

Sustainable Development Goals


Reducing the burden of diabetes-related sight loss on India’s economy

A UK–India collaboration is changing the way patients are screened for diabetes-related sight loss and helping to reduce the burden of blindness in India.

SDG Case study G8.5 Ornate

8 October 2020

More than70 million people in Indiahavediabetes.A common complicationofthe diseaseis sight-threatening diabetic retinopathy (STDR), which isthemaincause of blindness in working-agepeople in India.

Nearly 80% of adultswithdiabetes reside in LMIC where primary care infrastructureis in its infancy, fuelling the global challenge ofmanagingdiabetes and its complications.

“Complications of diabetesneed to beidentifiedand treatedearlyto reduce the impact of blindness on quality of life andthe nation’s economy,”says Sobha Sivaprasad, Professor of Retinal Clinical Studies (ϲ Institute of Ophthalmology)and Consultant Ophthalmologist at Moorfields Eye Hospital, London.

Professor Sivaprasad is leading a programme of researchcalledORNATE India, funded through UKRI’s Global Challenges Research Fund,tobuild research capacity and capability in India and the UK to tackletheglobal burden of diabetes-related visual impairment.

The multidisciplinary team in the UK and Indiaisdeveloping a range ofstrategies and methodscouldchange the face of diabetes-related healthcare inIndia.

“Complications of diabetesneed to beidentified and treatedearlyto reduce the impact of blindness on quality of life and the nation’s economy.”

“We’veset out ambitious planstoestablish new care pathways,develop affordable technologies,reduce variationsin the quality of careand analyse the economic impact of various interventions,” Professor Sivaprasadexplains

“We are testing a noveldiabetic retinopathyscreening programme in a district in KeralaStateand are developingnewholistic screening for diabetes and its complications in 20 areas inIndia.”

The technologycombinesahand-held camera with smartphone technology and automated grading,whichhelpsreducecosts and makesscreening accessible to individuals who are unable to travel to large well-equipped centres.

“We are alsodevelopingablood testthat patients can administer themselves to identifymarkers ofSTDR and other complications of diabetes. Thistechnologyhas the potential to revolutionise the way people with diabetesare treatedglobally,”she adds.

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