
Sir Simon Clarke 7th Bart.

2nd Nov 1726 - 1777


Slave-owner and major money-lender in Jamaica. Son of Sir Simon Clarke, 6th bart. Baptised in St Catherine, Jamaica 02/11/1726. Married 23/07/1760 Ann, daughter and co-heiress of Philip Haughton, in Hanover, Jamaica. Died in 1777; his wife Ann died in 1800.

  1. The folowing entry appears in the English-speaking students of medicine at the University of Leyden : '1751, 25 Oct. Clarke (Klarke) Simon. Jamaica Americanus, Oct. 25, 1751. Ann. Ac. Med. This may be Sir Simon Clarke, 5th Baronet, who had had some medical training. He was an officer in the Navy and was transported for highway robbery.' This Simon Peter Clarke (the 5th Bt) was the first cousin once removed of Sir Simon Clarke (the 7th Bt).

  2. Sir Simon Clarke contributed £56 to the University of Pennsylvania following Dr John Morgan's fundraising tour of the West Indies in 1772-1773.

  3. Sir Simon Clarke of Hanover, baronet. Estate probated in Jamaica in 1778. Slave-ownership at probate: 171 of whom 99 were listed as male and 72 as female. 0 were listed as boys, girls or children. Total value of estate at probate: £269591.6 Jamaican currency of which £12874 currency was the value of enslaved people. Estate valuation included £0 currency cash, £244659.81 currency debts and £104.24 currency plate.

We are grateful to Paul Hitchings and Tim Clarke for their assistance with compiling this entry.


John Burke, A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire (6th ed., London, Henry Colburn, 1839) p. 211. Familysearch.org, Jamaica Church of England Parish Register Transcripts, 1664-1880 [database online].

  1. R.W. Innes Smith, English-speaking students of medicine at the University of Leyden (Edinburgh/London : Oliver and Boyd, 1932), p. 46.

  2. C. S. Graubard, 'Documenting the University of Pennsylvania's Connection to Slavery (2018) via archives.upenn.edu [accessed 16/01/2019].

  3. PROB 11/1103/168 Will of Sir Simon Clarke of Hanover in the County of Cornwall, Island of Jamaica proved 10/05/1783; Trevor Burnard, Database of Jamaican inventories, 1674-1784. Burnard gives personal property of £192,565 of which debts payable [i.e. receivable] accounted for £174,757 (both these must be sterling amounts), and an analysis of Clarke's loan portfolio by size which totals to £230,948.11, labelled as sterling but presumably in fact currency, Merchants, planters and slaves pp. 158, 200-201.

Further Information

Ann Haughton
Philip, Simon, Catharine

PROB 11/1103/168 - precis.

Sir Simon Clarke of the parish of Hanover.

All my just debts and funeral expenses to be fully paid off and satisfied and for that purpose I order and direct that my executors do with all convenient speed after my decease collect and get in all my debts on judgement and all other outstanding debts of what nature or find soever not already secured by mortgages. All sums secured to me by mortgages on the mortgagees settling their accounts properly and giving such good securities for the same and paying the interest punctually shall not be distressed or called upon for any part of the principal money until my two sons Philip Haughton Clarke and Simon Haughton Clarke reach the ages of 21. The interest meanwhile to become part of my personal estate.

The mortgage of the moity of Warwick Castle Estate to be immediately foreclosed and the estate put up for sale and sold to the highest and best bidder. My executors to purchase the same for the benefit of my estate.

To my two sons Philip Haughton Clarke and Simon Haughton Clarke all my estate both real and personal in Jamaica and elsewhere to be equally divided between them share and share alike as soon as my son Simon Haughton Clarke reaches the age of 21 years, to hold to them and their heirs of their bodies lawfully begotten forever. But it is notwithstanding my express will and meaning that my real estate shall be given in trust to Richard Brissett of Trelawny and Rev. Joseph Stoney of Trelawny in trust for the purposes hereinafter mentioned, that is to say for the sole use and benefit of my said sons and my daughter Catharine Haughton Clarke to be equally divided between them share and share alike and to the heirs of their bodies lawfully begotten without impeachment of waste. Should all die without issue then to my nephews Simon Fleming Begg and John Begg, my niece Mary Begg and my worthy kinswoman Mrs Elizabeth Willikin Lyon, wife of Benjamin Lyon of St Catherine and their heirs forever equally and jointly.

I desire that my son Philip be kept at his studies at University and on his travels with proper tutors to age 21 years.

To my dear little daughter Catharine Haughton Clarke £20,000 sterling at age 21 or marriage if she marries with the consent of her mother and her guardians.

To each of my said nephews £2,000 Jamaican currency at age 21. They to be decently educated at the expense of my estate and put out as apprentices at a proper age to some useful and genteel profession such as they shall choose themselves.

To my said niece Mary Begg £1,500 Jamaican currency at age 21 or at marriage. She to be brought up in a prudent and decent manner.

These legacies to my nephews and niece on condition that they relinquish any right, claim or demand that they may have to Warick Castle and Johan de Bolas Estates by virtue of the last will and testament of their late grandfather Sir Simon Clarke Baronet deceased and the will of their late mother Ann Clarke deceased. The monies laid out for them in their education to be charged to them also should they not relinquish claim to Warwick estate.

To each of my executors £50 Jamaican currency.

To my kinswoman Elizabeth Willikin Lyon £100 Jamaican currency.

To my good friend Mrs Rebecca Waller, widow of John Waller, £50 Jamaican currency which I beg her acceptance of as a small token of the grateful sense I have of her humanity and tenderness to me in my sickness.

To my old aquaintance and worthy friend Fortunasus D'Warris of Kingston a ring of the value of 20 guineas.

To Mrs Mary Williken Ridge, wife of James Ridge Esquire £50 Jamaican currency.

To Mrs Catherine Willikin Mitchell, wife of Wiliam Mitchell of St Catherine £50 Jamaican currency.

To James Ridge 20 guineas.

To Rev. Joseph Stoney of Trelawny £50 Jamaican currency.

To John Morrris of St Catherine, planter (son of Joseph Morris late of St Catherine deceased) £20 Jamaican currency per annum for life, payable out of my estate.

To my reputed daughter (whose name I do not at present recollect) begotten by me on the body of Miss Hannah Samuels in Great Britain £1,000 Jamaican currency at age 21 years or marriage. £50 sterling per annum to her in the meantime.

Mr James Taylor, my late clerk, to be relinquished from any claim I have against him my virtue of his account settled in my favour for £807 14s 6d Jamaican currency for his integrity and faithful service. Also to him a ring of the value of 20 guineas and £50 Jamacian currency per annum for life.

My house at Montego Bay which I purchased of Henry Cuniffe and the house and store at Luna Bay which I purchased of John Vernon to be sold and the monies arising to become part of my personal estate. If Edmund Kelly of St James shall choose to lease my said house at Montego Bay for 2, 3 or 3 years at £200 per annum to commence from 1st February next and shall be able to purchase the same within or at the expiration of that time then he shall have the preference of such purchase for the same sum of money I paid for it with interest. He shall not be distressed for any monies that he does or may owe me upon giving good and sufficient security.

The mortgage I have on Plantain Garden River to be immediately foreclosed and that all money granted to me by Thomas Fearon, Rosseter Fearon and Thomas Peters Fearon shall be immediately called in and that the same shall form part of my personal estate if my executors think it prudent.

To my dear wife Lady Ann Clarke the use of any of my household furniture, plate, riding horses, carriage horses and carriages as she shall make choice of. The remainder together with my racehources and race mares to be sold and the monies to form part of my personal estate.

The inforcement of the decretal order passed in my favour for the sale of Long Pond Estate shall be suspended until my son Simon Haughton Clarke reaches the age of 21 so long as interest paid and securities given to the satistaction of my executors.

The mortgage I have on Johann de Bolas estate to be foreclosed and it sold. Should be executors think it an eligible purchase, they may purchase it for my estate.

My wife Lady Ann Clarke, my esteemed friends Richard Brissett and Benjamin Lyon to be executors and guardians to my children.

Signed 29/10/1777.

Sworn in Jamaica [blank] November 1777.

Proved at London 10/05/1783 by Dame Ann Clarke.

Associated Estates (8)

The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:

  • SD - Association Start Date
  • SY - Association Start Year
  • EA - Earliest Known Association
  • ED - Association End Date
  • EY - Association End Year
  • LA - Latest Known Association
1781 [EA] - 1794 [LA] → Previous owner
1789 [EA] - 1789 [LA] → Not known

Registered by Richard Brissett as executor of Sir Simon Clarke [7th bart.]

- 1777 [EY] → Mortgage Holder
1777 [EA] - 1777 [LA] → Judgement creditor

In his will made and proved in 1777 Sir Simon Clarke said that he wished the decretal judgment he held to force the sale of Long Pond be suspended until his son Simon Haughton Clarke was 21.

- 1777 [EY] → Mortgage Holder
1774 [EA] - → Joint owner

In right of wife

1770 [EA] - 1777 [LA] → Mortgage Holder

Sir Simon Clarke was shown as mortgagee-in-possession for half and owner for the other half of Warwick Castle 1770-1775, and as deceased in 1777 and beyond.

1777 [EA] - 1798 [LA] → Previous owner

Legacies Summary

Cultural (1)

University of Pennsylvania...... 
notes →
C. S. Graubard, 'Documenting the University of Pennsylvania's Connection to Slavery (2018) via archives.upenn.edu [accessed...

Relationships (14)

Son → Father
Husband → Wife
Father → Son
Grandfather → Grandson
Brother-in-law → Sister-in-law
Other relatives
Notes →
Their wives were...
Father → Son
Uncle → Niece
Uncle → Nephew
Father-in-law → Daughter-in-law
Uncle → Nephew
Testator → Executor
Testator → Trustee
Notes →
Rev. Joseph Stoney was trustee with Richard Brissett of the real estate of Sir Simon Clarke under the latter's...
Son-in-law → Father-in-law