
Charles Webbe

1799 - 1839

Claimant or beneficiary


Unsuccessful claimant for the enslaved people on Stoney Hill on Nevis, natural son of George Webbe of Mylor (q.v.).

  1. Born 1799. Married Mary Symons in Mylor, 18/09/1820. Children baptised in Mylor or Flushing: Charles Lamsdale (1829), George Sampson (1832), Arthur Ormerod (1834), Mary Downey (1836), Louisa Lake (1837).

  2. The will of Charles Webbe was written at sea in 1837 and proved in London in 1839.


  1. Email from Jonathan Spencer Jones 23/08/2018;, Cornwall Marriages [database online];, Cornwall Baptisms [database online].

  2. PROB 11/1916/376.

We are grateful to Jonathan Spencer Jones for his assistance with compiling this entry.

Further Information

Mary Symons

PROB 11/1916/376 - precis.

Charles Webbe of Flushing in the parish of Mylor, Cornwall, a Lieutenant in the Royal Navy and Commander of the Lord Neville Packet.

To my dear son Charles Lumsdale Webbe, my gold watch chain and three seals (one with my crest, one with my arms and one with the word Charles on it) to be delivered to him when of a proper age to know the value of the same.

To my valued friend and connection Thomas Symons Esquire of Little Falmouth my handsome silver snuff box.

To my valued friend and connection Richard Symons junior of Little Falmouth, at present serving in the Royal Navy, my sextant made by Troughton, also my false horizon and case.

To my valued friend and connection Henry Lambe of Truro, Cornwall, three dozen of my best old Nevis rum.

To my old and esteemed friend John Ormerod of Bankside near Rochdale, as a small token of my regard and esteeem, my large gold seal with a red cornelian having the head of Cleopatra engraven on it (the said stone has been three generations in my family).

All rest and residue of my household good, furniture, wines, etc about my house and premises I give to my dear beloved wife Mary Webbe.

All my interest and control over the sum of 拢1150 three per cent consols dated bank annuities standing in the names of Mary Symons alias Webbe, Thomas Symons and Henry Lambe in the books of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England to my executors in trust, to receive the yearly interest for the purposes hereinafter mentioned.

My executors to sell my share in the Lord Neville Packet and receive all balances due to my from my bankers, navy agents and others, and invest the produce in their joint names in the three per cent consols and to receive the yearly interest for the purposes hereinafter mentioned.

To my executors in trust all my reversionary interest in the freehold estates in Nevis bequeathed to me by the will dated 14/10/1826 of the late George Webbe Esquire of Nevis. In case the present George Cavell Webbe of Nevis shall happen to die without leaving any lawful issue, my executors shall take possession of the freehold estates, plantations etc in Nevis as bequeathed to me in such case by the late George Webbe Esquire of Nevis. My executors to convert into money within 12 months of my decease the whole of the freehold estates aforementioned and to invest the produce in their joint names in the same three per cent consols and take the yearly interest for the purposes hereinafter mentioned.

All interests and dividends of every kind to be paid to my beloved wife Mary Webbe during the term of her natural life, for her own use and benefit and for the maintenance, education and support of my dear children by my said wife. After her decease, all interest to be paid in equal proportions among all my children until the youngest living may have obtained the age of 21 years, when the principal shall be divided in equal proportions among all my children living at the time and to their respective heirs and assigns forever.

If my wife again marrying and my dear children being neglected my executors may use in such case their own discretion and judgement and if they deem it necessary will withhold or not pay to my wife more than one half of all interest, the reserved half to be applied to the education and maintenance of my children.

Thomas Symons, Richard Symons the younger and Henry Lambe to be executors and guardians of my children.

Signed 27/02/1837 at sea on board the Lord Neville Packet, latitude 27.40N longitude 24.0W.

Proved 18/09/1839.


Associated Claims (1)

£2,214 13s 10d
Unsuccessful claimant (Annuitant)

Relationships (2)

Natural Son → Father

Addresses (1)

Flushing, Cornwall, Devon & Cornwall, England