
Richard Basnett

???? - 1733


Richard Bassnett was a merchant in Kingston in 1726, partner in Mitchell, Ba[s]snett & Miller with Pancefort Miller (q.v.).

Richard Basnett of Kingston, Esquire. Estate probated in Jamaica in 1733. Slave-ownership at probate: 41 of whom 23 were listed as male and 18 as female. 14 were listed as boys, girls or children. Total value of estate at probate: £13226.69 Jamaican currency of which £1136.5 currency was the value of enslaved people. Estate valuation included £370.38 currency cash, £10749.08 currency debts and £145.69 currency plate.

The will of Richard Basnett was also proved in Jamaica in 1733.


M.D. Mitchell, The Prince of Slavers (2020) pp. 158, 159, 186, 187.

W. A. Feurtado, Official and Other Personages of Jamaica from 1655 to 1790 Compiled from Various Sources (1896), transcribed at .

Trevor Burnard, Database of Jamaican inventories, 1674-1784.

Vere Langford Oliver, Caribbeana being miscellaneous papers relating to the history, genealogy, topography, and antiquities of the British West Indies (6 vols., London, Mitchell, Hughes and Clarke, 1910-1919) vol. 2 p. 115.

We are grateful to Charlotte Hursey for her assistance with compiling this entry.

Further Information

Richard, John

PROB 11/725/455 - precis.

Richard Basnett of Kingston, Jamaica, Esquire.

Will dated 01/05/1733.

Hon. Richard Mill Esquire and Peter Beckford of St Catherine and my dearly beloved wife Rachel Basnett of Kingston during her widowhood to be my executors.

To my dear sister Ann Basnett of Richmond in Great Britain, £500.

To my wife Rachel my five several negroes called Diana, Mopsey, Aurelia, Phillis and Monimia with their future issue for the term of her natural life. Also to her, all her wearing apparel, watch, jewels and rings, also my chariot and horses, riding horse and furniture provided for her in my lifetime, together with all my plate so long as she shall remain a widow and unmarried.

To my wife £400 Jamaican currency annually for life. If she choses, she can reside upon the captial, messuage or tenement which I have lately begun the building of; my executors to finish the building according to the plan made during my lifetime. In this case, my wife to have possession of my pen situated in St Andrew, Jamaica, near the town of Kingston, lately purchased from my late brother-in-law Richard Owen Esquire, in lieu of £300 of the £400 annual payment bequeathed to her above, including all my lands and 25 [named] enslaved people given as "Penn Negroes" and 13 [named] enslaved people given as "domestick or house slaves". This annuity and property to be in lieu of dower and provided she remain a widow.

Should my wife think it expedient to lease all or part of my property she may be at liberty to lease the same after the rate of £300 per annum and proportionably for any part thereof to one or both of my two beloved sons Richard and John Basnett and to no other persons whatsoever.

To Richard my eldest son, a certain Persian dress or habit termed in that county a collat signifying a change of raiment which was in the progress of my travels in that part of the world to me made a present by Shaw Sultan Hosein, late deposed Sophi of Persia [note: Sultan Husayn (1668-1726), Shah of Persia from 1694 to 1722?]. Richard to gain this at the age of 21 years. In default to my younger son John.

All rest and residue to my two sons Richard and John equally as tenants in common at age 21 years. In case of the death of both without lawful issue before the age of 21 years, then all rest and residue to my sister Anne Basnett of Richmond and Bonella Hodges, daughter of Thomas Hodges late of the parish of St Elizabeth as tenants in common; in that case the annuity to my sister shall cease and the sum of £150 sterling to the minister and church wardens of Great Ealing in Middlesex, England, for the use of the poor of that parish for ever.

Codicil: I give further to my sister Ann Basnett of Richmond, £200 sterling.

Proved 28/04/1743; probate granted to Isaac Millner Esquire, attorney of Rachel Basnett, widow, the only surviving executrix.

Legacies Summary

Commercial (1)

Name partner
Mitchell, Basnett & Miller
West India merchant  

Relationships (6)

Husband → Wife
Father → Son
Father-in-law → Daughter-in-law
Father → Son
Son-in-law → Father-in-law

Inventories (1)