

Person Environment Activity Research Laboratory


Creative Arts: How PEARL can help you

An Immersive Performance Space

PEARL offers a fully-equipped performance/rehearsal space with the ability to change environmental conditions such as lighting and acoustics, as well as smell. Create an immersive experience for your next performing arts project, whether theatrical, musical or dance.

An Experimental Design Studio

PEARL can also act as a studio workspace for artists and designers to experiment and realise multidisciplinary creative projects which interface with the urban environment, using a variety of media. We encourage the exploration of innovative techniques - if you have any technical questions, our technicians are available to help.

Innovative Artists-in-Residence

Artists are invited to work in collaboration with our researchers on a variety of topics with a view to improving the urban environment. These may be funded independently or through one of our research projects. Get in touch if you have an innovative idea to explore - if you are in need of ideas, our research is a rich source of inspiration!

Creative Public Engagement

We aim for our research projects to be informed by, engage with and communicate to the general public, and we need creative ways to do this. Get in touch if you would like to join us in our endeavour!

Research through Design

Research through design is an approach which allows us to instigate positive change. By implementing temporary urban interventions on-site, we can test our theories in the real-world and assess the outcomes with future users before making more permanent design decisions. Get in touch if you have an idea you would like us to test.

Types of Creative Arts Projects Ìý

See our Projects page to see some examples of our work.