

香港六合彩 School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES)


Statement by SSEES staff condemning Russia鈥檚 military invasion of Ukraine and the ongoing war

28 February 2022

Statement by staff of the 香港六合彩 School of Slavonic and East European Studies condemning Russia鈥檚 military invasion of Ukraine and the ongoing war (in English, Ukrainian and Russian).

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Statement by staff of the 香港六合彩 School of Slavonic and East European Studies condemning Russia鈥檚 military invasion of Ukraine and the ongoing war

We, the undersigned members of staff at the 香港六合彩 School of Slavonic and East European Studies, condemn in the strongest possible terms the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the ongoing war.听

As a scholarly community committed to the study of Southern, Central, and Eastern Europe, Russia, and Eurasia more broadly, and with many professional and personal ties to the region, we are appalled by what is currently taking place in Ukraine. President Vladimir Putin of Russia has cynically weaponised many of the things we study and teach 鈥 history, culture, economics, politics, and language. It is now more important than ever to nurture ties across countries in defiance of this outrageous act of brutality from the Russian government.听

We express solidarity and support, in particular, for the people of Ukraine, including our fellow scholars, colleagues, and students, but also for those in Russia and Belarus 鈥 and beyond 鈥 who are appalled by this act of military aggression.

袟邪褟胁邪 胁褨写 褨屑械薪褨 泻芯谢械泻褌懈胁褍 楔泻芯谢懈 褋谢芯胁'褟薪褋褜泻懈褏 褌邪 褋褏褨写薪芯褦胁褉芯锌械泄褋褜泻懈褏 褋褌褍写褨泄 校薪褨胁械褉褋懈褌械褌褋褜泻芯谐芯 泻芯谢械写卸褍 袥芯薪写芯薪邪, 褟泻邪 蟹邪褋褍写卸褍褦 褉芯褋褨泄褋褜泻械 胁褌芯褉谐薪械薪薪褟 胁 校泻褉邪褩薪褍 褌邪 褉芯蟹胁'褟蟹邪薪褍 袪芯褋褨褦褞 胁褨泄薪褍

袦懈, 薪懈卸褔械锌褨写锌懈褋邪薪褨 褋锌褨胁褉芯斜褨褌薪懈泻懈(褑褨) 楔泻芯谢懈 褋谢芯胁鈥櫻徯窖佈屝盒秆 褌邪 褋褏褨写薪芯褦胁褉芯锌械泄褋褜泻懈褏 褋褌褍写褨泄 香港六合彩, 褉褨褕褍褔械 蟹邪褋褍写卸褍褦屑芯 胁褌芯褉谐薪械薪薪褟 袪芯褋褨褩 胁 校泻褉邪褩薪褍 褌邪 褌褉懈胁邪褞褔褍 胁褨泄薪褍.

携泻 薪邪褍泻芯胁邪 褋锌褨谢褜薪芯褌邪, 褟泻邪 蟹邪泄屑邪褦褌褜褋褟 胁懈胁褔械薪薪褟屑 袩褨胁写械薪薪芯褩, 笑械薪褌褉邪谢褜薪芯褩 褌邪 小褏褨写薪芯褩 袆胁褉芯锌懈, 袪芯褋褨褩 褌邪 袆胁褉邪蟹褨褩 褌邪 屑邪褦 斜邪谐邪褌芯 锌褉芯褎械褋褨泄薪懈褏 褌邪 芯褋芯斜懈褋褌懈褏 蟹胁鈥櫻徯沸貉栃 褨蟹 褑懈屑懈 褉械谐褨芯薪邪屑懈, 屑懈 褋锌芯褋褌械褉褨谐邪褦屑芯 蟹邪 褌懈屑, 褖芯 蟹邪褉邪蟹 胁褨写斜褍胁邪褦褌褜褋褟 胁 校泻褉邪褩薪褨 蟹 卸邪褏芯屑. 袩褉械蟹懈写械薪褌 袪芯褋褨褩 袙芯谢芯写懈屑懈褉 袩褍褌褨薪 褑懈薪褨褔薪芯 胁懈泻芯褉懈褋褌芯胁褍褦 褟泻 蟹斜褉芯褞 褌械, 褖芯 屑懈 胁懈胁褔邪褦屑芯 褌邪 褔芯屑褍 薪邪胁褔邪褦屑芯 鈥 褨褋褌芯褉褨褞, 泻褍谢褜褌褍褉褍, 械泻芯薪芯屑褨泻褍, 锌芯谢褨褌懈泻褍 褌邪 屑芯胁褍. 袟邪褉邪蟹 胁邪卸谢懈胁褨褕械, 薪褨卸 斜褍写褜-泻芯谢懈, 锌褨写褌褉懈屑褍胁邪褌懈 蟹胁鈥櫻徯沸盒 屑褨卸 泻褉邪褩薪邪屑懈 胁褋褍锌械褉械褔 褑褜芯屑褍 谐邪薪械斜薪芯屑褍 邪泻褌褍 卸芯褉褋褌芯泻芯褋褌褨 蟹 斜芯泻褍 袪芯褋褨泄褋褜泻芯褩 肖械写械褉邪褑褨褩.

袦懈 胁懈褋谢芯胁谢褞褦屑芯 褋芯谢褨写邪褉薪褨褋褌褜 褌邪 锌褨写褌褉懈屑泻褍 薪邪褉芯写芯胁褨 校泻褉邪褩薪懈, 蟹芯泻褉械屑邪 薪邪褍泻芯胁褨泄 褋锌褨谢褜薪芯褌褨 褌邪 褋褌褍写械薪褋褌胁褍, 邪 褌邪泻芯卸 褌懈屑 褍 袪芯褋褨褩 褌邪 袘褨谢芯褉褍褋褨 褌邪 胁 褨薪褕懈褏 泻褉邪褩薪邪褏, 褏褌芯 蟹邪褋褍写卸褍褞褌褜 褑械泄 邪泻褌 胁褨泄褋褜泻芯胁芯褩 邪谐褉械褋褨褩.

袟邪褟胁谢械薪懈械 泻芯谢谢械泻褌懈胁邪 楔泻芯谢褘 褋谢邪胁褟薪褋泻懈褏 懈 胁芯褋褌芯褔薪芯械胁褉芯锌械泄褋泻懈褏 懈褋褋谢械写芯胁邪薪懈泄 校薪懈胁械褉褋懈褌械褌褋泻芯谐芯 泻芯谢谢械写卸邪 袥芯薪写芯薪邪, 芯褋褍卸写邪褞褖械械 褉芯褋褋懈泄褋泻芯械 胁褌芯褉卸械薪懈械 胁 校泻褉邪懈薪褍 懈 褉邪蟹胁褟蟹邪薪薪褍褞 袪芯褋褋懈械泄 胁芯泄薪褍

袦褘, 薪懈卸械锌芯写锌懈褋邪胁褕懈械褋褟 褋芯褌褉褍写薪懈泻懈(褑褘) 楔泻芯谢褘 褋谢邪胁褟薪褋泻懈褏 懈 胁芯褋褌芯褔薪芯械胁褉芯锌械泄褋泻懈褏 懈褋褋谢械写芯胁邪薪懈泄 校薪懈胁械褉褋懈褌械褌褋泻芯谐芯 泻芯谢谢械写卸邪 袥芯薪写芯薪邪, 褋邪屑褘屑 泻邪褌械谐芯褉懈褔薪褘屑 芯斜褉邪蟹芯屑 芯褋褍卸写邪械屑 胁芯械薪薪芯械 胁褌芯褉卸械薪懈械 袪芯褋褋懈懈 胁 校泻褉邪懈薪褍 懈 褉邪蟹胁褟蟹邪薪薪褍褞 袪芯褋褋懈械泄 胁芯泄薪褍.听

袘褍写褍褔懈 邪泻邪写械屑懈褔械褋泻懈屑 褋芯芯斜褖械褋褌胁芯屑, 懈蟹褍褔邪褞褖懈屑 挟卸薪褍褞, 笑械薪褌褉邪谢褜薪褍褞, 袙芯褋褌芯褔薪褍褞 袝胁褉芯锌褍, 袪芯褋褋懈褞 懈 袝胁褉邪蟹懈褞 胁 褑械谢芯屑 懈 懈屑械褞褖懈屑 屑薪芯谐芯 锌褉芯褎械褋褋懈芯薪邪谢褜薪褘褏 懈 谢懈褔薪褘褏 褋胁褟蟹械泄 胁 褝褌芯屑 褉械谐懈芯薪械, 屑褘 锌褉械斜褘胁邪械屑 胁 褍卸邪褋械 芯褌 褌芯谐芯, 褔褌芯 锌褉芯懈褋褏芯写懈褌 褋械泄褔邪褋 胁 校泻褉邪懈薪械. 袩褉械蟹懈写械薪褌 袪芯褋褋懈懈 袙谢邪写懈屑懈褉 袩褍褌懈薪 褑懈薪懈褔薪芯 懈褋锌芯谢褜蟹芯胁邪谢 写谢褟 芯锌褉邪胁写邪薪懈褟 胁芯泄薪褘 锌褉械写屑械褌褘, 泻芯褌芯褉褘械 屑褘 懈蟹褍褔邪械屑 懈 锌褉械锌芯写邪械屑: 懈褋褌芯褉懈褞, 泻褍谢褜褌褍褉褍, 褝泻芯薪芯屑懈泻褍, 锌芯谢懈褌懈泻褍 懈 褟蟹褘泻. 小械泄褔邪褋 泻邪泻 薪懈泻芯谐写邪 胁邪卸薪芯 锌芯写写械褉卸懈胁邪褌褜 胁褋械胁芯蟹屑芯卸薪褘械 褋胁褟蟹懈 屑械卸写褍 褋褌褉邪薪邪屑懈 懈 锌褉芯褌懈胁芯褋褌芯褟褌褜 褝褌芯屑褍 胁芯锌懈褞褖械屑褍 邪泻褌褍 卸械褋褌芯泻芯褋褌懈 褋芯 褋褌芯褉芯薪褘 褉芯褋褋懈泄褋泻芯谐芯 锌褉邪胁懈褌械谢褜褋褌胁邪.

袦褘 胁褘褉邪卸邪械屑 锌芯写写械褉卸泻褍 懈 褋芯谢懈写邪褉薪芯褋褌褜 胁褋械屑褍 薪邪褉芯写褍 校泻褉邪懈薪褘, 胁褋械屑 薪邪褕懈屑 泻芯谢谢械谐邪屑, 褍褔褢薪褘屑 懈 褋褌褍写械薪褌邪屑 胁 校泻褉邪懈薪械, 邪 褌邪泻卸械听褌械屑 谢褞写褟屑听胁 袪芯褋褋懈懈, 袘械谢邪褉褍褋懈 懈 写褉褍谐懈褏 褋褌褉邪薪邪褏,听泻芯褌芯褉褘械 芯褋褍卸写邪褞褌 褝褌褍 胁芯械薪薪褍褞 邪谐褉械褋褋懈褞.


Dr Uilleam Blacker 鈥 Associate Professor in the Comparative Culture of Russia and Eastern Europe听

Dr Aglaya Snetkov 鈥 Lecturer in the International Politics of Russia听

Dr Ben Noble 鈥 Associate Professor of Russian Politics听

Maria Sibiryakova 鈥 Lecturer (Teaching) in Russian Language听

Dr Snejana Tempest 鈥 Lecturer (Teaching) in Russian Language听

Dr Micha艂 Murawski 鈥 Lecturer in Critical Area Studies听

Dr Sarah J. Young 鈥 Associate Professor of Russian Literature and Culture

Dr Kristin Roth-Ey 鈥 Associate Professor in Russian Modern History听

Dr Seth Graham 鈥 Associate Professor of Russian

Dr Ilias Chondrogiannis 鈥 Lecturer (Teaching) in Economics and Finance

Dr Rachel Morley 鈥 Associate Professor of Russian Cinema and Culture

Professor Richard Butterwick-Pawlikowski 鈥 Professor of Polish-Lithuanian History

Dr Rasmus Nilsson 鈥 Lecturer (Teaching) in Post-Soviet Domestic and Foreign Politics

Dr Elodie Douarin 鈥 Associate Professor in Economics

Dr Sergei Bogatyrev 鈥 Associate Professor in Early Russian History

Professor Nauro Campos 鈥 Professor of Economics

Dmitry Matchin 鈥 Lecturer (Teaching) in Russian Language听

Natalia Parker 鈥 Lecturer (Teaching) in Russian Language

Professor Julian Graffy 鈥 Emeritus Professor of Russian Literature and Cinema

Professor Eric Gordy 鈥 Professor of Political and Cultural Sociology

Professor Slavo Radosevic 鈥 Professor of Innovation Studies

Dr Tom谩拧 Cvr膷ek听 鈥 Associate Professor of Economics

Dr Yuemei Ji 鈥 Associate Professor of Economics

Dr Anna Shadrina 鈥 Research Fellow

Dr Randolph Luca Bruno 鈥 Associate Professor of Economics

Professor Richard Mole 鈥 Professor of Political Sociology

Dr Peter Zusi 鈥 Associate Professor of Czech and Comparative Literature

Dr Agnieszka Kubal 鈥 Lecturer in Sociology

Dr Daniel Brett 鈥 Lecturer (Teaching) in Social and Political Science

Professor Simon Dixon Sir Bernard Pares Professor of Russian History

Dr Christian Emery 鈥 Lecturer (Teaching) in International Relations

Dr Svetlana Makarova 鈥 Associate Professor in Comparative Economics

Dr Marco Ranaldi 鈥 Lecturer in Economics

Dr Svetlana McMillin 鈥 Associate Professor (Teaching) in Russian Language听

Dr Allan Sikk 鈥 Associate Professor in Comparative Politics

Dr Jakub Bene拧 鈥 Lecturer in Central European History

Professor Anne White 鈥 Grabowski Professor of Polish Studies

Dr Katarzyna Zechenter 鈥 Lecturer in Polish Studies

Maja Ran膷igaj Bene拧 鈥 Slovene Lectrice

Dr Elodie Douarin 鈥 Associate Professor in Economics

Dr Alex Krouglov 鈥 Associate Professor (Teaching) in Russian Language

Professor Julia Korosteleva 鈥 Professor in Business Economics

Dr Se谩n Hanley 鈥 Associate Professor in Comparative Central and East European Politics

Professor Wendy Bracewell 鈥 Emeritus Professor of Southeast European History

Dr Anna Ponomareva 鈥 Lecturer (Teaching) in Russian Language, Translation Studies and Comparative Literature听

Dr Pete Duncan 鈥 Honorary Associate Professor of Russian Politics and Society

Dr Barbara Wyllie 鈥 Deputy Editor, The Slavonic and East European Review

Professor Jan Kubik 鈥 former Director and Professor of Slavonic and East European Studies

Paulina Lenik 鈥 PhD Student in Economics听

Dr Yordanka Velkova听 鈥 Lector in Bulgarian Language, Literature, and Culture

Dr Serena Merrino 鈥 Lecturer (Teaching) in Economics

Dr Riitta-Liisa Valij盲rvi Associate Professor (Teaching) of Finnish and Minority Languages

Ben Chatterley 鈥 Teaching Administrator

Dr Idil Uz Akdogan 鈥 Lecturer (Teaching) in Economics

Dr Dimitra Gkitsa 鈥 Alexander Nash Fellow in Albanian Studies

Dr Jelena 补濒颈膰 鈥 Lecturer (Teaching) Serbian/Croatian and Swedish

Robert Bodden 鈥 Timetabling and Student Support Coordinator

Mukesh Hindocha 鈥 Operations and Resources Manager

Dzmitry Suslau 鈥 Lecturer (Teaching) in Russian Language

Professor Diane P. Koenker 鈥 Director and Professor of Russian and Soviet History

Barbora Posluch 鈥 Personal Assistant to the Director听

Joanna Beata Michlic 鈥 Honorary Senior Research Fellow听

Alex Craven 鈥 School Manager

Abigail Karas 鈥 PGTA

Peter Flew 鈥 PhD candidate (Russian Studies) and PGTA

Dhashvini Ramanathan 鈥 Executive Support Assistant

Peter Sherwood 鈥 Honorary Senior Research Associate

Gillian Long 鈥 Library Manager, 香港六合彩 SSEES Library

Manpreet Singh Karir Operations and Finance Administrator

Amy White 鈥 Senior Research Coordinator

Dr Wojciech Janik 鈥 Area Liaison Coordinator and Area Liaison Librarian for Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Eurasia

Patricia Gabalova 鈥 Events and Communications Officer

Carolin Heilig 鈥 PhD student in Politics and Sociology

Zuzana Pincikova 鈥 Area Liaison Librarian for the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary

David Rypel 鈥 PhD student听

Paul Fisher 鈥 MPhil student听

Olga Doletskaya 鈥 PhD student

Liisi Veski 鈥 PGTA

Professor Pamela Davidson 鈥 Professor of Russian literature

Anna Stanisz-Lubowiecka 鈥 PhD Student in Language and Culture

Serian Carlyle 鈥 MPhil/PhD candidate and PGTA

鈥嬧婳liver Banatvala 鈥 PhD student

Marta Kotwas 鈥 PhD student and PGTA

Makar Tereshin 鈥 PhD student

Dagmara Grabska 鈥 Lecturer (Teaching) in Polish Language

Andrea Zsubori 鈥 Deputy Library Manager, 香港六合彩 SSEES Library听

Michael Wozniak 鈥 Academic Administration Manager

Dr Felix Ciut膬 鈥 Associate Professor of International Relations

Antje Brauer-Maxaeia 鈥 Library Assistant, 香港六合彩 SSEES Library

Dr Anna Koch DAAD Francis Carsten Lecturer in Modern German History

Magdalena Klajda 鈥 Lecturer (Teaching) in Polish Language

Dr Benjamin Abrams Leverhulme Fellow in Political Sociology

Marta Jenkala 鈥 Associate Professor (Teaching) of Ukrainian

Lisa Walters 鈥 Marketing and Communications Manager

Dr Chiara Amini 鈥 Lecturer (孝eaching) in Economics

Kitty Brandon-James 鈥 PhD student

Dr Alison K. Smith Visiting Scholar

Professor Faith Wigzell Emeritus Professor of Russian Literature and Culture

Jakob Hauter 鈥 PhD student

Christopher Moseley 鈥 Lecturer (Teaching) in Estonian language

Professor Dennis Deletant 鈥 Emeritus Professor of Romanian Studies

Andreea Rujan 鈥 PhD student and PGTA

Dr Olga Voronina 鈥 Lecturer (Teaching) in Russian Literature, Culture and Language

Dr Eugene Nivorozhkin 鈥 Associate Professor in Finance

Lucie WisemanLecturer (Teaching) in Czech/Slovak

Qianrui Hu 鈥 MPhil/PhD student

Bohdana Kurylo 鈥 PhD candidate

Charlotte Doesburg 鈥 PhD student and PGTA

Shadhid Hussain 鈥 MPhil student听

Rasa Kamarauskaite 鈥 PhD student

Louis K. Marmion 鈥 MPhil student

Paris Pin-Yu Chen 鈥 PhD student

Sarah Elizabeth Moore 鈥 PhD student and PGTA

Paula Borowska 鈥 PhD candidate and PGTA

Jakup Azemi 鈥 PhD student

Paul Graystone 鈥 PGTA

Dr Radu Voica 鈥 Romanian Language Teacher

Marine Tigishvili 鈥 Georgian Language Teacher

Professor Geoffrey Hosking 鈥 Emeritus Professor of Russian History

Dr Irina Petrova 鈥 Lecturer in the Politics of Eurasia

Shaun Foley 鈥 PhD student

Ksenija Iljina 鈥 PGTA

Ella Rossman 鈥 PhD student

Lana Smirnova 鈥 Teaching Administrator

Kitty Brandon-James 鈥 PhD student

Balki Begum Bayhan 鈥 PGTA

Weiwen Qi 鈥 PhD student

Dr Philip Barker 鈥 Lecturer (Teaching) in Central European History

Zora Kostadinova 鈥 PhD student and PGTA

Samuel Kelly 鈥 Student Recruitment, Marketing and Communications Officer

Alexander Allsopp 鈥 Student Support Officer

Professor Arnold McMillin 鈥 Emeritus Professor of Russian and Belarusian Literature

Maria Kokoreva 鈥 PhD student

Carlos G贸mez del Tronco 鈥 PhD candidate

Dr Yating Li 鈥 Lecturer (Teaching) in Economics and Business

Professor Alena Ledeneva 鈥 Professor of Politics and Society

This list of names will be updated on a daily basis.听