
Theodore Stone of Westmoreland

???? - 1771


Resident planter. Children baptised in Westmoreland, Jamaica: Elizabeth (1753), John (1755), Frances Cecilia (1758), Bonella (1761), Robert (1762), Richard Gilbert (1763), William Vassall (1765). (Other children including Theodore are mentioned in his will.)

Theodore Stone of Westmoreland, Esquire. Estate probated in Jamaica in 1771. Slave-ownership at probate: 108 of whom 64 were listed as male and 44 as female. 38 were listed as boys, girls or children. Total value of estate at probate: £38,749.37 Jamaican currency of which £6,495.13 currency was the value of enslaved people. Estate valuation included £117.24 currency cash, £21,221.05 currency debts and £792.7 currency plate.

Theodore Stone was listed in the Jamaican Quit Rent books for 1754 as the owner of 20 acres of land in Westmoreland.

Joseph Stone Williams was the son of Theodore's daughter Frances Cecilia.


Familysearch.org, Jamaica Church of England Parish Register Transcripts, 1664-1880 [database online].

Trevor Burnard, Database of Jamaican inventories, 1674-1784.

'A List of landholders in the Island of Jamaica together with the number of acres each person possessed taken from the quit rent books in the year 1754', TNA CO 142/31 transcribed at .

[accessed 06/09/2016].

Further Information

James Barclay, Elizabeth, Frances Cecilia, John, Theodore, William Vassall, Samuel, Richard Robert

PROB 11/984/95 - precis.

Theodore Stone of the Parish of Westmoreland, Jamaica.

The Ground or Burying Place where my dear children Bonella, Robert, Barclay, Richard, Gilbert, Mary and Ann Stone are interred with twenty-five feet of land square around the same shall be and remain as a burying place forever to and for the use of my family without ever being aliened, sold or otherwise disposed of.

To my loving nephew Theodore Cooke of Waterford in Ireland Esquire £50 sterling to buy mourning for him and his family.

To my son James Barclay Stone £50 Jamaican currency in lieu bar and full satisfaction of any right title claim or demand he may have pretend to or set up against my estate whatsoever.

To my loving daughter Elizabeth Stone £2,000 Jamaican money at age 21 or day of marriage. Also to her my diamond ring.

To my loving daughter Frances Cecilia Stone £2,000 Jamaican currency at age 21 or marriage.

To the child my loving wife Margaret Stone is now ensient with should it be a girl £2,000 at age 21 or marriage.

My daughters to be maintained out of my estate till their respective fortunes become payable.

To my esteemed friend Hon. Thomas Beech Esquire and my nephew Theodore Cooke 10 guineas each to buy a mourning ring. The same to each of my executors.

My executors to have full and absolute power and authority to sell, lease or dispose of any part of my lands if they think it may be for the benefit and advantage of my five loving sons hereinafter named and the child my wife is now ensient with should it be a son.

All rest and residue of my estate to my five loving sons John Stone, Theodore Stone, William Vassall Stone, Samuel Stone and Richard Robert Stone and the child my wife is now ensient with should it be a son to be equally divided between them share alike as they respectively attand the age of 21 years. My sons to be well educated and brought up to some business, trade or calling with expenses and their maintenance to be paid out of the profits of my estate to age 21.

My loving wife Margaret Stone to be executrix during her widowhood and my esteemed friends Hon. Richard Welch of Spanish Town, William Graham, George Robert Goodin and Thomas King of Westmoreland in Jamaica to be my executors. Executors to be guardians of my children in their minorities.

Signed 17/10/1770.

Proved in London 08/01/1773.

Wealth at death

Relationships (3)

Grandfather → Grandson
Father → Son
Notes →
Inferred relationship. The will of Theodore Stone of Westmoreland shows Theodore Stone among his five...
Executor → Testator
Notes →
Theodore Stone appeared as one of the executors of Richard Wilson in an appeal to the Privy Council in April 1759 (Acts of the Privy Council of England: Colonial Series By Great Britain. Privy...

Inventories (1)