

Institute for the Physics of Living Systems


Yanlan Mao selected as EMBO Young Investigator for 2018

20 November 2018

EMBO has selected 26 life science researchers to become EMBO Young Investigators.

Yanlan Mao

EMBO has selected 26 life science researchers within their first four years as group leaders to become EMBO Young Investigators. They join an active network of 102 current and 314 past Young Investigators and will receive support from EMBO during the foundation of their first independent laboratory. 

“The accepted candidates have all shown outstanding promise in their early careers and impressed our selection committee with both the quality of their current work and their proposals for future research,” says EMBO Director, Maria Leptin. 

We are excited to announce that Dr. Yanlan Mao from IPLS has been selected as one of the Young Investigators. Dr. Mao will be working on mechanical regulation of tissue growth and regeneration.