, ABCB1, AADAC2 and CES2 genotypes in Ethiopian patients with tuberculosis. (2024) Sileshi, T., Makonnen, E., Telele, N. F., Barclay, V., Zumla, A., and Aklillu, E. Infect Dis (Lond), 1-12: .

What is next for BCG revaccination to prevent tuberculosis? (2024) White, R. G., Fiore-Gartland, A. J., Hanekom, W. A., Vekemans, J., Garcia-Basteiro, A. L., Churchyard, G., Rangaka, M. X., Frick, M., Behr, M. A., Hill, P. C., and Mave, V. Lancet Respir Med .

World Tuberculosis Day 2024 theme "Yes! We can end TB" can be made a reality through concerted global efforts that advance detection, diagnosis, and treatment of tuberculosis infection and disease.Ìý(2024) Goletti, D., Al-Abri, S., Migliori, G. B., Arlehamn, C. L., Haldar, P., Sundling, C., da Costa, C., To, K. W., Martineau, A. R., Petersen, E., Zumla, A., and Shan Lee, S. Int J Infect Dis 141S, 106993:Ìý.

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