

香港六合彩 School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES)



Solanus was a long-running international journal for the study of the printed and written word in Russia and East-Central Europe.

After a four-year hiatus, publication resumed in 2011 with volume 22, which was more than double the length of its immediate predecessor and comprised scholarly discussions of a wide range of topics within its area of focus.

Unfortunately few articles were submitted for volume 23, and the Editorial Board, after considerable discussion, reluctantly concluded that volume 23 would be the last to appear.听

Back copies of the series from volume 1 (1987) through to volume 23 (2013) can be purchased (subject to availability) using the order form below.

Volumes & Contents

Volume 23 (2013)


Christine Thomas, How Solanus Became an International Journal听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听 page

Tatjana Lorkovic, The Past as Prologue: Building Yale University Library鈥檚 Slavic and East European Collection from the Beginning of the Twentieth Century until Today. Part Two: the Sputnik era听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听 听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听

Andrei Voznesenskii, The Old Believers as Printers: Questions for Research (translated from Russian by Gregory Walker)听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听

Aleksandra Guseva, [Curriculum vitae and bibliography of her publications to commemorate the award of the Makariev Prize in 2012]听听听听听听听听听

Mark Kulikowski, The Unfinished Journey: the Bibliography of Russian 脡migr茅 Publications since 1917听听听听听听听听听听听听听听 听听听听听听听听听听听

Ekaterina Rogatchevskaia, The Russian Collections at the British Museum Library and the British Museum Staff: Materials of the British Library Corporate Archives, 1840s-1920s听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听 听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听

Ian Christie-Miller, Treatise on the Sacraments, 1657: Two Copies Compared; the Paper and a Rembrandt 听听听听听听听听听 听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听

Helen Bach, The Catherine Cooke Collection at Cambridge University Library听听听听听听

Henryk Hollender, What is Cultural about a Union Catalogue? Reflections on Ten Years of NUKAT in Poland听听 听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听

Anna Vlasova, 18th Century Russian Publications in the Marit and Hans Rausing Russian Collections of the London Library听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听

Karolina Ziolo-Puzuk, The Polish Underground Publishing Movement, 1976-1989

Dilyana Radoslavova, The Repertoire of Bulgarian Manuscripts from the 17th Century as a Source for Studying Literary Centres听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听

Larisa Nikitina-Walsh, Reading Belinskii: a Personal Library as a Psychological Portrait of its Owner

Review Article

William E Butler, Russian Provenance Resources: Continued

听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听 Note

Milan Grba, Christine Thomas & Stephen de Winter, The British Library Slavonic and East European Collections Oral History Interviews


Mary Zirin et al. (eds), Women and Gender in Eastern Europe, Russia and Eurasia: a Comprehensive Bibliography (Vikki Turbine)

I. Polovnikova, Gennadii Vasil鈥檈vich Iudin: Zhizn鈥, Biblioteka 听(George Cheron)

Slobodan Prosperov Novak, Slaveni u Renesansi (Viktoria Franic Tomic)

Boris Uspenskij & Victor Zhivov, 鈥淭sar and God鈥 and other Essays in Russian Cultural Semiotics (Ann Shukman)

Maria Brynda & Anna Endzel (eds), Katalog Starych Druk w Muzeum Polskiego w Rapperswilu听 (Magda Szkuta)

Cynthia Hyla Whittaker (ed.), Visualizing Russia: Fedor Solntsev and Crafting a National Past (Rosalind P. Blakesley)

F. Lur鈥檈, Starye Gody:Khronologicheskaia Rospis鈥 Soderzhaniia, 1907-1916; P. Veiner, Bibliograficheskie Listy 鈥淪tarye Gody鈥: ikh Istoriia i Kritika en Connaissance de Cause (Kommentarii); F. Lur鈥檈, Stolitsa I Usad鈥檅a: Khronologicheskaia Rospis鈥 Soderzhaniia, 1913-1917 (George Cheron)

Miranda Remnek (ed.), The Space of the Book: Print Culture in the Russian Social Imagination (Ekaterina Rogatchevskaia)

Ksenya Kiebuzinski (comp.), Through Foreign Latitudes & Unknown Tomorrows: Three Hundred Years of Ukrainian 脡migr茅 Political Culture. Exhibition and Catalogue (Olga Kerziouk)

Guseva, A. A., Svod Russkikh Knig Kirillovskoi Pechati XVIII Veka Tipografii Moskvy i Sankt-Peterburga i Universal鈥檔aia Metodika ikh Identifikatsii (C.L. Drage)

Edward Kasinec and Robert H. Davis, Jr, Slavic and Russian Books and Libraries: Occasional Essays and Notes; Edward Kasinec and Robert H. Davis,Jr., Essays on Slavic Collections, Bibliography and Book Culture, 1984-2008 (Christine Thomas)

Volume 22 (2011)


Robert Henderson, 'Aleksei Teplov and the Free Russian Library in Whitechapel'
Irina I. Zaitseva, 'A Book of Gospels from the Family of the First Romanovs'
Tatjana Lorkovic, 'The Past as Prologue: Building Yale University Library's Slavic and East European Collection from the Beginning of the Twentieth Century until Today. Part One: 1896-1956'
Karen Attar, 'The M.S. Anderson Collection of Writings on Russia Printed between 1525 and 1917: an Introduction
Evgenii Aleksandrovich Gollerbakh, 'V.V. Rozanov i Izdatel麓stvo "Panteon"'
Ksenya Kiebuzinski, 'History of the Ukrainian Collection at the University of Toronto Library'
Harold M. Leich, 'Librarians of Congress and the Russian Collections of the Library from the 19th Century to the Present Day
Aaron Trehub, 'Applications of Digital Technology to Slavic Librarianship'
Milan Grba, 'History and Development of the British Library Serbian Collections'
Patricia K. Grimsted, 'Archival Transition in Russia and the Legacy of Displaced European Archives'
Elena S. Danielson, 'Russian Archives Abroad: Safe Havens, Safe Returns?'
Nikita Petrov, 'Soviet State Security Archives and their Exploitation for Political Aims'.

Review Article

William E. Butler, 'Russian Provenance Resources'.


I.I. Frolova (ed.), Kniga v Rossii, 1895-1917 (C.L. Drage)
Tsenzura v Rossii: istoriia i sovremennost麓: sbornik nauchnykh trudov, vypusk 3, vypusk 4 (Martin Dewhirst)
Rossiiskoe zarubezh麓e vo Frantsii 1919-2000: biograficheskii slovar麓 v trekh tomakh. Tom 1: A-K; tom 2: L-R (George Cheron)
Karol Estreicher (1827-1908) - bibliograf, bibliotekarz, historyk teatru: sesja jubileuszowa w 100. rocznice smierci Karola Estreichera (Ela Kucharska-Beard)
Dejan Vukicevic, Delo (1955-1992): bibliografija (Milan Grba)
Catalogue of the Slavonic Cyrillic manuscripts of the National Szechenyi Library, edited by Ralph Cleminson, Elissaveta Moussakova and Nina Voutova (Anissava Miltenova).

Volume 21 (2007)


James Kapalo, 'The Career of Father Mihail Cakir (1861-1938) - the Cyril and Methodius of the Gagauz'
O.N. Il麓ina, 'The Papers of Vladimir Nikolaevich Tukalevskii (1881-1936) in the State Archive of the Russian Federation (GARF): a review essay'
A.IU. Samarin, 'Arkhivno-bibliograficheskie zametki ob izdaniiakh tipografii Sukhoputnogo Sliakhetnogo kadetskogo korpusa 1791-1795 gg.'
M.V. Zelenov, '"To Prohibit in Accordance with Due Procedure ...": the Censorship Policy of Narkompros RSFSR, 1926'
Mark Kulikowski, 'In the Mainstream: Russian 脡migr茅 Bibliography since 1917'
Marianna Tax Choldin, 'Memories of L.M. Ravich'
Gregory Walker, 'Index to Solanus, New Series, Volumes 11-20'.


N.E. Dobrynina, Soratniki moi, bibliotekari: polveka v Leninke (Mikhail Afanas麓ev)
N.I. Tiulina, Ob麓麓iasnenie v liubvi: vospominaniia bibliotekaria so schastlivoi sud麓boi (Mikhail Afanas麓ev)
S.V. Zhitomirskaia, Prosto zhizn麓 (Mikhail Afanas麓ev)
A.V. Blium, Kak eto delalos麓 v Leningrade: tsenzura v gody ottepeli, zastoia i perestroiki 1953-1991 (Martin Dewhirst)
P.N. Bazanov (ed.), Izdatel麓stva i izdatel麓skie organizatsii russkoi emigratsii, 1917-2003: entsiklopedicheskii spravochnik (Andrei Rogachevskii)
Russkaia emigratsiia: zhurnaly i sborniki na russkom iazyke, 1981-1995: svodnyi ukazatel麓 statei, edited by O.T. Bigar, T.L Gladkova and T.A. Osorgina (Mark Kulikowski)
Elena Dergacheva-Skop and Vladimir Alekseev, Rukopisnye i pechatnye knigi kirillovskoi traditsii XVI-XX vekov iz sobraniia Arkadiia Grigor麓evicha Elfimova (W.F. Ryan)
Most cherez okean: sbornik statei o Slaviano-Baltiiskom otdele N麓iu-Iorkskoi publichnoi biblioteki, sostavitel麓: Elena Kogan (John Bowles)
Gerald Stone, Slavonic studies at Oxford: a brief history (Christine Thomas).

Volume 20 (2006)


Christine Thomas, 'The Recollections of John Simmons (1915-2005), Librarian-Lecturer-Bibliographer-Buccaneer'
Edward Kasinec, 'Russian Imperial and Elite Provenance Books: Their Afterlife in Post World War II New York'
N.A. Grinchenko, 'The Foreign Censorship and the Book Trade in Russia in the Second Quarter of the Nineteenth Century'
E. Rogatchevskaia, The Collection of Russian Emigr茅 Literature (1853-1917) in the British Library'.


Reading for Entertainment in Contemporary Russia: Post-Soviet Popular Literature in Historical Perspective, ed. Steven Lovell and Birgit Menzel (Uilleam Blacker)
Arlen Blium, Zapreshchennye knigi russkikh pisatelei i literaturovedov 1917-1991: Indeks sovetskoi tsenzury s kommentariiami (Martin Dewhirst)
N.G. Patrusheva (compiler), Tsenzura v Rossii v kontse XIX-nachale XX veka: Sbornik vospominanii (Martin Dewhirst)
Tsenzura v Rossii: Istoriia i sovremennost', ed. M.B. Konashev and N.G. Patrusheva (Marianna Tax Choldin)
Books and Artifacts (16th-20th Centuries) from the Personal and Palace Libraries of the Romanov Dynasty, and the Russian Elite: a Catalogue, comp. Alexander Rabinovich (Christine Thomas)
Kirillicheskie izdaniia Rostovo-Iaroslavskoi zemli 1493-1652 gg., pod. red. I.V. Pozdeevoi (Marina Fedotova)
Peter W. Hellyer (compiler and editor), A Catalogue of Russian Avant-Garde Books, 1912-1934 and 1969-2003 (Jared Ash).

Volume 19 (2005)


W.F. Ryan, Russia and the Magic of Cats
A. Kh. Gorfunkel', Zhiznennaia udacha: znakomstvo i perepiska s Dzhonom Simmonsom
Villi Petritskii, Pobornik knigi i slavianskoi kul'tury. Nechto vrode memuara
James H. Billington, Tribute to John Simmons, on the Occasion of a Milestone Birthday
Iaroslav Isaievych, Fedir Maksymenko: The Fate of a Bibliologist in the Context of Good, Bad and 'Mixed' Periods in the History of Ukrainian Scholarship
Gary Marker, Plach Smirennogo Knigoveda, or the Tale of a Document Worth Publishing
A.A. Guseva, Izdaniia moskovskogo Pechatnogo dvora v period patriarshestva Nikona
A.V. Voznesenskii, K voprosu o retseptsii Ostrozhskoi Biblii na moskovskom Pechatnom dvore (na materiale Psaltiri)
Ralph Cleminson, John Joseph de Camillis and his Italian book
E.L. Nemirovskii, Dzhon Simmons i mirovoi fond izdanii Ivana Fedorova
I.V. Pozdeeva, Regional'nye opisaniia rannepechatnoi kirillicheskoi knigi i ikh istoriko-kul'turnoe znachenie
N.A. Kopanev, Peterburgskie podpischiki na pervoe londonskoe izdanie 'Magasin des enfans' M. Leprens de Bomon
C.L. Drage, Model Conversations in P.I. Zhdanov's Angliiska Grammatika
W.E. Butler, Thomas Baston and Peter the Great
Anthony Cross, Sir Arthur Helps's Oulita the Serf (1858)
Edward Kasinec, with Robert H. Davis, Jr, The 1866 'Russian Souvenirs' of Gustavus Vasa Fox
Marianna Tax Choldin, E. Iu. Genieva and I.A. Bordachenkov, Pis'mo L.I. Rylova v TsK KPSS i ego posledstviia dlia VGBIL i samogo Rylova
Patricia Kennedy Grimsted, Tracing 'Trophy' Books in Russia
Gregory Walker, Three Thousand Theses: The Bibliography of British Theses in Slavonic Studies.

Volume 18 (2004)


Robert Mathiesen, 'Cosmology and the Puzzle of Early Printing in Old Cyrillic'
Edward L. Keenan, 'Ivan the Terrible and Book Culture': Fact, Fancy, and Fog: Remarks on Early Muscovite Printing'
Gary Marker, 'A Cautious Embrace: Empire, Print and the Russian Enlightenment'
Patricia Kennedy Grimsted, 'Rare Books from Voronezh to Tartu and Tanzenberg: From Nazi Plunder and British Restitution to Russian 'Lost Book Treasures'
Wim Coudenys, 'On Disappearing Libraries: The Biblioth猫que Slave de Paris'.


A.A. Guseva, Izdaniia kirillovskoi pechati vtoroi poloviny XVI veka. Svodnyi katalog (Ekaterina Rogatchevskaia
Cynthia H. Whittaker (ed.), with Edward Kasinec and Robert H. Davis, Russia Engages the World, 1453-1825 (St茅phane Mund)
Iu. S. Borodaev and Iu. P. Martsevich, Russian Publishers, Printers, Booksellers and Binders: An Annotated Bibliography of their Labels and Marks (M.D. Afanas'ev)
K.I. Abramov, Gorodskie publichnye biblioteki Rossii: istoriia stanovleniia (1830-nachalo 1860-kh godov) (Susan Smith-Peter)
Anthony J. Heywood, Catalogue of the I.A. Bunin, V.N. Bunina, L.F. Zurov and M.E. Lopatina Collections (Hella Reese)
Peter Hellyer and Devana Pavlik (compilers), Czech and Slovak Samizdat: A Catalogue of British Library Holdings (Murlin Croucher)
Andrei Tartakovskii, Terence Emmons and Oleg Budnitskii (eds), Rossiia i rossiiskaia emigratsiia v vospominaniiakh i dnevnikakh: annotirovannyi ukazatel knig, zhurnal nykh i gazetnykh publikatsii, izdannykh zarubezhom v 1917-1991 gg. (Mark Kulikowski.

Volume 17 (2003)


Natal'ia Savel'eva, 'Paper for Tsar Ivan Groznyi' in the Archive (Drevlekhranilishche) of Pushkinskii dom (St Petersburg)
N.A. Grinchenko and N.G. Patrusheva, Russian Imperial Censors from the Late Eighteenth to the Early Twentieth Century
Janice T. Pilch, International Copyright for Digital Collections of Russian Material: U.S. and U.K. Law and Practice
Mark Kulikowski, The Tradition Continues: Russian Emigr茅 Bibliography since 1917
Oksana Yurchyshyn-Smith and Nicholas Smith, Bukvar', 1745: a Rare Edition from the Printing-House of the Pochaiv Monastery
Alex Drace-Francis, Romanian Book Production, 1716-1770.


Olga Bakich, Harbin Russian Imprints: Bibliography as History, 1898-1961. Materials for a Definitive Bibliography (Mark Gamsa)
Patricia Polansky, Russkaia Pechat' v Kitae (Mark Gamsa)
Vestnik Dalnevostochnoi gosudarstvennoi nauchnoi biblioteki: zhurnal po voprosam teorii i praktiki (Patricia Polansky)
Lev Abramovich Glazer, Reminiscences of an Antiquarian Bookseller: Encounters with Books and People (1924-1986), translated by Paula Israelewicz (Christine Thomas)
Ia. Isaeievych, Ukrains'ke knyhovydannia: vytoky, rozvytok, problemy (Oksana Yurchyshyn-Smith)
Cyrillic Books printed before 1701 in British and Irish Collections: A Union Catalogue, compiled by Ralph Cleminson, Christine Thomas, Dilyana Radoslavova, Andrej Voznesenskij (A. Guseva)
Anthony J. Heywood, Catalogue of the I.A. Bunin, V.N. Bunina, L.F. Zurov and E.M. Lopatina Collections, edited by Richard Davis with the assistance of Daniel Riniker (Hella Reese)
Jonathan Rose, ed., The Holocaust and the Book: Destruction and Preservation (John D. Klier).

Volume 16 (2002)


Alexander Drace-Francis, Romanian Book Production, 1770-1830
A.M. Mazuritsii, I.G. Matveeva and G.V. Mikheeva, Book Losses in Russia during World War II
Patricia Kennedy Grimsted, Twice Plundered but Still Not Home from the War: The Fate of Three Slavic Libraries Confiscated by the Nazis from Paris
A.A. Nepomniashchii, Maloizvestnye issledovaniia po izucheniiu krymovedcheskoi bibliografii v poslednei treti XIX- pervoi treti XX veka
Alison Rowley, From the Concerns of Women to the Concerns of the State: Soviet Women's Magazines 1917-1941
E.M. Sukhorukova, The Russian Bibliographical Society at Moscow University
E.A. Gollerbakh, 'Bezgreziia krenzel'' - Izdatel'skaia deiatel'nost' K.K. Fofanova (Olimpova).


J.E. Horv谩th, A Canadian Collection of Hungarica (Bridget Guzner)
Bibliografie americk茅 literatury v 膷eskych p艡ekladech (Devana Pavlik)
V.V. Kozukhova, Ekslibrisy i shtempeli chastnykh kollektsii v fondakh Istoricheskoi biblioteki (W.E. Butler)
Tatiana Kostaki, Russian Library Treasures: an Index of National and Academic Libraries (Ray Scrivens)
Russkaia periodicheskaia pechat: ukazateli soderzhaniia, 1728-1995 (Elena Kogan)
Beloe dvizhenie: katalog kollektsii listovok (1917-1920) (Elena Kogan)
Sotrudniki Rossiiskoi natsional noi biblioteki - deiateli nauki i kultury, Vol. 2 (Elena Kogan)
Evgenij L. Nemirovskij, Gesamtkatalog der Fr眉hdrucke in kyrillischer Schrift, Bd IV: Die Druckerei von Bo啪idar Vukovi膰 in Venedig (Katarina Mano-Zisi)
M.V. Zelenov, Apparat TsK RKP(b)-VKP(b), tsenzura i istoricheskaia nauka v 1920- gody: monografiia (Martin Dewhirst).

Volume 15 (2001)


Marianna Tax Choldin, From Separate Planets to One World: Our Work Then and Now
Janet Zmroczek, 'A National Library for the Poles in Exile': The Development of the Polish Collections of the British Museum Library in the Nineteenth Century
Robert H. Davis, Jr., History of Slavic and East European Collections in the United States During the Interwar Period: An Agenda for Research
M. D. Afanas'ev, The Export of Books from the USSR from 1918 to the 1930s
G. V. Mikheeva, Publishing in 'White' Russia (1918--1922)
Julitta Suomela, Russian Newspapers and Journalists in Finland 1918--1927
Tanya Chebotarev, Collections of Memoirs at the Bakhmeteff Archive
Larisa Petina, The Book Collection of Count A. G. Bobrinskii at P玫ltsamaa Castle: From the History of Estonian Estate Libraries in the Eighteenth Century
N. K. Lelikova, The Development of Book Science in Russia in the Nineteenth Century and First Third of the Twentieth Century
Aleksandr A. Dzhigo, The Development of the Legislative Basis for the Legal Deposit of Documents in the Russian Federation
K. M. Sukhorukov, Publishing and Bookselling in Russia: Problems and Prospects
T. V. Bulanina and D. M. Bulanin, Book Culture in Post-Reform Russia.


Erzs茅bet Muckenhaupt, A cs铆ksomly贸i Ferences K枚nyvt谩r kincsei: k枚nyvleletek, 1980--1985 (Treasures of the Franciscan Library of Cs铆ksomly贸. Book finds 1980--1985) (Martyn Rady)
Bohdan S. Wynar, Independent Ukraine: A Bibliographical Guide to English-Language Publications, 1989--1999 (Andrew Wilson)
Lucie Formanov谩, Ji艡铆 Gruntor谩d and Michal P艡ib谩n, Exilov谩 periodika: katalog periodik 膷esk茅ho a slovensk茅ho exilu a krajanskych tisk暖 vyd谩vanych po roce 1945 (Exile Periodicals: A Catalogue of Czech and Slovak Exile and Emigr茅 Periodicals After 1945) (Devana Pavlik)
'Publishing in Yugoslavia's Successor States'. Slavic & East European Information Resources (Magda Szkuta)
A Dark Mirror: Romanov and Imperial Palace Library Materials in the Holdings of the New York Public Library. A Checklist and Agenda for Research, compiled by Robert H. Davis, Jr. (W.E. Butler).

This is a special double issue of Solanus devoted to papers from the VI World Congress for Central and East European Studies (Tampere, 29 July--3 August 2000).

Volume 14 (2000)


Alexander Gorfunkel, The Oxford Bibliographies of Russian Bibliographers: John Simmons's Pamiatki and the 4Cs Club
Paul McQuail, Soviet Children's Books of the Twenties and Thirties: The Adler Collection
M. Z. Zelenov, The Library Purges of 1932--1937 in Soviet Russia
Mark Kulikowski, Russian Emigr茅 Bibliography: Another Look
Anna-Nataliia Malakhovskaia, O Zarozhdenii russkogo feministicheskogo al'manakha 'Zhenshchina i Rossiia' (Interv'iu s Mariei Zav'ialovoi)
(with Appendix: Background and Postscript by Elizabeth Waters) Aaron Trehub, Slavic Studies and Slavic Librarianship in the United States: A Post-Cold War Perspective.


Beth Holmgren, Rewriting Capitalism: Literature and the Market in Late Tsarist Russia and the Kingdom of Poland (Stephen D. Corrsin)
Russian and Ukrainian Avant-Garde and Constructivist Books and Serials in the New York Public Library: A First Census and Listing of Artists Represented, comp. Robert H. Davis, Jr. and Margaret Sandler (Carol Adlam)
Stephen Lovell, The Reading Revolution: Print Culture in the Soviet and Post-Soviet Eras (Jeffrey Brooks)
Jeffrey Brooks, Thank You, Comrade Stalin!: Soviet Public Culture from Revolution to Cold War (Stephen Lovell)
Publichnaia biblioteka glazami sovremennikov 1795--1817. Khrestomatiia, sostavlenie i podgotovka tekstov Ts. I. Grin i A. M. Tret'iak (George Morris)
Czech Republic, comp. Vlad'ka Edmondson with David Short (Tom Stableford)
Evgenij L. Nemirovskij, Gesamtkatalog der Fr眉hdrucke in kyrillischer Schrift, Bd. III: Die Prager Druckerei von Francisk Skorina; Bd. V: Die Druckerei von Francisk Skorina in Wilna (Christine Thomas).

Volume 13 (1999)


Jacob Kaltenbach, The regionalisation of literary life in Russia: contemporary writing, reading and publishing in a provincial capital (Tula) (p. 5)
Oksana Yurchyshyn-Smith, The monk Ilia - illustrator of seventeenth-century Ukrainian and Romanian books (p. 25)
Miroslaw Adam Supruniuk, The achievements and perspectives of Polish emigr茅 bibliography after 1939 (p. 44) Irina Pochinskaia, Ural'skii arkheograficheskii tsentr i ego kollektsiia staropechatnykh i rukopisnykh knig kirillicheskoi traditsii (p. 60)
V.V. Belov, V.A. Esipova, V.T. Kalaida and V.M. Klimkin, Physical and mathematical methods for the visualisation and identification of watermarks (p. 80)
S.A. Paichadze, Essays on the history of book culture in Siberia and the Far East (p. 93).


F. Sokolov谩, Cyrilsk茅 a hlaholsk茅 star茅 tisky v cesk?igovnach: katalog (E.L. Nemirovskii) (p. 99)
Michail Fundaminski, Die Russica-Sammlung der Frankeschen Stiftungen zu Halle: aus der Geschichte der deutsch-russischen kulturellen Beziehungen im 18. Jahrhundert. Katalog (Andrei V. Voznesenskii) (p. 101)
L. Iuniverg, Izdatel'skii mir Iosifa Knebelia (O.S. Ostroi) (p. 103)
V. Kel'ner and D. El'iashevich (compilers), Literatura o evreiakh na russkom iazyke, 1890-1947. Knigi, broshiury, ottiski statei, organy periodicheskoi pechati. Bibliograficheskii ukazatel' (Andrei Rogachevskii) (p. 105)
V. Kel'ner, Dopolnenia k ukazateliu 'Literatura o evreiakh na russkom iazyke, 1890-1947' (Andrei Rogachevskii) (p. 105)
Wojciech Zalewski and Evgenii Gollerbakh, Rasprostranenie russkoi pechati v mire 1918-1939: spravochnik (Ben Hellman) (p. 107)
Kniga Russkogo Zarubezh'ia v sobranii Rossiiskoi gosudarstvennoi biblioteki 1918-1991: bibliograficheskii ukazatel'. Ch. I: A-K. Sostaviteli E.A. Akimova et al. (Mark Kulikowski) (p. 108)
Deborah A. Martinsen (ed.), Literary journals in Imperial Russia (Kate Sealey-Rahman) (p. 109)
Pamela Spence Richards (ed.), The history of reading and libraries in the United States and Russia. Proceedings of an international conference, Vologda, Russia, 19-21 June 1996 (Jenny Brine) (p. 110)
Peter Siani-Davis and Mary Siani-Davis, Romania (Tom Gallagher) (p. 112)
Kniga v Rossii, 1881-1895, pod obshchei redaktsiei I. I. Frolovoi (Miranda Beaven Remnek) (p. 115).

Volume 12 (1998)


I. I. Frolova, The study of the history of the Russian book at the Russian National Library (p. 5)
Helen Williams, Russian-language periodical publishing by the radical emigration, 1855-1900 (p. 12)
John Slatter, Peter Kropotkin's literary adviser: the letters to Edward Garnett, 1855-1900 (p. 33)
M. V. Zelenov, K istorii pervonachal'nogo etapa stanovleniia spetskhrana v glavnoi biblioteke strany (1920-30-e gody) (p. 57) Boris Korsch, The Soviet publishing industry in the service of Gorbachev (p. 77)
Dennis Kimmage, Russian library journals since the fall of communism (p. 99).


Church Slavonic, Glagolitic and Petrine civil script printed books in the New York Public Library: a preliminary catalog, described by I.V. Pozdeeva (Aleksandr Gorfunkel') (p. 113)
E.L. Nemirovskii, Gesamtkatalog der Fr眉hdrucke in kirillischer Schrift, Bd. 2: Die Druckereien des Makarije in der Walachei und von Giorgio Rusconi in Venedig (Aleksandr Gorfunkel') (p. 115)
J. Ecsedy V., Titkos nyomdahely眉 r茅gi magyar k枚nyvek 1539-1800 (Hungarian clandestine printing 1539-1800) (Bridget Guzner) (p. 118)
Z. Rachunkov谩, M. Rehakov谩, J. Vacek, Pr谩ce rusk茅, ukraijinsk茅 a belorusk茅 emigrace vydan茅 v Ceskoslovensku 1918-1945 (Bibliografie s biografickaji o autorech) (Wojciech Zalewski) (p. 119)
Svodnyi katalog serial'nykh izdanii Rossii (1801-1825), vol. 1: Zhurnaly A-V (Wendy Rosslyn) (p. 122)
A.Iu. Galushkin (ed.), Zhurnaly 'Vestnik literatury', Letopis' Doma literatorov', Literaturnye zapiski': annotirovannyi ukazatel' (Andrei Rogachevskii) (p. 124)
A. Rogachevskii and O. Figurnova, Zhurnal 'Tvorchestvo' (Moskva, 1918-1922): annotirovannyi ukazatel' (Robert Russell) (p. 125).

Volume 11 (1997)


Liudmila Charipova, A survey of the history of the Library of the Kiev Mohyla Academy (1632-1780) (p. 5)
Armin Hetzer, Printing, publishing and the book trade in Estonia: historical aspects (p. 26)
Mikl贸s Kontra, Political censorship of the Defining Dictionary of Hungarian (p. 41)
E.K. Sokolinskii, The 'Union Catalogue of Russian Serials, 1801-1825' - a new type of bibliography (p. 51)
N.G. Patrusheva, Tsenzura i pechat' v Rossii v kontse 1860-kh gg. (Istoriia tsenzurnoi reformy) (p. 63)
M.V. Zelenov with M. Dewhirst, A selected bibliography of recent works on Russian and Soviet censorship (p. 90)
J.S.G. Simmons, Index to Solanus, volumes 1-10 (p. 99).


N.Iu.Bubnov, Staroobriadcheskaia kniga v Rossii vo vtoroi poloviny XVII v: istochniki, tipy i evoliutsiia (Aleksandr Gorfunkel') (p. 107)
A.V. Voznesenskii, Staroobriadcheskie izdaniia XVIII- nachala XIX veka: vvedenie v izuchenie (Aleksandr Gorfunkel') (p. 107)
I.V. Pochinskaia, Staroobriadcheskoe knigopechatanie XVIII-pervoi chetverti XIX vekov (D.L.L. Howells) (p. 117)
N.A. Bogomolov (ed.), Pisateli sovremennoi epokhi: biograficheskii slovar' (Katharine Hodgson) (p. 120)
Klaus W. Waschik and Natalia B. Volkova (eds.), Russian State Archive of Literature and Art (RGALI):the complete archive guide, first CD-ROM edition (Lesley Milne) (p. 121)
Russian National Bibliography on CD-ROM (Oliver Hughes) (p. 122)
Maria Koc贸jowa and Wojciech Zalewski (eds.), Libraries in Europe's post-communist countries: their international context (Jenny Brine) (p. 123)
Krystyna Bednarska-Ruszajowa, Das polnische Buchwesen: bibliographische Einf? (Karen Rondestvedt) (p. 125)
Wladyslaw Chojnacki, Bibliografia polskich publikacji podziemnych wydanych pod rzadami komunistycznymi w latach 1939-1941 i 1944-1953: czasopisma, druki zwarte, druki ulotne (Wojciech Zalewski) (p. 126)
Kto byl kim w drugim obiegu? Slownik pseudonimow pisarzy i dziennikarzy, 1976-89 (Janet Zmroczek) (p. 128).

Volume 10 (1996)


Janusz Dunin, The tragic fate of Polish libraries after 1939 (p.5)
Armin Hetzer, The return from the states of the FSU of cultural property removed in the 1940s as a bibliographical undertaking (p.13)
Viesturs Zanders, Censorship in the libraries of Latvia (1940-1990) (p.24)
V.D. Stel'makh, Reading in the context of censorship (p.29)
Janet Zmroczek, The manipulation of the Polish book market 1944-89: a study of the preconditions for the development of the consumer-led market of the 1990s (p.48)
Radoslaw Cybulski, The book market in post-Communist countries, using Poland as a specific example (p.71)
Konstantin M. Sukhorukov, The book market in Russia (p.76)
A. Dzhigo, Russian National Bibliography: its present situation (p.84)
Lidija Wagner, National bibliographies on the territory of the Former Yugoslavia with particular reference to Slovenian bibliography (p.92)
G.V. Mikheeva, Problemy i perpektivy retrospektivnoi bibliografii Rossii (p.98)
Christine Thomas, A survey of printed books in Church Slavonic in collections outside the Former USSR (p.106)
I.V. Pozdeeva, Ranniaia kirillicheskaia kniga. Istoriko-kul'turnoe znachenie poekzempliarnogo opisaniia (p.131)
Franc Sen, Sorbian book printing (p.170)
June Pachuta Farris, Slavic studies librarians in North America: current challenges and future expectations (p.178).


R.H. Davis, Jr., Slavic and Baltic library resources at the New York Public Library: a first history and practical guide (Mary Stuart) (p.188)
Valeriia D. Stel'makh (ed.), The image of the library: studies and views from several countries (Jenny Brine) (p.189)
Slavic studies: a guide to bibliographies, encyclopaedias and handbooks, compiled and edited by Murlin Croucher (John S.G. Simmons) (p.191)
N.A. Bogomolov, Materialy k bibliografii russkikh literaturno-khudozhestvennykh al'manakhov i sbornikov, 1900-1937, vol. 1 (Andrei Rogachevskii) (p.193)
Deutschsprachige Drucke Moskauer und Petersburger Verlage 1731-1991. Aus den Bestanden der Universitats- und Landesbibliothek Munster. Ausstellungskatalog (Roger Bartlett) (p.194)
Geoffrey Arnold (compiler), Short-title catalogue of Hungarian books printed before 1851 in the British Library (George Gomori) (p.195)
Z. Jaroszewicz-Piereslawcew, Starowiercy w Polsce i ich ksiegi (John Sullivan) (p.196).

Volume 9 (1995)


Karen Rondestvedt, Bibliographic control of current publications under the new order (Poland, Romania, Bulgaria) (p.3)
Mark Kulikowski, The bibliography of Russian 茅migr茅 publications since 1917: an update (p.15)
D.K. Ravinskii and V.V. Ialysheva, Independent libraries in Leningrad (p.24)
Waldemar Deluga, Les publications en langues polonaise et latine a Kiev au XVIIe s. (p.30)
Evgenii Nemirovskii, Tipografiia Monastyria Ruino (XVI vek) (p.49).


Staroobriadcheskaia pechatnaia kniga XVIII-nachala XIX vv. v katalogakh Andreia Voznesenskogo (Aleksandr Gorfunkel') (p.73)
Dusica Grbic, Ksenija Mincic-Obradovic, Katica Skoric, Cirilicom stampane knjige 15-17. veka Biblioteke Matice srpske (E.L. Nemirovskii) (p.79)
M. Nikalaeu, Palata knihapisnaia. Rukapisnaia kniha na Belarusi u X-XVIII stagoddziakh (Leonid Iur'evich) (p.82)
A.V.Blium, Za kulisami "Ministerstva pravdy". Tainaia istoriia sovetskoi tsenzury, 1917-1929 (Martin Dewhirst) (p.87)
Barbara Bienkowska, Losses of Polish libraries during World War II (Janet Zmroczek) (p.89)
Russian books in print plus (Ursula Phillips) (p.90)
Bibliographien zum Schrifttum aus und Osteuropa: Katalog des bibliographischen Lesesaales Bibliothek des Osteuropa-Instituts Berlin (Wojciech Zalewski) (p.92)
Garth M. Terry, East European languages and literatures, vol. VI (Peter Hellyer) (p.93)
Lesley Pitman, Russia/USSR (Graham Dix) (p.94)
A catalogue of Russian Avant-Garde books 1912-1934 (Robert H. Davis) (p.96).

Volume 8 (1994)


V.D. Stel'makh, The language of reading: linguistic processes in the Former USSR and their reflection in publishing (p.3)
Inese A. Smith, An informational Babylon? Views of library terminology from East and West, from past and present (p.13)
J.E.O. Screen, Lukemisia Suomen sotamiehille, 1888-1901: the Finnish Army's Chteniia dlia soldat (p.23)
Alexander Nadson, Religious trends and books in Sixteenth-Century Belarus (p.33)
E.A. Gollerbakh, Putnik zapozdalyi: P.A. Florenskii i moskovskoe religiozno-filosofskoe izdatel'stvo "Put'" (p.53)
R.M. Cleminson, Two early-printed primers at Olomouc (p.75).

Review articles

Mark Kulikowski, Other voices: the bibliography of independent periodicals in the USSR and CIS, 1987 to the present (p.80)
Janet Zmroczek, Bibliography of the Polish "Second circulation" (p.84).


Knizhnoe delo: professional'nyi informatsionno-analiticheskii zhurnal (G. Walker) (p.88)
COMECON: the rise and fall of an international Socialist organisation, compiled by J. Brine (Tania Konn) (p.89)
Anatoly Kalashnikov: 500 Exlibris (Elena Makedonskaia) (p.90)
Boris Korsch, Religion in the Soviet Union: a bibliography, 1980-1989 (Malcolm Walker) (p.92)
Anthony Cross, Anglo-Russica: aspects of cultural relations between Great Britain and Russia in the Eighteenth and early Nineteenth centuries (N.J. Crowe) (p.93)
The Baltic States: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, compiled by Inese A. Smith and Marita V. Grunts (J.E.O. Screen) (p.94).

Volume 7 (1993)


Hanna Swiderska, Censorship and the Polish Opposition Press in London, 1940-44 (p.3)
Mary Stuart, Vladimir Stasov and the professionalisation of librarianship in Russia (p.17)
Mikhail Bezrodnyi, Izdatel'stvo 'Ogni' (1909-1923) (p.35)
Janis Paeglis, Latvian bibliography (to May 1945) (p.55)
Ia. D. Isajevych, Books and book printing in Ukraine in the Sixteenth and the first half of the Seventeenth Centuries (p.69)
Evgenii Nemirovskii, Venetsianskii Kirillovskii Molitvennik-Sbornik 1597 g. (p.97).


Marguerite Studemeister, Bookplates and their owners in Imperial Russia (V.I. Fedorova) (p.115)
Soviet studies guide, edited by Tania Konn (Helen Anderson) (p.116)
Galina V. Mikheeva, Istoriia russkoi bibliografi, 1917-1921 gg. (Wojciech Zalewski) (p.117)
Books in Russia and the Soviet Union: past and present, edited by Miranda Beaven Remnek (Ray Scrivens) (p.119)
Susan Compton, Russian Avant-Garde books 1917-1934 (Robert Russell) (p.121)
Iosif E. Barenbaum, Geschichte des Buchhandels in Russland und der Sowjetunion (Gregory Walker) (p.122)
Horst Rohling, Publikationsformen als verbindenes Element buch- und einzelwissenschaftlicher Forschung an slavischen Beispielen (Gregory Walker) (p.123)
Russian libraries in transition: an anthology of Glasnost' literature, compiled and edited by Dennis Kimmage (Jenny Brine) (p.124).

Volume 6 (1992)


Robert Mathiesen, Cyrillic and Glagolitic printing and the Eisenstein Thesis (p.3)
I.V. Pozdeeva, The activity of the Moscow Printing House in the first half of the Seventeenth century (p.27)
Anthony Hippisley, Russian emblem books (p.56)
G.V. Mikheeva, Poltora mesiatsa iz zhizni Palaty (p.70)
Sergei Paichadze, Russian publishing and libraries in Port Arthur: some preliminary notes (p.90).


Ceska kniha v promenach staleti, edited by Mirjam Bohatcova (Devana Pavlik) (p.96)
Eliska Ryznar and Murlin Croucher, Books in Czechoslovakia: past and present (Devana Pavlik) (p.96)
A.V. Voznesenskii, Kirillicheskie izdaniia staroobriadcheskikh tipografii kontsa XVIII-nachala XIX veka: katalog (R.M. Cleminson) (p.97)
Charles A. Ruud, Russian entrepreneur: publisher Ivan Sytin of Moscow, 1851-1934 (Graham P. Camfield) (p.98)
Kniga i chtenie v zerkale sotsiologii (Jenny Brine) (p.99)
Polish libraries today (Janet Zmroczek) (p.100).

Volume 5 (1991)


I.V. Pozdeeva, Istoricheskoe bytovanie izdanii Moskovskogo Pechatnogo dvora pervoi poloviny XVII veka (p.5)
Iaroslav D. Isaievych, Ukrainian early-printed books: collections and collecting (p.25)
V.I. Fedorova, Zimnedvorskie biblioteki (p.31)
Zuzana Nagy, Unofficial and independent publishing in Czechoslovakia, 1972-1990 (p.50)
Janet Zmroczek, Publishing in Poland after 1945 (p.61)
Hanna Swiderska, Fortunes and misfortunes of Polish 茅migr茅 publishing after 1945 (p.84)
David Griffiths and Nadia Zilper, E.L. Kasprowicz and the publication of banned Russian books in Germany (p.95)
V.E. Kel'ner, Peterburgskaia gazeta 'Poriadok' (p.108)
N.G. Patrusheva, Reforma tsenzury v Rossii 1865 g.: zakon i praktika (p.120)
Marianna Tax Choldin, Censorship under Gorbachev (p.130)
A. Suetnov, Novyi samizdat (shtrikhi k istorii) (p.143)
Gregory Walker, Recent developments in Soviet publishing (p.153)
The new Soviet law on the Press (introduction and translation by W.E. Butler) (p.167)
Patricia Kennedy Grimsted, Perestroika in Soviet archives? Glasnost, archival reform and researcher access (p.177).


A guide to scholarly resources on the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union in the New York Metropolitan area, compiled by Robert A. Karlowich (Janet M. Hartley) (p.199)
A researcher's guide to sources on Soviet Social history in the 1930s, edited by Sheila Fitzpatrick and Lynne Viola (Robert A. Karlowich) (p.200)
Barbara Bienkowska and Halina Chamerska, Books in Poland: past and present (Hanna Swiderska) (p.202)
David Arans, Bibliografiia russkikh knig, izdannykh za predelami SSSR, 1980-1989 (Olga Kaznina) (p.204).

Volume 4 (1990)


Bob Henderson, Lenin and the British Museum Library (p.3)
Lev Shilov, Literaturnaia plastinka i ee mesto v sisteme kul'turnikh tsennostei (p.16)
Boris Korsch, Soviet librarianship under Gorbachev (p.24)
Appendix: Proposals for the restructuring of librarianship in the USSR (introduction and translation by Christine Thomas) (p.46)
Aleksandr Suetnov, Samizdat glazami bibliografa (p.50)
Charter of the All-Union Society of the Book (introduction and translation by W.E. Butler) (p.67)

Notes on Library Collections

Ia.D. Isajevych, Two rare Russian books in the Collections of the New York Public Library (p.76)
R.H. Davis, Russian and Soviet illustrated books at the New York Public Library (p.87)


Svodnyi katalog inkunabulov moskovskikh bibliotek, arkhivov i muzeev (Eugenia Zazowska) (p.100)
Zh. Pavlova, Imperatorskaia Biblioteka Ermitazha, 1762-1917 (Mary Stuart) (p.101)
Robert Otto, Publishing for the people: the firm "Posrednik" 1885+1905 (Michael J. de K. Holman) (p.103)
Xenia Werner, Wassili Masjutin in Riga, Moskau und Berlin (Hartmut Walravens) (p.105)
L'Emigration russe. Revues et recueils, 1920-1980 (Mark Kulikowski) (p.107)
W. Kasack, Entsiklopedicheskii slovar' russkoi literatury s 1917 goda and Dictionary of Russian Literature since 1917 (Martin Dewhirst) (p.108)
The red pencil: artists, scholars and censors in the USSR (Jenny Brine) (p.109)
Ben Hellman and Johan Kjellberg, Suoman venajankielisen kirjallisuuden bibliografia 1813- 1972 (J.E.O. Screen) (p.111)


Mikhail Afanas'ev et al., The development of the State Lenin Library of the USSR: a concept paper (translation by Christine Thomas.

Volume 3 (1989)


Valentina Fedorova, The 'Journal de St Petersbourg' Printing House (p.3)
A.G. Cross, Count Semen Vorontsov's library of Russian books in London (p.12)
Gary Marker, The Petrine 'Civil Primer' reconsidered (p.25)
M.A. Liubavin, Stikhotvoreniia poeta 'P. Ia.' (p.40)
Devana Pavlik, Modern Czech book design and illustration (p.52)
Edward Kasinec, Kost' Dovhan (1902-?) on the social influence of the book (p.77)
Mark Kulikowski, A neglected source: the Bibliography of Russian 茅migr茅 publications since 1917 (p.89)
W.E. Butler, Samizdat recast (p.103)


The Anne Pennington catalogue (Andrzej Poppe) (p.109)
E.V. Letenkov, "Literaturnaia promyshlennost'" Rossii kontsa XIX-nachala XX veka (Robert H. Davis, Jr.) (p.111)
O.D. Golubeva, Khraniteli mudrosti (John Bowles) (p.112)
A.I. Askopov, Otechestvennye spetsial'nye zhurnaly 1765-1917 (Robert H. Davis, Jr.) (p.114)
Istoriia knigi v SSSR. Dvadtsatye gody (Gary Marker) (p.115)
Thomas R. Beyer, Gottfried Kratz and Xenia Werner, Russische Autoren und Verlage in Berlin nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg (Hartmut Walravens) (p.116)
Garth M. Terry, East European Languages and Literatures, vol. IV (Lesley Pitman) (p.119)
Acta: quarterly of the Documentation Centre for the Promotion of Independent Czechoslovak Literature (Devana Pavlik) (p.120)

Volume 2 (1988)


John Garrard and Amy Corning, The Soviet reader: new data from the Soviet Interview Project (p.3)
Jenny Brine, The Soviet reader, the book shortage and the public library (p.39)
Wojciech Zalewski, Book studies in Poland since 1945: an overview (p.58)
Christine Jaremko, The origins of Soviet state publishing: before Gosizdat (p.69)
Marianna Tax Choldin, Recent developments in US-Soviet library relations (p.81)

Review article

Knigovedenie: entsiklopedicheskii slovar' (Robert A. Karlowich, Edward Kasinec and others) (p.88)


Kniha Belarusi: 1517-1917. Zvodny kataloh (Alexander Nadson) (p.104)
Serge Aslanoff, Manuel typographique du russiste (W.F. Ryan) (p.106)
Books, libraries and information in Slavic and East European Studies (J.E.O. Screen) (p.107)
Walter Andreesen and Frank Heidtmann, Wie finde ich slawistische Literatur (Gregory Walker) (p.108)

Volume 1 (1987)


Helene Grjebine, The publisher Zinovii Isaevich Grzhebin: a documentary memoir by his daughter, edited by Richard Davies (p.4)
Hilde Hardeman, The Publishing House Z.I. Grzhebin, Petrograd-Moscow-Berlin, 1919- 1923 (p.41)
Hanna Swiderska, Independent publishing in Poland: an outline of its development to 1986) (p.54)
W.E. Butler, The All-Union Society of Bibliophiles in the Soviet Union (p.76)
Gregory Walker, Solanus 1-20: an index (p.88)
Christine Thomas, S.P. Luppov - 75 (p.94)


N.N Pokrovskii, Puteshestvie za redkimi knigami (R.P. Bartlett) (p.95)
E.L. Nemirovskii, Ivan Fedorov (okolo 1510-1583) (Christine Thomas) (p.95)
Ia. Zapasko and Ia. Isaevych, Pam'iatky knyzhkovoho mystetstva (Natalia Zitzelsberger) (p.97)
Gary Marker, Publishing, Printing and the origins of intellectual life in Russia, 1700-1800 (C.L. Drage) (p.98)
Marianna Tax Choldin, A fence around the empire (Richard Ware) (p.99)
Jeffrey Brooks, How Russia learned to read (Maureen Perrie) (p.101)
Gerald Janecek, The look of Russian literature (Susan P. Compton) (p.102)
Klaus Menhert, The Russians and their favourite books (Jenny Brine) (p.104)
Wojciech Zalewski, Fundamentals of Russian reference work in the humanities and social sciences (Gregory Walker) (p.105)
Gunther Wytrzens, Die Slavica der Wiener Mechitaristen-Druckerei (Horst Rohling) (p.106)
Andrea and Dennis Deletant, Romania (Brian Hunter) (p.108)
Recent Soviet works on bookplates (W.E. Butler) (p.109)