

Sustainable Development Goals


Providing art workshops for schoolchildren in Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya

A ϲ artist has set up a programme of practical art workshops for schoolchildren in a Kenyan refugee camp – and is continuing to run it using mobile phones throughout the global pandemic.

SDG Case study G4.5 Milroy photo

7 October 2020

In April 2019, Professor Lisa Milroy led a three-day workshop for 35 students from Angelina Jolie Primary School, Morneau Shepell Secondary School for Girls and Our Lady’s Girl Secondary School in Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya. The students worked together to create “Group Portrait”, a marvelous collaborative painting.

Kakuma Refugee Camp, located in north-west Kenya, is home tomore than190,000 refugeesof21differentnationalities. There are over 108,000 children living in the camp, including more than 90,000 primary and secondary school-aged children. There are 26 primary schools and seven secondary schools in Kakuma Refugee Camp.

Since2015, Professor Lisa Milroy(ϲ SladeSchoolof Fine Art)has been delivering‘HandsOnArtWorkshops’forschoolchildrenthough interactive video conference.

“Theworkshopsare designedtoopen up andfacilitatedialogue and creative exchange between artists and students in Kakuma Refugee Camp,”Professor Milroyexplains. “Students are encouraged to develop their imaginative thinking and creative skills through the workshops, engaging withdrawing, painting, performance, object-making, writing and aspects of functional design.”

The closure of schools in Kakuma Refugee Camp during the Covid-19 pandemic brought Professor Milroy’s art workshop sessionsusingvideo conferencingto a halt. However,liaising withcolleaguesin KakumaRefugee Camp,shewas able to connect with some of the students and deliver the workshops using mobile phones.

“The practical artworkshopsare designed toopen up andfacilitate dialogue and creative exchange between artists and students in Kakuma Refugee Camp.”

During this time,Professor Milroyhas been sendingartworkshop guidelines toMadamSabella Muthoni, Headmistress at Angelina Jolie Primary School,usingWhatsApp, which MadamMuthoni thenrelaysto students through mobile phone messaging. MadamMuthonisendsphotos ofthe students’artwork back toProfessor Milroyfor feedback and support.

Working with JoyMaraka, Education Assistant UNHCR Kakuma, they alsoused mobile phones toorganise a submission of artwork from six students and a professional artist inthecamp to the UNHCR'sglobal ‘Youth with Refugees’Art Contest.

Each year, Professor Milroy travels tothecamp tomeetwithstudents, teachers and artists,working with UNHCR Kakuma.Due to COVID-19, herplannedmissionvisitin April 2020, supported bya grant from the ϲ Global Engagement Fund, was postponed until 2021.

She also recently raisedfundsgenerated through her professional practicefor a second HandsOnArt Workshops Scholarship, the first of which sheset up in 2019. The scholarship will cover the full cost of four years of secondary school tuition for a‘Hands On’student.

A selection of drawings from studentsfrom Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya from Hands on Art workshop, delivered through mobile phone exchange April - May 2020

Related links

> Global Engagement Fund