
Samuel Newton of Barbados

???? - 1684


The first Newton known to be in Barbados when he purchased land in Christ Church in 1654, which was later to become the estate of Newton's and held in the family for at least another 200 years. Married to Barbary/Barbara Newton.

  1. The only two children named in his will were his daughter Sarah (who married Richard Bate in St Philip, Barbados, in 1677) and John. Another son, Edmund, baptised in Christ Church 18/06/1670, had presumably died by 1683.

  2. Samuel Newton left an annuity of £10 (to be secured by an investment in land) to the poor of the parish of South Wingfield in Derbyshire, the place of his birth. It seems likely therefore that he was the Samuel, son of Eduard Newton, who was baptised in South Wingfield 13/10/1620.

  3. Col. Samuel Newton was buried in St Philip, Barbados, 09/06/1684.


'Papers of the Newton Family', Senate House Library, MS 523, [accessed 18/05/2020].

  1. PROB 11/382/43; Familysearch.org, Barbados Baptisms, 1739-1891 [database online].

  2. PROB 11/382/43; Familysearch.org, England, Derbyshire, Church of England Parish Registers, 1537-1918 [database online].

  3. Familysearch.org, Barbados Church Records, 1637-1887 [database online].

Further Information

Sarah, Edmund, John

PROB 11/382/43 - precis.

Samuel Newton of the Island of Barbados Esquire.

To my two nieces Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Radford living in Chesterfield in Derbyshire, England, and Alice, wife of John Wilde living late in Mansfield in Nottinghamshire, £10 per annum each for 5 years.

To the several children of my two nieces that are now born whether male or female £50 sterling each (except Alice, daughter of Thomas Radford and Ruth the daughter of John Wilde) at age 18 years if any of them be then married, otherwise to be put out to interest until each attains the age of 21 years or marriage. To the two children of my nieces above expressed, five shillings.

To the several children of my kinsman Arthur Boolley [?] that are now born £100 equally divided and paid to them at age 16 years.

To Samuel, son of Arthur Woolley[?] the additional sum of £100 at age 21.

To my son-in-law Richard Bate of Barbados and my daughter Sarah his wife, £100 each.

To my grandson Raines Bate £100 at age 16 years.

To my grand-daughter Newton Bate, £500 to her use at age 6 years to be put out to interest until age 16 or the day of her marriage. If she should die before age 16 or marriage then this sum and interest to the use of the next daughter of my said daughter Sarah Bate, in default to the next daughter etc.

To my kinswoman Mary, wife of William Fenwick and Isabella, wife of Benjamin Cryer, £50 each.

To my godson Dutton Stede, son of the Hon. [?] Edwin Stede and to my god-daughter Mary Seawell and Dorothy Codrington, daughter of Lt. Col. John Codrington, £20 each to buy a piece of plate in memory of me.

To my godson Samuel Scott, son of Captain Philipp Scott and to Thomas Haslewood, son of Captain Thomas Haslewood and to Austin Hooper, son of Captain Jonathan Hooper and to my godson Samuel Cryer, son of Benjamin Cryer, £20 each.

My executors living in England shall within 18 months after my decease purchase some piece of land of the value of £10 per annum as conveniently situated as may be which shall be for the use of the poor of the parish of South Wingfield and Alcorchery[?] in Derbyshire, being the place of my nativity. My loving kinsmen Adam Woolley and Arthur Woolley of Derbyshire and my executors to be trustees for the said charitable use.

My beloved wife Barbary Newton to have the use of all my moveable goods and chattels in Barbados and England until my son John Newton shall arrive at the age of 24 years; then half of these to my son John and half to my wife.

To my son John one moiety of all my plantation lands, negroes and appurtements in Barbados and one moiety of all my manors, lands etc in England. The other moiety to my wife to possess and enjoy in her widowhood and to dispose of to whomever she shall please either in fee or in feetaile by her last will provided that she shall continue a widow.

My wife shall by her last will dispose of £4,000 raised out of the rents, and profits of my estate. But in case my wife shall marry after my decease then she shall have but one third of my estate during her natural life and the other two thirds shall immediately revert to my son John Newton, he paying my wife £4,000 in six equal yearly payments.

My wife to receive all such ready monies as I shall die possessed of and also the rents, issues and profits in Barbados and England until my son reaches age 24 years. My son to receive £100 a year and accommodation in the house where I now live until age 21 years, then £200 with the like accommodation until age 24 years. In case my son shall reside in England then my wife to allow him £200 a year to age 21 and £300 per year to age 24.

The moiety to my son John for the use of himself during his natural life and the remainder to the first issue male of his body lawfully begotten and his heirs, then in default to his second male issue etc. In default to the female issue of my son etc. [Note his grandson Raines Bate and the children of his brother William Newton in England also in line of succession, with further details.]

My wife Barbary Newton to be executrix in all matters relating to Barbados.

My wife Barbary Newton and my kinsman Arthur Woolly of Maistone upon Dout[?] in Derbyshire and my very good friend John Eston and Samuel Clay of London to be executors in England. £50 to each of them. Should my wife die before my son John reaches the age of 24 years then my good friend Hon. Richard Seawell and son-in-law Richard Bate and Benjamin Cryer to be aiding and assisting my son John Newton in his affairs.

Signed 12/02/1683.

Proved in London 13/01/1686.

Associated Estates (1)

The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:

  • SD - Association Start Date
  • SY - Association Start Year
  • EA - Earliest Known Association
  • ED - Association End Date
  • EY - Association End Year
  • LA - Latest Known Association
1654 [SY] - 1684 [EY] → Owner

Relationships (6)

First Cousins
Father → Son
Grandfather → Grandson
Husband → Wife
Father → Daughter
Grandfather → Grandson

Addresses (1)

South Wingfield, Derbyshire, East Midlands, England
Notes →

Assumed the date of his baptism