
Daniel Peyton

???? - 1757


Daniel Peyton was listed in the Jamaican Quit Rent books for 1754 as the owner of 555 acres of land in St George and 824 acres of land in St Mary, total 1379 acres.

He was of London when he wrote his will in October 1756. His main heirs were his niece Ann Nembhard and his nephew William Orgill the younger. The will also mentions his parents as the deceased Andrew and Mary Peyton. Daniel Peyton of St Michael Cornhill London was buried at St Dunstan and All Saints, Stepney, 28/01/1757.

Daniel Peyton of Britain. Estate probated in Jamaica in 1758. Slave-ownership at probate: 43 of whom 23 were listed as male and 20 as female. 19 were listed as boys, girls or children. Total value of estate at probate: 拢2853.04 Jamaican currency of which 拢1319 currency was the value of enslaved people. Estate valuation included 拢0 currency cash, 拢1346.42 currency debts and 拢0 currency plate.


"A List of landholders in the Island of Jamaica together with the number of acres each person possessed taken from the quit rent books in the year 1754", TNA CO 142/31 transcribed at ., London, England, Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812 [database online].

Trevor Burnard, Database of Jamaican inventories, 1674-1784.

Further Information


PROB 11/828/72 - precis.

Daniel Peyton late of the island of Jamaica but now of the parish of St Michael Cornhill London Esquire.

I charge my personal moveable chattels and effects (but not the negroes and other slaves hereinafter by me devised) with the payment of my just debts and pecuniary legacies. In case these personal chattels and effects shall not be sufficient to pay of the same then I do in the next place charge all my lands in Jamaica with the payment thereof, in which case my executors upon trust to sell my land to pay such deficiency beginning first with the sale of my land in the parish of St George called Tobarts[?] Ridge, it being my intent that all and every of my slaves shall be held and enjoyed by the person and persons to whom the same are hereinafter devised, freed and discharged from the payment of my debts and legacies.

To my beloved nephew William Orgil the younger the following 15 negroe slaves viz. Jacob, Cato, Frank, Sancho, Quaco, Hector, Grantham, Pontar, Blackwall, Trimmer, Sam, Sampson, Ireland, Pompey and Guilford, and four negroe women slaves named Phillis, Fanny, Sybella and Lucy. In default to his father William Orgill the elder Esquire for life and after his decease to his wife Mary my beloved sister and the heirs of her body; in default to my beloved niece Ann, the wife of John Nembhard practitioner in physic and surgery and the heirs of her body; with remainder in default to the heirs general of my late mother Mary Peyton.

To my beloved niece Ann, the wife of John Nembhard the following negroe and other slaves to wit nine men slaves named Duke, Marquis, Cola, Isaac, Mulatto Will, Mulatto Alexander, Nicholas, Phillip and Charles, and ten women slaves named Amy, Betty, Dinah, Rachell, Dorinda, Quasheba, Zilpar, Esther, Cretia and Nanny together with all present and future issue.

Also to my niece Ann all those lands that I may have any claim or title to in the parish of St Mary, Jamaica, and more particularly one piece of land whereon my mansion house is erected commonly called Peytons Cope, patented by Thomas Marshall together with 150 acres of land adjoining thereto, being part and parcel of a larger run patented by Valentine Haughton and which I purchased of Joshua Newell and Margaret his wife. In default of heirs of her body lawfully begotten then to my nephew William Orgill the younger and the lawfully begotten heirs of his body, in default to his mother Mary Orgill my sister and the lawfully begotten heirs of her body, and in default to the heirs general of my late mother Mary Peyton.

To my niece Ann Nembhard all my place and other furniture belonging to my mansion house in Jamaica with my library of books there.

To my nephew William Orgill my gold watch and whatever other trinkets, books, wearing apparel and other effects may be found in my possession in England at the time of my decease.

To the said John Nembhard and his heirs my tract of land commoly known as Tobarts Ridge and which was patented by my father the late Andrew Peyton, subject neverthe less to be sold for payment of my debts and legacies in case my assets exclusive of these particularly devised should not be deficient.

In grateful remembrance of the humane and tender behaviour of my landlandy Mrs Mary Kinnersley to me during my long and tedious illness I desire the sum of 12 guineas to be paid to her to purchase a ring or piece of plate at her option to preserve as a token in remembrance of me.

In case my present nurse Mary Perry be attending me at the time of my decease, to her 拢10 sterling.

All my personal moveables, chattels and effects that shall remain after payment of my just debts and legacies to my nephew William Orgill the younger and my neice Ann Nembhard to be equally divided.

My friends William Orgill the elder and John Nembhard to be executors.

Signed 05/10/1756.

Proved at London 05/02/1757 by William Orgill the elder.

Relationships (2)

Uncle → Niece

Addresses (1)

London, London, England

Inventories (1)