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An internet site uses genealogy in its effort to attract American visitors

22 June 2006

As part of an effort to promote tourism in East England during the Jamestown 2007 commemoration, a group in that region is offering Web-based help with genealogy.


The effort in England includes a campaign that urges American tourists to "begin your adventure where your ancestors began theirs." East England is where a number of Jamestown colonists were born.

The group based in East England - the British Commemoration Tourism Partnership - is encouraging people with last names such as Morris, Smith or Webb to log on to its . …

Under a "Where are you from" link, there's also something for people with roots in Great Britain but no connection to Jamestown, which was North America's first permanent English settlement. An online "Surname Profiler" developed by Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê helps users figure out where their ancestors might have lived.

Victor Reklaitis, 'Daily Press' (Newport News, Virginai, USA)