
William Peat

???? - 1792


  1. "Thursday morning died, at Marchwiel-hall, near Wrexham, where he was upon a visit, William Peat, Esq., a gentleman of considerable property in Jamaica."

  2. William Peat was the father-in-law of John Ross of Mulatto River (married to Elizabeth Ann Peat) and James Renny Ochterlony (married to Bridgett Alithea Peat).

  3. Probate lawsuit Brown v Peat and others, concerning the deceased William Peat esq of the Island of Jamaica but late of Marchwiel Hall, Marchwiel, Denbighshire.

  4. Note that the ship Peat was travelling to Britain on was called the William and Elizabeth - when Peat's wife was named Elizabeth.

  5. William Peatt Litt (q.v.) may be named after this man.


  1. Chester Courant 01/01/1793.

  2. See separate entries for John Ross of Mulatto River and James Ochterlony.

  3. PROB 18/103/43.

  4. PROB 11/1236/71.

  5. See separate entry for William Peatt Litt.

We are grateful to Lyndall Keller for his assistance with compiling this entry.

Further Information

William, George, John, Elizabeth, Bridgett

Will of William Peat Esq.

“At Sea” In the Name of god Amen.

I William Peat of the Island of Jamaica but now on my passage to Great Britain on board the William and Elizabeth, Captain Goodwin Commander, going at about the latitude of 55 degrees and passing the northern isles with a sound and disposing mind and memory and understanding, so make and publish this my last will and testament whereby revoking all former wills and testaments wherefore made by us, declaring this to be my last will and testament only. I give and now bequeath unto my wife Elizabeth Peat, my sons William, George and John, my daughters Elizabeth and Bridgett Peats all and singular my real and personal estate whatsoever in possession, reversion or expectance to be divided equally share and share alike amongst them to have and to hold to them, their heirs executors and administrators for ever and I do hereby constitute and appoint my worthy and dear friend Charles Browne of Brownes Lodge in Ryegate in Surry Esq. Robert Riches Akers of Hindolveston in the County of Norfolk Esquire and both of the kingdom of Great Britain to be my executors as also my wife Elizabeth Peat now of the Island of Jamaica to be joined as an Executrix of this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have this eighth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand and seven hundred and ninety one hereunto put my hand and seal. Signed, sealed, published and delivered by the said William Peat as and for his last will and testament in presence of us as witnesses thereto.

18th of July 1793.

Which day appears personally Anne Gilberd (wife of Edward Gilberd of Fleet Street in the parish of St Dunstan in the West London and Richard Marnell of Salisbury Street in the parish of Saint Martin in the Fields in the County of Middlesex Gentleman, and first the said Anne Gilberd for herself made Oath that she is the natural and lawful sister of William Peat formerly of the Island of Jamaica but at Marchwiel Hall in the parish of Marchwiel and in the county of Denbigh Esquire deceased who died in the month of December last and that she had often seen him write and also write and subscribe his name and thereby because well aquainted with his manner and character of handwriting and subscription and the said Richard Marnell for himself made Oath that he became acquainted with the said deceased upon his arrival in England in or about the Month of October in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety one and that during such his knowledge and acquaintance with the said deceased he has seen him write and also subscribe his name and they jointly and severally deposed that they having viewed and perused the paper writing hereunto annexed purporting to be the last will and testament of the said deceased beginning thus “At Sea” In the name of God Amen I William Peat of the Island of Jamaica, but now on my passage to Great Britain on board The William and Elizabeth, Captain Goodwin Commander” ending thus “In witness whereof I have this eighth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety one hereunto put my hand and seal and also the attestation wrote at the bottom of the same they depose that they do verily and in their conscience believe the whole Body Series and contents of that said paper writing to be all of the proper hand=writing of the said William Peat deceased.

Affadavit signed: Anne Gilberd and Richard Marnell.

Witnessed: SP Parson and William C. Clackson (Public Notary)

This will and testamentary schedule was proved at London fifteenth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety three before the Right Honourable Sir William …..Knight Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury and lawfully constituted by the oaths of Charles Browne and Robert Riches Akers Esquires two of the executors named in the said will to whom administration was granted of all and singular the goods, chattels and credits of the said deceased having been first sworn by commission duly to administer. Power reserved of making like grant to Elizabeth Peat widow the Relict of the said deceased and other Executor named in the said will when she shall apply for the same.

Relationships (3)

Father-in-law → Son-in-law
Father-in-law → Son-in-law
Testator → Executor