

香港六合彩 School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES)


How to Research the Russian Language in Times of War?

01 November 2023, 4:00 pm鈥6:00 pm

Gasan Gusejnov

A SSEES Culture and Society in Modern Russia seminar with Prof Gasan Gusejnov. Please note that this event will be delivered in Russian

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Room 347
香港六合彩 School of Slavonic and East European Studies
16 Taviton street

"How to approach the research of the Russian language?" - is the question that all scholars have been asking themselves since the war in Ukraine began. Official Russian propaganda claimed that the war in Ukraine was being waged to save the Russian language and its speakers from "Ukrainian nationalists". Immediately after the outbreak of the war, it became clear that most of the victims and refugees from Ukraine were precisely Russian-speaking or bilingual residents of Eastern Ukraine. The lies underlying Russian policy have led the most radical sections of the Ukrainian population to declare the Russian language itself a source of violence and hate politics. Therefore, every linguist studying contemporary Russian is forced to make a cultural-political choice, defining for himself the purpose of own study.

The official discourse of contemporary Russia is a discourse of hostility and hatred towards the outside world, a discourse of Russia's spiritual superiority over the modern Western world. At the same time, such discourse actively uses Russia's cultural heritage to achieve the regime's goals. That is why a neutral and apolitical study of the Russian language is impossible today.

A锘縝out the speaker:

Gasan Guseinov听is Founder and Professor of the Free University, Riga, Latvia.

He graduated from the Department of Classical Languages at Moscow State University. He has taught at universities in Russia (Moscow State University, Higher School of Economics), Germany, the USA and Switzerland. Author of several books on ancient Greek literature, such as "Plato's Dramaturgical Method", "Aristophanes", "Aeschylus' 'Oresteia'. Figurative Modelling of Action", as well as books on modern socio-linguistics: "Map of our Motherland: Ideologeme between Word and Body"; "Materials for the Russian Social and Political Dictionary of the 20th Century"; "Soviet Ideologemes in Russian Discourse of the 1990s", as well as "Zeros on the Tip of the Tongue: A Short Guide to Russian Discourse".

Please note that this event will be delivered in Russian.

芦袣邪泻 懈褋褋谢械写芯胁邪褌褜 褉褍褋褋泻懈泄 褟蟹褘泻 胁芯 胁褉械屑械薪邪 胁芯泄薪褘?禄

芦袣邪泻 锌芯写褏芯写懈褌褜 泻 懈蟹褍褔械薪懈褞 褉褍褋褋泻芯谐芯 褟蟹褘泻邪?禄 鈥 胁芯锌褉芯褋, 泻芯褌芯褉褘泄 蟹邪写邪褞褌 褋械斜械 胁褋械 懈褋褋谢械写芯胁邪褌械谢懈 锌芯褋谢械 薪邪褔邪谢邪 胁芯泄薪褘 胁 校泻褉邪懈薪械. 袨褎懈褑懈邪谢褜薪邪褟 褉芯褋褋懈泄褋泻邪褟 锌褉芯锌邪谐邪薪写邪 芯斜褗褟胁懈谢邪, 褔褌芯 胁芯泄薪邪 胁 校泻褉邪懈薪械 胁械写械褌褋褟 褉邪写懈 褋锌邪褋械薪懈褟 褉褍褋褋泻芯谐芯 褟蟹褘泻邪 懈 械谐芯 薪芯褋懈褌械谢械泄 芯褌 芦褍泻褉邪懈薪褋泻懈褏 薪邪褑懈芯薪邪谢懈褋褌芯胁禄. 小褉邪蟹褍 锌芯褋谢械 薪邪褔邪谢邪 胁芯泄薪褘 胁褘褟褋薪懈谢芯褋褜, 褔褌芯 斜芯谢褜褕懈薪褋褌胁芯 卸械褉褌胁 薪邪锌邪写械薪懈褟 懈 斜械卸械薪褑械胁 懈蟹 校泻褉邪懈薪褘 鈥 褝褌芯 泻邪泻 褉邪蟹 褉褍褋褋泻芯褟蟹褘褔薪褘械 懈谢懈 写胁褍褟蟹褘褔薪褘械 卸懈褌械谢懈 袙芯褋褌芯褔薪芯泄 校泻褉邪懈薪褘. 袥芯卸褜, 谢械卸邪褖邪褟 胁 芯褋薪芯胁械 褉芯褋褋懈泄褋泻芯泄 锌芯谢懈褌懈泻懈, 锌褉懈胁械谢邪 泻 褌芯屑褍, 褔褌芯 薪邪懈斜芯谢械械 褉邪写懈泻邪谢褜薪褘械 褋谢芯懈 薪邪褋械谢械薪懈褟 芯斜褗褟胁懈谢懈 褋邪屑 褉褍褋褋泻懈泄 褟蟹褘泻 懈褋褌芯褔薪懈泻芯屑 薪邪褋懈谢懈褟 懈 锌芯谢懈褌懈泻懈 薪械薪邪胁懈褋褌懈. 袩芯褝褌芯屑褍 泻邪卸写褘泄 谢懈薪谐胁懈褋褌-懈褋褋谢械写芯胁邪褌械谢褜, 懈蟹褍褔邪褞褖懈泄 褋芯胁褉械屑械薪薪褘泄 褉褍褋褋泻懈泄 褟蟹褘泻 褟蟹褘泻邪, 锌褉懈薪褍卸写械薪 褋写械谢邪褌褜 泻褍谢褜褌褍褉薪芯-锌芯谢懈褌懈褔械褋泻懈泄 胁褘斜芯褉, 芯锌褉械写械谢懈胁 写谢褟 褋械斜褟 褑械谢褜 褉邪斜芯褌褘.

袨褎懈褑懈邪谢褜薪褘泄 写懈褋泻褍褉褋 褋芯胁褉械屑械薪薪芯泄 袪芯褋褋懈懈 鈥 褝褌芯 写懈褋泻褍褉褋 胁褉邪卸写褘 懈 薪械薪邪胁懈褋褌懈 泻 芯泻褉褍卸邪褞褖械屑褍 屑懈褉褍, 写懈褋泻褍褉褋 写褍褏芯胁薪芯谐芯 锌褉械胁芯褋褏芯写褋褌胁邪 袪芯褋褋懈懈 薪邪写 褋芯胁褉械屑械薪薪褘屑 蟹邪锌邪写薪褘屑 屑懈褉芯屑. 袩褉懈 褝褌芯屑 褌邪泻芯泄 写懈褋泻褍褉褋 邪泻褌懈胁薪芯 懈褋锌芯谢褜蟹褍械褌 写谢褟 写芯褋褌懈卸械薪懈褟 褑械谢械泄 褉械卸懈屑邪 泻褍谢褜褌褍褉薪芯械 薪邪褋谢械写懈械 袪芯褋褋懈懈. 袙芯褌 锌芯褔械屑褍 褋械谐芯写薪褟 薪械泄褌褉邪谢褜薪芯械 懈 邪锌芯谢懈褌懈褔薪芯械, 懈蟹褍褔械薪懈械 褉褍褋褋泻芯谐芯 褟蟹褘泻邪 褋械谐芯写薪褟 薪械胁芯蟹屑芯卸薪芯.

袚邪褋邪薪 袚褍褋械泄薪芯胁 鈥 袨褋薪芯胁邪褌械谢褜 懈 袩褉芯褎械褋褋芯褉 小胁芯斜芯写薪芯谐芯 校薪懈胁械褉褋懈褌械褌邪, 袪懈谐邪, 袥邪褌胁懈褟.

袨薪 芯泻芯薪褔懈谢 芯褌写械谢械薪懈械 泻谢邪褋褋懈褔械褋泻懈褏 褟蟹褘泻芯胁 袦袚校. 袩褉械锌芯写邪胁邪谢 胁 褍薪懈胁械褉褋懈褌械褌邪褏 胁 袪芯褋褋懈懈 (袦袚校, 袙楔协), 袚械褉屑邪薪懈懈, 小楔袗 懈 楔胁械泄褑邪褉懈懈. 袗胁褌芯褉 薪械褋泻芯谢褜泻懈褏 泻薪懈谐 锌芯 写褉械胁薪械-谐褉械褔械褋泻芯泄 谢懈褌械褉邪褌褍褉械, 泻邪泻 "袛褉邪屑邪褌褍褉谐懈褔械褋泻懈泄 屑械褌芯写 袩谢邪褌芯薪邪", "袗褉懈褋褌芯褎邪薪", "'袨褉械褋褌械褟' 协褋褏懈谢邪. 袨斜褉邪蟹薪芯械 屑芯写械谢懈褉芯胁邪薪懈械 写械泄褋褌胁懈褟", 邪 褌邪泻卸械 泻薪懈谐 锌芯 褋芯胁褉械屑械薪薪芯泄 褋芯褑懈芯-谢懈薪谐胁懈褋褌懈泻械: "袣邪褉褌邪 薪邪褕械泄 袪芯写懈薪褘: 懈写械芯谢芯谐械屑邪 屑械卸写褍 褋谢芯胁芯屑 懈 褌械谢芯屑"; "袦邪褌械褉懈邪谢褘 泻 褉褍褋褋泻芯屑褍 芯斜褖械褋褌胁械薪薪芯-锌芯谢懈褌懈褔械褋泻芯屑褍 褋谢芯胁邪褉褞 XX 胁."; "小芯胁械褌褋泻懈械 懈写械芯谢芯谐械屑褘 胁 褉褍褋褋泻芯屑 写懈褋泻褍褉褋械 1990-褏", 邪 褌邪泻卸械 "袧褍谢械胁褘械 薪邪 泻芯薪褔懈泻械 褟蟹褘泻邪: 袣褉邪褌泻懈泄 锌褍褌械胁芯写懈褌械谢褜 锌芯 褉褍褋褋泻芯屑褍 写懈褋泻褍褉褋褍".