
Duncan Forbes

???? - 1791


Duncan Forbes of Grenada, who purchased an estate in St Vincent with his brother Hugh Forbes of Tobago at some point in 1790 or 1791.

Son of Donald or Daniel Forbes, Sheriff Substitute of Sutherland and tenant of Ribigill, near Tongue. Brother also of Donald or Daniel Forbes of Ribigill. Expressed in his will the desire for his brothers', uncle's and niece's children to be educated 'as much in England as possible so that at the outset of their lives they may possess every possible advantage that a liberal education and accomplished manner can give.' His other brother Donald or Daniel Forbes of Ribigill was Major Donald Forbes, who succeeded their father as tacksman of Ribigill and resided in Ribigill House from around 1789 until about 1810. He assisted the Reay Factor of that time to turn Ribigill into a large farm, clearing a number of tenants from the area.


Email from David Alston, 16/07/2018.

We are grateful to David Alston for his assistance with compiling this entry.

Further Information


PROB 11/1224/248 - precis.

Duncan Forbes of the Island of Grenada.

If I die in any part of the West Indies, my body may be interred in a decent respectable manner in the same grave with my dear and beloved boy Mr Alexander Summers of this Island who died the 7th instant in the 20 year of his age who I brought up with the affection of a parent to a child from his infancy and who was as much my happiness and delight whilst he lived as his death is now the source of my greatest sorrow and affliction. I desire that an elegant marble tombstone with an inscription expressive of my affection for the said Alexander Summers may be placed over his grave...

As soon after my death as my executors think proper all my property in negroes lands houses and of every other nature may be sold or leased under their direction to the best advantage possible, that all debts due to me may be collected and all my debts paid.

To my mother Mrs Jean Forbes of Ribigill near Tounge in the county of Sutherland, the interest of whatever money I may be worth or my property may amount to after paying my debts, after deducting such legacies as I may bequeath by my will, such interest to be paid annually to my mother and to be disposed of in any manner she may think proper after her death.

Half of my estate real and personal to my eldest brother Hugh Forbes of the Island of Tobago and to his lawfully begotten children. Half of this is to be applied by him or in case of his death by my executors for the propert maintenance and education of his children until they attain the age of 21, when it is to be divided equally amongst them. In default of such children, my brother is to have the life rent of the one half of my estate and after his death this to pass to the lawfully begotten children of my brother Donald Forbes of Ribigill at age 21 years, always observing that the said children are to receive as much of their education in England as possible. In default to the children of my uncle George Mackay of Bighouse, and in default to the said George Mackay of Bighouse himself or the nearest heirs of his body lawfully begotten.

After my mother's death, the remaining half of my estate in equal portions between my brother Donald Forbes of Ribigill aforesaid and my cousin, the daughter lawfully begotten of my uncle George Mackay of Bighouse who is named Jean for my mother. To them and their children lawfully begotten for ever, but in default of such children my brother and cousin to have only the life rent and in default ot my brother Hugh Forbes and his children... and behoof for ever recommending to my brothers cousin and uncle to educate their children as much in England as possible so that in their outset in life they may possess every possible advantage that liberal education and accomplished manners can give...

To each of my executors 拢10 for a mourning ring.

My brother Hugh Forbes of Tobago, John Rollo, surgeon in His Majesty's Ordnance, Matthew Munro and Alexander Fraser of St George's Grenada, merchants, Coll. Turner of the City of London, merchant and George Mackay of Bighouse (my uncle) to be executors. In case of the death of any of them in the West Indies before the execution of my will, I appoint William McFarlane and Duncan Campbell Esquire of St George's Grenada, merchants, to be my executors in the room of any of those already mementioned that may be dead or absent. In default of the death or absence of my executors in Europe I appoint John Henderson of Mitre Court, Milk Street, Cheapside, London, merchant, and Donald Forbes of Ribigill, my brother, to act as executors...

Signed 24/12/1789.

Codicil dated 10/11/1791. In consideration of having since joined my brother Hugh Forbes in the purchase of an estate in St Vincent, I recommend my mother to accommodate my brother Hugh as far as lies in her power to the early improvement of the said estate in St Vincent. My mother Jean Forbes shall hold the interest money for her natural life. To prevent all manner of dispute with my other legatees they are hereby deprived of all advantages originally intended by my said will except so far as the same may be agreeable to my said brother Hugh Forbes after the said estate in St Vincent has entirely cleared itself, at which period I bequeath to my neice Jane Mackay, daughter of Capt. George Mackay my uncle, 拢2000 sterling and to George Mackay 拢1000 sterling for the use and benefit of his family. To Col. Turner of the City of London, merchant, 拢100 as a mark of my friendship to him. All balances due to and by the copartnership of Hugh and Duncan Forbes in the estate in St Vincent to be regularly adjusted and settled with my brother Hugh Forbes by the Hon. Duncan Campbell and Wiliam Greig Esquires who are also to be executors.

Proved at London 16/11/1792.

Relationships (1)
