
George Rigby

No Dates


George Rigby appeared among the absentee planters and merchants who were signatories to an address to George III in 1783. Probably but not certainly George Rigby of Stoke Newington whose will was proved in 1802.

  1. Will of George Rigby of Stoke Newington Middlesex (made in 1800) proved 06/03/1802. Under the will he expressed his wish to be buried with his first wife Sarah Ann and her children at Stoke Newington. He left his present wife Elizabeth all his fortune for life, and after her death left one-third of what she [his wife] possessed to his son-in-law [sic] Isaac Dupuy; one-third to his daughter Sarah Ann Cotton, wife of Thomas Cotton of Cornhill, in trust for her children; and one-third to his daughter Elizabeth Jane Weatherhead, wife of Thomas Turner Witherhead [sic] of Wapping in trust with Isaac Dupuy. There is no mention of West Indian property or of enslaved people in the will, but Sophie Dupuy, as executrix of Isaac Dupuy, claimed compensation in the 1830s for the enslaved people on two estates in St Kitts, Frigate Bay and Dupuy's. The connection between the Isaac Dupuy of George Rigby's will and the Isaac Dupuy in the compensation records [whose will was proved in 1830] has not yet been fully established, but it appears that the Isaac Dupuy described as George Rigby's son-in-law was in fact Rigby's stepson: Elizabeth Kemp had married Isaac Dupuy senior c. 1764 and then Elizabeth Dupu[e]y had married George Rigby 18/11/1775 at St Olaves in London.


  1. PROB 11/1372/29; St Kitts nos. 360 and 407;, England, Select Marriages, 1538-1973 [database online].

Further Information


Relationships (1)

Step-father → Step-son
Notes →
Deduced from Rigby's marriage to Elizabeth Dupuy in 1775: George Rigby's will described Isaac Dupuy as his son-in-law, which appears...