

Research and Innovation Services


Changes to Royal Society no-cost extension request process

12 May 2023

The Royal Society has implemented a new process for no-cost extension requests for Research Grants and International Exchanges. Find out more about the changes and how to submit a no-cost extension request.

Researchers working in lab

From April, grant holders on these schemes will use a new, streamlined process to request no-cost extensions, instead of the previous Change Request process. The new process was introduced to reduce some of the bureaucracy associated with these awards and provide greater flexibility for award holders to complete their research.  

Award holders on Research Grants and International Exchanges are now asked to submit a with details of their current award and the requested date change. A formal letter of support will not be required but applicants will be asked to confirm Head of Department and Research Office approval and provide Research Office (Post-Award) contact details as part of the form.

To comply with Royal Society requirements, Principal Investigators should notify their Post Award contact before submitting an extension request. Communication on the request should also be saved to Worktribe to demonstrate Research Office awareness and approval.

Further to review and approval of the no-cost extension request, a confirmation will be sent to both the grant holder and the Research Office. 

The Royal Society will continue to monitor this new process carefully as part of a wider plan to improve processes across change requests in the future.

Further information

If you have any questions regarding these changes or require support please get in touch with your Award Services Post-Award contact.

Guidance on can be found on Worktribe.