
Owen Putland Meyrick

1752 - 1825


Father-in-law of Augustus Elliott Fuller (q.v.), and separately party to a deed of 1807 (which LBS has not read) concerning estates on St Kitts inferred by LBS to have been Golden Rock and Mills, which had as parties William Templer Pole; Scrope Berdmore and Andrew Drummond Berkeley (the executors of John Compton (q.v.) the father of Henry Combe Compton (Pole's co-owner of the St Kitts' estate)); Pole's uncle the banker George Templer; Owen Putland Meyrick; and William Lowndes Stone. Owen Putland Meyrick and William Lowndes Stone [previously known as William Lowndes] were the sons-in-law and trustees of Richard Garth but no direct connection with the St Kitts estates descending from John Mills and later owned by Sir William Templer Pole and Henry Combe Compton has yet been traced by LBS either for Meyrick and Stone or for Richard Garth. However, Garth in turn was son-in-law of Peter Leheup, who held a mortgage over the estates of John Mills, and it is reasonable to infer that the presence of Meyrick and Stone in the 1807 deed reflected this earlier mortgage.


Archives at Yale, Deed between William Temple [sic] Pole, Scrope Berdmore, Andrew Berkeley Drummond, George Templer, Owen Putland Meyrick, and William Lowndes Stone, for several plantations and lands in several parishes, 1807 June 23, [accessed 06/05/2020]; Will of Richard Garth [formerly of Morden Hall Park but now] of Kensington, proved 02/07/1787, PROB 11/1155/44.

Further Information

Clara Garth

Relationships (1)

Father-in-law → Son-in-law

Addresses (1)

Bodorgan, Isle of Anglesey, Wales