

Research and Innovation Services


Overheads and FEC recovery

Find out how the viability of your research project is measured.

The financial viability of a research project is measured in two ways:

1. FEC Recovery surplus /deficit:Ìýthis indicates how much of the cost is to be recovered from the FunderÌý

  • FEC Recovery = Cost to HEI Ìý- Price to FunderÌý
  • FEC Recovery % = (Price to Funder / Cost to HEI)*100

2.ÌýContribution to Overheads: this indicates the contribution by the Funder to non-direct costs

  • Contribution to Overheads = Price to Funder – Directly Incurred Costs
  • Contribution to Overheads % = (Price to Funder – Directly Incurred Costs) / Directly IncurredÌý

Projects not reaching minimum FEC Recovery and Contribution to Overheads levels are automatically escalated within Worktribe to Faculties for approval.ÌýThe escalation logic is summarised in the table below.

Funder typeFEC Recovery Escalation LogicOverhead Contribution Escalation Logic
Industry, Commerce and Public CorporationsEscalated if recovery <100%Escalated if contribution < 30%
Research Councils, UK Government Bodies/Local Health & Hospital AuthoritiesEscalated if recovery <70%Escalated if contribution < 30%
Non-EU Other and Other SourcesEscalated if recovery <100%Escalated if contribution < 15%
EU Government Bodies and EU OtherNo escalation logicEscalated if contribution < 15%
Charities (Open competitive process)No escalation logicNo escalation logic
Charities (Other)Always esclateNo escalation logic

For further information about FEC, please see theÌýCosting PrinciplesÌý(FEC)Ìý±è²¹²µ±ð.
