
Sir William Stapleton 1st Bart.

???? - 1686


Founder of the Stapleton dynasty in the Leewards. He was granted the Waterworks estate on Montserrat on his appointment as Deputy-Governor of the island in 1668 (the estate was sold in 1737 to William Fenton); Stapleton in turn granted two estates on Antigua including Carleton to his brother Redmond in 1679/80 that he bought from him in 1682 for 100,000 pounds of sugar; he was gifted an estate on St Kitts in Cayon Quarter in 1684 by Philip de Nogle; and he granted Hugh Pim an estate at St John Figtree on Nevis in May 1678, buying it from him the same day for 400,000 pounds of sugar.


J. R. V. Johnston, 'The Stapleton Sugar Plantations in the Leeward Islands', John Rylands Library pp. 177-178 [accessed 08/09/2016].

Further Information

Anne Russell

Relationships (2)

Father → Son
Notes →
Grandfather → Grandson