

Faculty of Social & Historical Sciences


Professor Nikolas Rose

Academic position: Honorary Professor

Department: Insititute for Advanced Studies




Nikolas Rose FBA, FAcSS, FRSA was Professor of Sociology and Head of the Department of Global Health and Social Medicine at Kings College London, and was co-Founder and Co-Director of King’s ESRC Centre for Society and Mental Health until his retirement in April 2021.  Before joining King’s in 2012, he was Martin White Professor of Sociology at the London School of Economics and Political Science, Head of the Department of Sociology from 2002 to 2006, and Director of the LSE's BIOS Centre for the Study of Bioscience, Biomedicine, Biotechnology and Society, which he founded in 2003.  He has Honorary appointments at the Institute of Advanced Studies at University College London and also at the Australian National University. He is the founder and co-editor of BioSocieties: an interdisciplinary journal for social studies of the life sciences.  His most recent books include The Politics of Life Itself (Princeton, 2006),  Neuro (with Joelle Abi-Rached, Princeton, 2013) and The Urban Brain: Mental Health in the Vital City (with Des Fitzgerald, Princeton 2022).  He has worked with many international projects on emerging biotechnologies, including the Beijing Genomics Institute (BGI), the European Union’s Human Brain Project and several large research council funded collaborations on synthetic biology. He is Chair of the Neuroscience and Society Network and has worked with the Nuffield Council on Bioethics, the Academy of Medical Science, the Wellcome Trust and the Royal Society.

Research Projects:

Nikolas has a longstanding commitment to 'revitalizing' the social and human sciences, involving productive if critical friendship with those research in the life sciences and the neurosciences His current research is on developing a neuroecosocial approach to mental distress and subjectivity embodying changing understandings of the relations between brain, psyche, body and the material and social world, developed in recent publications including:

  • Nikolas Rose and Des Fitzgerald (2022) The Urban Brain: Mental Health in the Vital City, Princeton University Press;  
  • Rose N, Birk R and Manning N (2021) Towards Neuroecosociality: Mental Health in Adversity. Theory, Culture & Society. DOI: 10.1177/0263276420981614


Nikolas supervises PhD students, currently on mental health, stress and the workplace, and on youth mental distress and adversity in the favelas of Sao Paulo.  He also gives some invited keynote lectures on these issues.