
Henry Berkeley

No Dates


Henry Berkeley, son of Maurice Berkeley and his second wife Sarah Tobin of Nevis. His father was a surgeon from Southwark who moved to Nevis in 1731 and died there in 1735/6. Henry Berkeley had one brother, Maurice junior, d.s.p.

Henry was born in St Kitts, January 1734. Married Mary Earle (1742-1795), daughter of John Earle of St Kitts. Will written in 1796 and proved 1800. In his will, he left his real estate to his three remaining sons, one daughter and eldest grandson, although no estate names are given. His children and grandchildren later owned Paraclete, Plaisance, Paradise and Mount Horne estates in Grenada.


Vere Langford Oliver, Caribbeana being miscellaneous papers relating to the history, genealogy, topography, and antiquities of the British West Indies (6 vols., London, Mitchell, Hughes and Clarke, 1910-1919) Vol. VI pp. 17-22; PROB 11/1344/216.

Further Information

Henry Earle (1758-1786), George (1760-1821), Maurice (1763-1804), Thomas (1763-1769), John (1766-), William Feuilleteau (1768-1796), Thomas (1770-), Sarah (1772-1773), Mary Earle (1774-), Catherine (1776-1777)

PROB 11/1344/216 - precis.

Henry Berkeley of the Island of Saint Christopher Esquire.

To my son George Berkeley my sword and silk belt and my gold headed cane.

To my son Maurice Berkeley my gold watch and chain with the seals and key belonging to it, all my wearing apparel, my large case of silver mounted pistols and my gold chace[?] headed stick.

To my son Thomas Berkeley my gold headed stick and my gold enamelled sleeve buttons.

To my daughter Mary Earle Berkeley my negro girl slave names Sue.

To my grandson John Henry Earle Berkeley my house and land in the town of Bassetierre together with my lot of land situated to the east of my said house which I purchased from James Smith Esquire now deceased.

To my grand-daughter Luviza Berkeley my negro boy slave named Manuel.

To Mr Anthony Pervical a small token of my regard for him my two silver snuff boxes and my silver shoe and knee buckles which I request the favour of his acceptance of, wishing that it was in my power to give him something of more value for his very great and kind attention to my dear son William Feuilleteau Berkeley during his illness and now deceased.

I manumit my negro woman named Blanch as a reward for her being always a true honest and faithful servant and I beg to recommend her to the particular care and attention of my three sons herein named.

All the rest and residue to my sons George, Maurice and Thomas, my daughter Mary Earle and my grandson John Henry Earle Berkely, their heirs and assigns for ever share and share alike. My three sons to be executors.

Signed 20/02/1796.

Proved in London 08/07/1800 by Thomas Berkeley.

Relationships (2)

Grandfather → Grandson
Father → Son