
Charles Bennet 4th Earl of Tankerville

1743 - 1822


The sale of the mortgage interest of Earl and Countess Tankerville and Sir John Aubrey bart. in Sir George Colebrooke's estates [and enslaved people] on Antigua announced on 30/07/1796 for 27/08/1796 was cancelled 13/08/1796 without explanation. Sir George Colebrooke's nieces Emma and Mary had married Charles 4th Earl of Tankerville and Sir John Aubrey respectively, but the nature of their 'mortgage interest' has yet to be established by LBS. Charles Bennet 4th Earl appears in the collective entry in the ODNB for 'White Conduit cricket club' that also identifies his wife but makes no reference to connections to slavery.


London Gazette 13917 30/08/1796 p.737; 13921 13/08/1796 p.774; Howat, Gerald M. D. "White Conduit cricket club (act. c. 1785–1788)." Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. 23 Sep. 2004; Accessed 31 Dec. 2020. https://www.oxforddnb.com/view/10.1093/ref:odnb/9780198614128.001.0001/odnb-9780198614128-e-64818.

Further Information

Emma Colebrooke

Relationships (3)

Son → Father
Other relatives
Notes →
Charles Bennet married Emma Colebrooke, the niece of Sir George...
Other relatives
Notes →
The Earl of Tankerville's son John Astley Bennet married Julia, daughter of John Conyers. Conyers left an annuity of £400 p.a. on the joint lives of his daughter Hon. Julia Bennet and her...