
William Powell

???? - 1766


Planter in Jamaica, owner of Harker's Hall. Died 1765 or 1766.

  1. William, son of Thomas and Margaret Powell nee Vezey, was baptised in St Catherine, Jamaica, 24/12/1705. His parents married in St Catherine in 1702 and his sister Mary was baptised there in 1703.

  2. As well as numerous cash bequests and annuities levied on Harker's Hall, he left the estate itself to his nephews Thomas Rennalls, William Rennalls, Henry Rennalls, Jonathan Rennals and Joseph Rennalls and his great-nephew John Vezey Rennalls. Little Angels in St Catherine he left to his sister Mary Rennalls for life, and thereafter to his nephew Henry Rennalls. Powell's Crawle in St Thomas-in-the-Vale (not yet identified) he left to his reputed son Thomas Williams Powell. Rushy[?] Pond Pen in St Catherine (not yet identified) he left to his reputed daughter Kate or Catherine for life, and thereafter to her children Frances and Mary. One of his reputed children, his 'mulatto son' Thomas Williams Powell, also received £2,000 and was to be sent to England to be educated.

  3. There were two separate entries for William Powell in the Jamaican Quit Rent books for 1754, for the ownership of 256 acres of land in St Thomas-in-the-Vale and 1204 acres of land in the same parish.

  4. William Powell of St Thomas-in-the-East, Esquire. Estate probated in Jamaica in 1766. Slave-ownership at probate: 266 of whom 135 were listed as male and 131 as female. 96 were listed as boys, girls or children. Total value of estate at probate: £23762.53 Jamaican currency of which £12954 currency was the value of enslaved people. Estate valuation included £1367.88 currency cash, £5101.48 currency debts and £66.31 currency plate.


  1. Familysearch.org, Jamaica Church of England Parish Register Transcripts, 1664-1880 [database online].

  2. PROB 11/924/107.

  3. 'A List of landholders in the Island of Jamaica together with the number of acres each person possessed taken from the quit rent books in the year 1754', TNA CO 142/31 transcribed at .

  4. Trevor Burnard, Database of Jamaican inventories, 1674-1784.

We are grateful to Anthea Eccles for her assistance with compiling this entry.

Further Information

[illeg.] Thomas Williams Powell, Catherine, Elizabeth, Charles

PROB 11/924/107 - precis.

William Powell of St Thomas-in-the-Vale, Jamaica, Esquire.

My plantation and sugar work called Harkers Hall to be liable for payment of all my just debts, funeral expenses, annuities and legacies.

To my dearly beloved sister Mary Rennalls of the parish of St Catherine, widow, an annuity of £100 Jamaican currency for life. In case of her marriage then the annuity shall cease.

To my sister Mary Rennalls for her natural life my mountain polick[?] called Little Angels in St Catherine whereon she is now settled. After her decease the same to my nephew Henry Rennalls of St Catherine, Gentleman, his heirs and assigns for ever.

To my sister Mary Rennalls and her heirs my gold watch and all appendages thereto.

To Mary Rennalls, Elizabeth Rennalls, Margaret Powell Rennalls, Millesent Rennalls and Peter Rennalls, children of my nephew Thomas Rennalls £50 Jamaican currency each.

To John Rennalls, Ann Rennalls, Margaret Rennalls and Joseph Arthur Rennalls, children of my nephew William Rennalls, £50 Jamaican currency each.

To Mary Forsyth Rennalls, daughter of my nephew Henry Rennalls, £50 Jamacian currency.

To my niece Sarah MacCullock, wife of George MacCullock of St Catherine, Gentlewoman, £400 Jamaican currency.

To Ann Helliar MacCullock and Millecent McQuistin MacCullock, daughters of Sarah MacCullock, £50 Jamaican currency each. Also to Millecent McQuistin MacCullock a silver cup with two handles and a cover marked R. A. in a cypher.

To Mary Howell (wife of Samuell Howell Esquire) £200 Jamaican currency.

To Ann Howell (daughter of Samuel Howell ) £50 Jamaican currency.

To my nephew William Wall £50 Jamaican currency.

To my nephew John Wall £50 Jamaican currency.

To my nephew Edward Wall £50 Jamaican currency.

To my nephew Thomas Wall £50 Jamaican currency.

To my nephew Richard Wall £50 Jamaican currency.

To my nephew Benjamin Wall £50 Jamaican currency.

To Bridgett Dyer, wife of Dr John Dyer, £100 Jamaican currency.

To William Powell Bennett (son of Richard Bennett, planter) £50 Jamaican currency.

To Jannett Bennett (daughter of Richard Bennett) £50 Jamaican currency.

To John Vezey Rennalls (one other of the sons of Thomas Rennalls) £500 sterling to be paid out of the monies which I now have in the hands of John Sercold of the City of London.

To my nephew William Rennalls all the money he shall stand indebted to me by bond or otherwse at the time of my decease.

To my niece Mary Bennett, wife of Richard Bennett, planter, all that her said husband shall stand indebted unto me by bond, note or otherwise at the time of my decease together withan annuity of £50 Jamaican currency for her natural life.

To my reputed mulatto son Thomas Williams alias Thomas Williams Powell £2,000 sterling at age 21 years, payable from the monies which I now have in the hands of the said John Serecold, to be lodged in one of the public funds or on private security in England at the discretion of John Serecold; the interest to be applied to his maintenance and education. If he dies before the age of 21, the sum to go to my reputed children Elizabeth and Charles. Also to Thomas Williams my lands at Cassava River in St Thomas-in-the-Vale called Powells' Crawle, and also the parcel of land adjoining which I purchased from the Honorable Peter Burnett[?] Esquire and my nephew Thomas Rennalls, the whole containing together 511 acres, and the corned cattle, mules and other stock there at the time of my decease. Also to him my negro slaves named Atty[?], Little Cuffee, Dido, Bouneld[?], S[?], Smart, Titus, Quamina, ben, Valentine, Turpin, Daniel, Jacob, Philander, Brutus, Ben, Young August, Wednesday, Africa, Bella, Nanny and her children named Agnus and Lettice, Sabina, Dolly, Pindar, Clara, Martilla, Ballin[?]a, Sarah, Tummaritta[?] Princes, Penny, Margarett, and Mintus together with the future issue.

Thomas Williams alias Thomas Williams Powell to be sent to England as soon as convenient in order to be educated there, and that he be put out to apprentice when of sufficient age to any calling or profession which his genius or inclination may lead him to. Thomas Williams Powell to have the use of two of my horses such as he may choose until he be sent to England.

To my reputed mulatto daughter Kate or Catherine all my pen and piece of land in St Catherine called Rushy[?] Pond Pen together with the negro slaves named July, David, Felix now Isaac, Liverpool, Shaw, Martin, Case[?], Smith, Chance, Cato, Ned, Preincess, Hagar, Tabia, Rubenna, Cynthia and Sukey with their future issue, and the horned cattle, sheep and other stock belonging to the pen. Also the dwelling house which I purchased of George Beavis and his wife Sarah, and all the land belonging to it, to Catherine for her natural life. After her decease the same to her two children Frances and Mary. In default to my said mulatto children Elizabeth and Charles. Also to Catherine all my household goods and furniture in the dwelling house.

My old family dwelling house in St Jago de la Vega and all the land belonging to it to William Powell Rennalls, one of the sons of the said Thomas Rennalls).

To my mulatto daughter named Elizabeth £50 Jamaican currency every year for her maintenance and education until she arrives at age 21 years. The same to my mulatto son named Charles. Charles at the age of 14 to be put out to apprentice to such trade or calling as he shall chose. He to have £20 Jamaican currency as an apprentice fee. Also to Charles my negro boy named Daniel which I purachsed from Joseph Curtis the Elder Gentleman, and it is my express will that the said Negro Boy named Daniel shall be put out to apprentice with the said Charles, and that the charges of the same shall be paid out of the produce of my plantation called Harker's Hall.

To my mulatto children Elizabeth and Charles all that piece of land in St Thomas-in-the-Vale containing 100 acres bounded northerly on John Goff, sourtherly on a road, easterly on the lands above devised to Thomas Williams Powell and westerly on my Self[?], also the following Negro slaves named Cromwell, Sussex, Lisbon, Grennwich, Portsmouth, Alick, Deptford, Stockport, Bell, Esther, Barbary and her son Daniel and little Rose together with their future issue. The land to be well settled with a good plantation walk of 15 acres of ground at the least, well planted in a planter like manner and a good cruched[?] house and useful outhouses be erected on the same. This to be fully completed for Elizabeth and Charles to be ready for them attaining the age of 18 years.

I set free my slaves Old Hector, Bastoe and Cretia.

To William Marks, a free Negro Man, the house where he now lives and six acres of ground round the same for his natural life. Thereafter to the said Negro woman named Bastoe whom I have hereby made free for her natural life. Whereas I am entitled to the reversion of three Negro slaves named Charity, Jeffry and Hopie on the death of William Marks, I devise these to the said Thomas Williams Powell on the death of William Marks.

To Joseph Curtis the younger of St Catherine the two several indentures of mortgage from his father Joseph Curtis the Elder to me, and the premises in the indenture of mortgage, and all sums of money now due to me on the indentures. The estate of my late friend Joseph Curtis of St Thomas-in-the-Vale, planter, shall not be disturbed for the space of two years at least by reason or means of any demand that I now have against the estate.

All rest and residue real and personal to my nephews Thomas Rennalls, William Rennalls and Henry Rennalls, and to my nephews Jonathan Rennals of St Thomas-in-the-Vale, planter, and Joseph Rennalls of St Catherine, merchant, and John Vezey Rennals (son of Thomas Rennalls) share and share alike. If any of them attempt to annul or make void any bequest that I have made to the said mulattos named Thomas William Powell, Elizabeth, Charles, Kate or Catherine and her two children Frances or Mary, then their own claims shall be immediately void.

My nephews Thomas Rennalls and Jonathan Rennals and John Howell of St Thomas-in-the-Vale, planter, and Joseph Curtis the younger executors for my estate in Jamaica, and John Serecold of the City of London, merchant, executor for my estate in Great Britain.

John Serecold, John Howell and Joseph Curtis the younger to be guardians of Thomas William Powell at age 21.

John Howell and Joseph Curtis the younger to be guardians of my mulatto children Elizabeth and Charles to age 21.

Signed 04/02/1765.

Proved in London 03/12/1766 by John Serocold.

Associated Estates (2)

The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:

  • SD - Association Start Date
  • SY - Association Start Year
  • EA - Earliest Known Association
  • ED - Association End Date
  • EY - Association End Year
  • LA - Latest Known Association
- 1766 [EY] → Owner
- 1766 [EY] → Owner

Relationships (3)

Great-uncle → Great-nephew
Father → Natural Son
Notes →
Thomas Williams Powell was a beneficiary under the will of his father William...
Great-uncle → Great-nephew
Notes →
In his will William Powell identified his niece Mary Bennett as the wife of Richard Bennett planter and left their son William Powell Bennett...

Inventories (1)