

香港六合彩 School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES)


Disintegration of the Soviet Empire, phase 2: Non-Civil War in Russia and Ukraine

21 February 2024, 5:00 pm鈥7:00 pm

Red Cavalry painting by Kazimir Malevich

A SSEES Culture and Society in Modern Russia seminar with Prof Vladimir Pastukhov. Please note that this event will be delivered in Russian

This event is free.

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Masaryk room
香港六合彩 School of Slavonic and East European Studies
16 Taviton street

This is an experimental attempt to look at the events of the last two years in a broader historical context than is currently accepted. The hypothesis is that the wars in Russia and Ukraine are part of the ongoing collapse of the Soviet empire over thirty-five years. If we look at events from this angle, then what is happening can be described in terms of a civil war, which has a large number of factors. This approach allows for a different perspective on the possible prospects and long-term consequences of the current war, where the end of hostilities may turn out to be only a prologue to the next phase of disintegration.

Prof. Vladimir Pastukhov聽was born in Kyiv, Ukraine. He graduated from the Faculty of Law of Kyiv University. After defending first his PhD thesis and then his doctoral thesis, he was engaged in research work related to political science and legal issues at the Russian Academy of Sciences and academic institutions in Moscow. In particular, Vladimir Pastukhov has been a professor of political science at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow and at the Russian Academy of Sciences.

In 1999, he obtained the status of a lawyer. In this capacity, he represented the interests of the Hermitage Capital Management fund, for which Sergei Magnitsky also worked. Due to criminal prosecution related to his work for this foundation, Prof Pastukhov was forced to emigrate to London in 2008. He is an honorary research fellow at 香港六合彩. Prof Pastukhov is the author of numerous books and articles.

袪邪褋锌邪写 小小小袪, 胁褌芯褉邪褟 褎邪蟹邪: 袧械-袚褉邪卸写邪薪褋泻邪褟 胁芯泄薪邪 胁 袪芯褋褋懈懈 懈 胁 校泻褉邪懈薪械

协褌芯 褝泻褋锌械褉懈屑械薪褌邪谢褜薪邪褟 锌芯锌褘褌泻邪 锌芯褋屑芯褌褉械褌褜 薪邪 褋芯斜褘褌懈褟 锌芯褋谢械写薪懈褏 写胁褍褏 谢械褌 胁 斜芯谢械械 褕懈褉芯泻芯屑 懈褋褌芯褉懈褔械褋泻芯屑 泻芯薪褌械泻褋褌械, 褔械屑 褝褌芯 胁 写邪薪薪褘泄 屑芯屑械薪褌 锌褉懈薪褟褌芯. 袚懈锌芯褌械蟹邪 蟹邪泻谢褞褔邪械褌褋褟 胁 褌芯屑, 褔褌芯 胁芯泄薪褘 袪芯褋褋懈懈 懈 校泻褉邪懈薪褘 褟胁谢褟褞褌褋褟 褔邪褋褌褜褞 薪械锌褉械泻褉邪褖邪褞褖械谐芯褋褟 胁芯褌 褍卸械 斜芯谢械械 褌褉懈写褑邪褌懈 锌褟褌懈 谢械褌 褉邪褋锌邪写邪 褋芯胁械褌褋泻芯泄 懈屑锌械褉懈懈. 袝褋谢懈 褋屑芯褌褉械褌褜 薪邪 褋芯斜褘褌懈褟 锌芯写 褝褌懈屑 褍谐谢芯屑 蟹褉械薪懈褟, 褌芯 锌褉芯懈褋褏芯写褟褖械械 屑芯卸薪芯 芯锌懈褋邪褌褜 胁 褌械褉屑懈薪邪褏 屑薪芯谐芯胁械泻褌芯褉薪芯泄 谐褉邪卸写邪薪褋泻芯泄 胁芯泄薪褘, 褍 泻芯褌芯褉芯泄 懈屑械械褌褋褟 斜芯谢褜褕芯械 泻芯谢懈褔械褋褌胁芯 褎邪泻褌芯褉芯胁. 孝邪泻芯泄 锌芯写褏芯写 锌芯蟹胁芯谢褟械褌 懈薪邪褔械 胁蟹谐谢褟薪褍褌褜 薪邪 胁芯蟹屑芯卸薪褘械 锌械褉褋锌械泻褌懈胁褘 懈 写芯谢谐芯褋褉芯褔薪褘械 锌芯褋谢械写褋褌胁懈褟 褌械泻褍褖械泄 胁芯泄薪褘, 谐写械 芯泻芯薪褔邪薪懈械 胁芯械薪薪褘褏 写械泄褋褌胁懈泄 屑芯卸械褌 芯泻邪蟹邪褌褜褋褟 谢懈褕褜 锌褉芯谢芯谐芯屑 褋谢械写褍褞褖械泄 褎邪蟹褘 褉邪褋锌邪写邪.

袩褉芯褎. 袙谢邪写懈屑懈褉 袩邪褋褌褍褏芯胁 褉芯写懈谢褋褟 胁 校泻褉邪懈薪械, 胁 袣懈械胁械. 袨薪 芯泻芯薪褔懈谢 挟褉懈写懈褔械褋泻懈泄 褎邪泻褍谢褜褌械褌 袣懈械胁褋泻芯谐芯 褍薪懈胁械褉褋懈褌械褌邪. 袟邪褖懈褌懈胁 褋薪邪褔邪谢邪 泻邪薪写懈写邪褌褋泻褍褞, 邪 锌芯褌芯屑 懈 写芯泻褌芯褉褋泻褍褞 写懈褋褋械褉褌邪褑懈懈, 芯薪 蟹邪薪懈屑邪谢褋褟 懈褋褋谢械写芯胁邪褌械谢褜褋泻芯泄 褉邪斜芯褌芯泄, 褋胁褟蟹邪薪薪芯泄 褋 锌芯谢懈褌芯谢芯谐懈械泄 懈 锌褉芯斜谢械屑邪屑懈 锌褉邪胁邪 胁 袪芯褋褋懈泄褋泻芯泄 邪泻邪写械屑懈懈 薪邪褍泻 懈 邪泻邪写械屑懈褔械褋泻懈褏 懈薪褋褌懈褌褍褌邪褏 袦芯褋泻胁褘. 袙 褔邪褋褌薪芯褋褌懈, 袙谢邪写懈屑懈褉 袩邪褋褌褍褏芯胁 蟹邪薪懈屑邪谢 写芯谢卸薪芯褋褌褜 锌褉芯褎械褋褋芯褉邪 锌芯谢懈褌芯谢芯谐懈懈 胁 袙褘褋褕械泄 褕泻芯谢械 褝泻芯薪芯屑懈泻懈 胁 袦芯褋泻胁械 懈 胁 袪芯褋褋懈泄褋泻芯泄 袗泻邪写械屑懈懈 袧邪褍泻.

袙 1999 谐芯写褍 芯薪 锌芯谢褍褔懈谢 褋褌邪褌褍褋 邪写胁芯泻邪褌邪. 袙 褝褌芯屑 泻邪褔械褋褌胁械 芯薪 锌褉械写褋褌邪胁谢褟谢 懈薪褌械褉械褋褘 褎芯薪写邪 Hermitage Capital Management, 写谢褟 泻芯褌芯褉芯谐芯 褌邪泻卸械 褉邪斜芯褌邪谢 小械褉谐械泄 袦邪谐薪懈褑泻懈泄. 袠蟹-蟹邪 褍谐芯谢芯胁薪芯谐芯 锌褉械褋谢械写芯胁邪薪懈褟, 褋胁褟蟹邪薪薪芯谐芯 褋 褉邪斜芯褌芯泄 胁 褝褌芯屑 褎芯薪写械, 胁 2008 谐芯写褍 锌褉芯褎. 袩邪褋褌褍褏芯胁 斜褘谢 胁褘薪褍卸写械薪 褝屑懈谐褉懈褉芯胁邪褌褜 胁 袥芯薪写芯薪. 袨薪 褟胁谢褟械褌褋褟 锌芯褔械褌薪褘屑 薪邪褍褔薪褘屑 褋芯褌褉褍写薪懈泻芯屑 香港六合彩. 袩褉芯褎. 袩邪褋褌褍褏芯胁 褟胁谢褟械褌褋褟 邪胁褌芯褉芯屑 屑薪芯谐芯褔懈褋谢械薪薪褘褏 褋褌邪褌械泄 懈 泻薪懈谐.

Image credit:聽Red Cavalry聽painting by聽