
Thomas Winder

???? - 1816


Deceased by 1817, probably in 1816. Under the will of Thomas Winder made in 1815 and proved in 1816, he left: land and buildings called The Hill near St Anns Bay Jamaica to Eleanor Rose, probably a free woman of colour; 拢2000 to Thomas Winder Higgin and 拢1000 to Isaac Higgin (both sons of John Higgin q.v.); 拢7000 to Ann Winder, daughter of Eleanor Rose and then in England. His residuary legatees were Ann Winder and Thomas Winder Higgin.


Will of Thomas Winder of St Anns Jamaica proved 27/06/1816 PROB 11/1581/391.

Further Information

Ann (with Elaneor Rose)

Extracted from the Registry of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury Jamaica, George the Third by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland King and of Jamaica, Lord Defender of the faith and to our trusty and well beloved Thomas Raffington and John Reid Gallimore Esquires. Know ye that we have constituted, authorised, appointed and by these present do constitute, authorise and appoint ye or either of ye to administer an oath unto ____ or any other that are witnesses and can make oath of the signing, sealing, publishing and declaring of the last will and Testament of Thomas Winder late of the parish of St Ann Esquire deceased, and therefore now either of you are to make a due return under your or either of your hands and seals unto our Captain General and Governor in Chief of our said Island or to the Governor in Chief of the same for the time being with this power annexed so that such proceedings may be ordered therein as may be accorded to law and witness His Grace William Duke of Manchester, Captain General and Governor in chief of our said Island at St Iago de la Vega the 22d day March AD 1816, and in the 56th year of our reign. Manchester, passed the secretarys office Geo Clayton Secretary, Jamaica Is. The execution of the within Dedimus Potestatem appears by the will and probate thereof here unto annexed given under my hand and seal this 27 March 1816 AD. Thomas Raffington (SS)

Jamaica Ss. I Thomas Winder of the Parish of Saint Anns in the county of Middlesex and Island aforesaid, declare this to be my last will and testament. First I direct my executors to pay all my just debts and expenses with all convenient speed after my decease. That I give and devise and bequeath unto Eleanor Rose a brown woman who now lives with me for and during the term of her life my negro boy named Sampson and my negro girl named Sophia together with all my land and buildings therein near St Anns Bay commonly called by me The Hill. I also give and bequeath unto the said Eleanor Rose to her and her heirs for ever all and everything contained in my said house and buildings on the Hill except my books and papers of all sorts and 500 pounds current money of Jamaica. I give devise and bequeath unto my executors hereafter named all the rest residue and remainder of my estate, real, personal of whatever kind it may be to be by them sold with all convenient speed for the most money they can obtain and the proceeds to be remitted to my executors in England, to be the them appropriated as follows: I give devise and bequeath unto Ann Winder now in England, daughter of the above named Eleanor Rose Seven thousand pounds Stirling money to be paid her out of the first monies that can be remitted to England after paying all my just debts then, also 250 guineas to be paid her yearly and every year until the above 7000 pounds all paid her. I give devise and bequeath unto Thomas Winder Higgin 2000 pounds, unto Isaac Higgin 1000 pounds Stirling money, the sons of my friend John Higgin of London. I also give devise and bequeath unto my brother George Winder 500 pounds my brothers Richard Winder and John Winder and my sisters Agnes Winder and Elizabeth Winder 300 pounds each stirling money to them and their heirs for ever. All the rest residue and remainder I give and bequeath as follows that is to say unto the above named Ann Winder one third part thereof, unto Thomas Winder Higgin above named one fourth part thereof, and the remainder unto my brothers and sisters above named to them and their heirs for ever share and share alike and in case the above named Ann Winder and Thomas Winder Higgin or either of them shall die before me and without lawful issue, then and in this case the sums and residues hereby bequeathed to them shall be and remain a part of my estate and such part or parts I give and bequeath unto my brothers and sisters above named and unto the sons and daughters of the above mentioned John Higgin London Merchant, to be equally divided among them share and share alike, and lastly I do nominate, constitute and appoint my friend John Higgin of London in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and his son Isaac Higgin together with Alexander Kidston, James Newby and George Fletcher Coward of St Anns in the island aforesaid executors to this my last will and testament, hereby revoking all former wills by me made and so ___ this to be my last In witness whereof I have to this first side written my name and underneath signed my name and affixed my seal this thirtieth day of June One Thousand eight hundred and fifteen. Thos Winder (SS) Signed sealed and published and declared by the Testator as for his last Will and Testament who in the presence of us who in his presence and in the presence of each other and at his request have subscribed our names as witnesses unto the day above set forth. I Lemon. John Chippendale. John Swithenbank Jamaica Ss. In obedience to the Dedimus potestatem hereunto accused I have administered an Oath unto John Swithenbank who being duly sworn on the holy Evangalist ___ and saith that he was present and did see Thomas Winder the Testator in the annexed Instrument of Writing named being at that time of sound disposing mind memory and understanding Sign Seal publish and declare the same as and for his last will and testaments and at the same time Isiah Lemon and John Chippendale were also present and together with him substituted their names as Witnesses to the same in the presence of the said Testator and further that he known nothing of any Will since made by the said Testator and that __ tend to the disadvantage of the Will hereunto annexed. Given under my hand and Seal this 27 Day of March Annoque Domini 1816. Thos Raffington (SS) Proved London June 27 1816 before the worshipful Richard Henry Creswell Dr of Laws and Surrogate by the oath of John Higgin Esquire out of the exors to whom Admon was granted being sworn duly to administer power reserved to Isaac Higgin. Alexander Kidston, James Newby and George Fletcher Coward the other Exors.

Associated Estates (2)

The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:

  • SD - Association Start Date
  • SY - Association Start Year
  • EA - Earliest Known Association
  • ED - Association End Date
  • EY - Association End Year
  • LA - Latest Known Association
1816 [EA] - 1817 [LA] → Previous owner
1809 [EA] - 1815 [LA] → Owner

Relationships (2)

Testator → Executor
Testator → Executor