

Sustainable Development Goals


Sentinels of Wheat: Providing an accurate picture of Chinese wheat production

An award-winning UK-China partnership is improving crop monitoring across the North China Plain to increase productivity and develop sustainable agriculture.

SDG Case study G2.1 sent of wheat

8 October 2020

Experts at ϲareworkingin partnership withcolleaguesat theChinese Academy of Agricultural SciencesCAASand China Agricultural Universityto improvethe efficiency ofwheat production acrossnorthern China.

China is the world’s largest singleproducer ofwheatand,with a population ofmore than1.2 billion, it is alsoone of thelargestconsumers. As the world’s– and China’s –population grows, more intensive agriculture methods are needed to ensure food security for all.

“Accuratedigitalmonitoring of agricultural productivity is essential for both global food security and the livelihoods of low-income rural regions, butuntil now,monitoring methodshaven’t met thechallenge,” saysProfessorPhilip Lewis(ϲ Geography), theUK project lead for Sentinels of Wheat.

Previously researchers used either field surveys and mathematical models or satellite imagery to monitor crops, butneither provided measurements in real-time, and accuracy was hampered by weather conditions and changing satellite orbits.

Sentinels of Wheatiscombiningremote sensing and ground-sourced datasets usingmore advanced remote sensing technologies, new satellites and advanceddata-assimilation techniques. This is enabling the team to providemore detailed andaccurateinformationoncrop growth and yields.

In 2019, the project,funded bythe UK government’s Newton Fund,won the Newton Prize for the best research or innovation that promotes economic development and social welfarein its collaborating country.

As well as providing better crop yield predictions, the team, led in China byCAAS,is training a cadre of scientists to use the software.They are also applying state-of-the-art techniquesinother countries,including Ghanaand the UK.

Datafrom theproject is feedingdirectly into agricultural production planning in China.The information also provides data on growth trends and yields that helps local authorities in decision-making on wheat harvesting, transportation andstorage.

“We’re alsoproviding more accurate analytics of crop development and how crops are responding to stresses, such as climate change, to inform more sustainable management practices,”Professor Lewis says.

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