
William Gemmell

1732 - 27th Mar 1820


William Gemmell had been a partner with his brother Robert Gemmell, Robert Bogle, William Scott and Hugh Lang in Messrs Gemmell, Bogle & Scott. In 1782, the partnership was dissolved and the Mount Craven estate announced to be sold. It appears it was in fact retained.

  1. Born in Irvine, Ayrshire (according to his will). No baptism has been found for him but his brother Robert and sister Magdalen were baptised in Irvine in 1739 and 1740 respectively, the children of Andrew Gemmill of Bogside and his wife Magdalen Stivenson.

  2. Listed at Weymouth Street, London, in 1809. William Gemmell formerly of Bedford Square and then of Crofton House died in 1820 leaving £140,000. Death of William Gemmell, Esquire, of Crofton House, near Titchfield, age 88, 27/03/1820. Gemmell's sister Magdalen (who predeceased him) was married to Duncan Davidson (1733-1799) (q.v. under Duncan Davidson senior).

  3. William Gemmell and Robert Gemmell in partnership with James Baillie the elder and Henry and Duncan Davidson were parties in 1775 to an agreement whereby William and Robert Gemmelll bought from General Robert Monckton the 4000 acres of land granted to him by the Crown in St Vincent for £10,000 in cash and £21,750 in bills of exchange, the land to be shared 1/3rd by them, 1/3rd by the Davidsons and 1/3rd by James Baillie. In 1785 the partners sold Lot no. 4 of 261 acres to Duncan Campbell of St Vincent for £2619 17s 6d and Lot No. 5 to John Akers for £2112 (or £12 per acre).


London Gazette 12280 19/03/1782 p. 3.

  1. GROS OPR Births 595/10/103 and 595/10/107.

  2. The Names and Descriptions of the Proprietors of Unclaimed Dividends on Bank Stock, and on the Public Funds, transferable at the Bank of England... (London, 1815) p. 439. W.D. Rubinstein, Who were the rich Vol. I 1820/4 'William Gemmell', and MS revisions. The London Magazine vol. 1 p. 602 (May 1820). [accessed 15/11/2016].

  3. Deed Book 1785, British Library, EAP688/1/1/1, https://eap.bl.uk/archive-file/EAP688-1-1-1, pp. 159-162 and pp. 162-178. William Gemmell was party to a deed of 24/05/1785 under which he - given as late of Lime Street but then of Marylebone and as executor of Robert Gemmell - leased for 1 year land known as Lot No. 4 in the Monckton Quarter of St Vincent to Duncan Campbell of St Vincent. The indenture was the prelude to a further deed of the following day to be entered into with James Baillie and the Davidson firm of London that set out the background including the 1775 purchase from Monckton; for Lot no. 5, Deed Book 1785, British Library, EAP688/1/1/1, https://eap.bl.uk/archive-file/EAP688-1-1-1pp. 332-357.

Further Information

died unmarried

PROB 11/1629/201 - precis.

William Gemmell of Bedford Square, Middlesex, Esquire.

To Miss Harriett Dallas, eldest daughter of Mrs Elizabeth Dallas late of Upper Fitzroy Street, widow, deceased, £3,000 sterling.

To Miss Elizabeth Dallas, another daughter of the said Mrs Elizabeth Dallas deceased, £2,000.

To Sir George Dallas of Henrietta Street, Cavendish Square, and Robert Dallas of Bedford Square, £2,000 on trust, the interest to be paid to Mrs Mary Huxley, wife of Lieut. Col. Thomas Huxley of Sandy Mount near Dublin. On her death the principal to be shared between her children.

£2,000 in trust, the interest to be paid to Mrs Lucy West, another daughter of Mrs Elizabeth Dallas. On her death the principal to be disposed of according to her last will and testament.

£500 in trust, the interest to Mrs Isabella Magdalen Lerequire[?], wife of [blank] Lerequire[?] otherwise Le Heretors. On her death the principal to be disposed of according to her last will and testament.

£6,000 in trust, the interest to Robert Dallas Esquire. After his death the principal to Robert William Dallas and Charlotte Dallas, his children by his first marriage.

£5,000 in trust, the interest to Robert Dallas Esquire and Justina his present wife. After the death of either of them, the interest to be paid to the other. After both deaths, the principal to the children of Robert Dallas and Justina, viz. Magdalen Justina Eliza and Lucy Dallas and any other children.

To Sir George Dallas £4,500 for his own use absolutely.

To Lady Dallas, wife of Sir George Dallas, £500.

£5,000 in trust, the interest to William Alves of Enham Place near Andover in Hampshire and Sarah Chandler Alves his wife. After their deaths £500 of the principal to Miss Lucy Alves, their daughter, and the residue to be divided among the rest of his children equally.

£1000 in trust to my Godson William Gemmell Alves, he to have the capital at age 21.

To my esteemed friend Henry Davidson £3,500 for his own use absolutely.

To Mrs Caroline Davidson, wife of Henry Davidson, £500.

£1,000 in trust to my Godson William Davidson, son of Henry Davidson, he to have the capital at age 21.

£500 in trust to Miss Lucy Davidson, daughter of Henry Davidson, at age 21 or marriage.

To my cousin William Louttit of Goddard's Farm in the parish of Westerham in the county of Surrey £2,000 to his own use absolutely.

To Mrs Elizabeth Marian Mill of Ipswich in the county of Suffolk widow, sister of the said William Louttitt £500.

To Margaret Mill spinster, Lieutenant James Mill and William Mill Esquire, the children of the said Mrs Mill £500 each.

To Lieut. Col. Thomas Huxley of Sandy Mount near Dublin £500.

To my cousin Andrew Ronald of Richmond Virginia in case he shall be living at the time of my decease £1,000. But if he not be living then this sum in trust for his children.

To Reverend Thomas MacKnight Minister at Edinburgh £250.

To William MacKnight Crawfurd of Ratho House near Edinburgh £250.

To my friend Mr William Scott of Argyle Court Glasgow £500.

To Mrs Charles Ogilvie of Longstone Cottage near Barnstaple in the county of Devon £500.

To Mr Charles McSween now in the East India Company's Service in Bengal £500.

To Mr [blank] Richie late of or near Manchester, cotton printer, £200.

To Mrs Barbara Crawfurd late of Exmouth in the county of Devon £200 merely as a small testimony of my regard well knowing that her brother Mr Crawfurd is most able and willing amply to provide for her.

To my esteemed friend William Adam of Albermarle Street Esquire £200.

To my other esteemed friend Admiral Isaac Prescot of Percy Street £200.

To the kirk sessions of Irvin, the parish where I was born, £100 in trust for the benefit of the poor of that parish.

To my faithful servant Alexander MacDougall £100 and also the yearly sum of £40 for life.

To my old servant William Tucker £50 in case he be living at the time of my decease but not otherwise.

To Elizabeth Canning £50 in case she be living at the time of my decease but not otherwise, also the yearly sum of £20 for life.

To my old servant Elizabeth Sommerton £10 a year for life, and after her decease £10 a year for her husband.

To each of my servants living with me at the time of my decease £10.

To Mrs Sophia McConnell £100.

To my Godson Gilbert McConnell £100.

To Miss Magdalen Dallas, daughter of Robert Dallas £500 at age 21 or marriage, in trust in the meantime.

By a former will which I now revoke I bequeathed to my dear sister Mrs Magdalen Davidson since deceased £30,000 for her own sole use and benefit, but it having pleased God to take her first the said legacy has therefore become lapsed. My dear sister having bequeathed to me all her estate and effects and appointed me sole executor recommended me to pay either in my lifetime or at my decease the several legacies and annuities mentioned in a certain memorandum dictated by my sister Magdalen Davidson but not signed by her. Feeling most anxious to carry into effect and confirm such her recommendations as far as in me lies by the payment of some of those legacies in my lifetime and by providing for the remainder by this my will and that whatever part thereof as shall not have been paid by me in my lifetime may be paid by my executors after my decease. Also being desirous by the event of the death of my dear sister to make various additions to the several bequests, legacies and annuities given by me in the forgoing part of this my will do thereforre further give and bequeath as follows:

To Miss Harriett Dallas the further sum of £4,000.

To Miss Elizabeth Dallas the further sum of £2,000.

To Miss Ann Dallas the further sum of £2,000.

To Sir George Dallas Baronet the further sum of £5,000.

To Robert Dallas Esquire and Justina his wife the further sum of £7,000 with the benefit of survivorship in the event of either of their deaths.

To Lady Parker, daughter of the said Sir George Dallas, £500.

To George Dallas Esquire, son of Sir George Dallas, £500.

£5,000 in trust, the profits to the benefit of William Alves and Sarah Chandler Alves his wife. After the decease of either of them then to the survivor. After the decease of both then upon trust to transfer the principal sum to the children of William Alves and Sarah Chandler Alves equally.

£2,000 in trust, the profits into the proper hands of Mrs Mary Huxley, wife of Lieut. Col. Thomas Huxley. After her decease, the principal sum to her children.

£2,500 in trust, in which is included the sum of £500 mentioned by my late sister as a legacy to Mrs Lucy West the wife of [blank] West Esquire, to pay the profits into the proper hands of Mrs Lucy West during her natural life for her own sole and separate use. After her decease, the captial to be conveyed according to her last will and testament. In default of this, in trust, the profits to Miss Harriett Dallas, Miss Elizabeth Dallas, Miss Ann Dallas and Mrs Mary Huxley, the four sisters of Mrs Lucy West.

£500 in trust, the profits to Mrs Isabella Magdalen Lerequine[?] wife of the said [blank] Lerequine[?] Le Hereters for her natural life. After her decease, the profits to be conveyed according to her last will and testament. In default to her children equally.

All rest and residue both real and personal including a copyhold estate called Callards alias Collards held in the Manor of Crofton in the county of Southampton which I have lately purchased under an agreement bearing date 17th August 1811 and made between William Mill and Mrs Elizabeth Marion Mill, and also my estates in the West Indies to Sir George Dallas Baronet, Robert Dallas Esquire, Henry Davidson Esquire and William Alves Esquire equally divided between them as tenants in common, one fourth part to each of them.

Sir George Dallas, Robert Dallas, Henry Davidson and William Alves to be joint executors.

Signed 11/06/1812. Witnesses Thomas Pinkett, No 3 Essex Court Temple, Thos Pinkett Junior, Fred. Davis, Clerk to Mr Pinkett.

Codicil dated 30/09/1812. To Mrs Margaret Clerk at present residing in Cambridge, an annuity of £5 5 shillings for life.

Codicil dated 22/04/1814. Whereas the circumstances of me William Gemmell have since the making of my last will been greatly augmented by the rise of the price of the funds and profits on the loans I therefore hereby make and declare this to be a codicil. To Sir Robert Dallas, Knight, Justice of the Common Pleas an additional legacy of £2,000, to Sir George Dallas Baronet an additional legacy of £1,500. To his son George Dallas £500. To Harriett Dallas an additional legacy of £2,000. To Eliza Dallas £1,000. To William Alves £1,000. To William Mill £320. To Alexander McDougall my servant £200. To Mrs Barbara Crawfurd an annuity of £50 per annum for life in addition to the legacy of £200 bequeathed in my will.

Codicil dated 03/11/1815. To William Middleton Ogilvie, the infant son of John Alexander Ogilvie £500 towards his maintenance and education.

Codicil dated 29/11/1815. To Magdalen Huxley, Elizabeth Huxley and Thomas Huxley, the children of Lt. Col. Huxley and Mary his wife £1,000 each.

Codicil dated 30/11/1815. The above legacies to the children of Lt. Col. Huxley to be given in trust, the profits to their education and subsistence. The advance payment of all or part of the said principal sum shall be subject to the judgement and descretion of their trustees Lt. Col. Thomas Huxley, Mary his wife and their aunt Harriett Dallas.

Codicil dated 15/02/1816. Whereas George Dallas departed this life yesterday, the legacies of £500 from my will, and £500 from a codicil, and £200 from the unsigned memorandum of late sister, these to be paid to Henry and Robert Dallas, the brothers, and Henrietta the sister of the deceased equally.

Codicil dated 20/06/1816. Whereas I bequeathed to Margaret Mill, spinster, now the wife of Charles Walter Esquire, a Lieutenant in His Majesty's 5th Regiment of Dragoon Guards £500 and a further legacy of £300, now instead the sum of £1,000 for her and Charles Walker in trust. [Reiteration of the memorandum to the will of sister Magdalen Davidson and a list of those legacies already paid.]

Codicil dated 02/11/1816. An aditional £1,000 each to Henrietta Dallas and Eliza Dallas. To Aeneas Barkly of Lime Street Square £100 as a small testimony of my esteem.

Codicil dated 08/05/1817. Whereas I had bequeathed £6,000 in trust for the benefit of Robert Dallas Esquire (now Sir Robert Dallas Knight one of the Justices of His Majesty's Court of Common Pleas), on his death to transfer the principal sum between the children of his first marriage Robert William Dallas and Charlotte Dallas. And whereas I had bequeathed an additional sum of £200 to Charlotte Dallas, being the remainder of a legacy of £250 contained in a memorandum directed by my late sister Magdalen Davidson. And whereas the said Charlotte Dallas is about to be married and as part of the portion intended to be settled upon her I have given my bond for the payment of £3,000 to the Right Hon. George Augustus, Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery and Sir George Dallas as trustees. This sum of £3,000 is indended to be the in full satisfaction of the moity or share of Charlotte Dallas, therefore the sum of £3,000 only to Sir Robert Dallas and Captain Robert William Dallas.

Codicil dated 18/10/1817. In consequence of the late great advance in the prices of my property in the public funds I am indeed to add to the several of the bequests mentioned in my will and former codicils. To the Hon. Sir Robert Dallas, Justice of the Court of Common Pleas, and additional £5,000. To Sir George Dallas Bart. an additional £4,000. To Harriett Dallas of Upper Fitzroy Street an additional £3,000. To Mary Huxley the wife of Lt. Col. Huxley of Dublin, subject to the same trusts, an additional £3,000. To Lucy West her sister and wife of [blank] West, subject to the same trusts, an additional £1,000. To Ann Dallas an additional £1,000. To Charlotte Roberts, wife of Captain J. C. Caxon[?] Roberts RN £200.

Memorandum signed 18/10/1817. I hereby absolve John Alexr. Ogilvie from the debt and interest of £300.

Codicil dated 05/06/1819. I have agreed my executors to pay after my death the sum of £3,000 to the trustees of the settlement of the marriage of Captain Robert William Dallas with Miss Lucy Davidson. I therefore revoke the legacy of £3,000 to Sir Robert Dallas the father of the said Captain Robert William Dallas. And whereas I have since the date of my will purchased a plantation in Grenada now I give this and all other real estate not devised by my will to my residuary devisees to hold for them and their heirs forever.

Memorandum dated 11/06/1819. To Mary Louttit, the eldest daughter of William Louttit of Goddard Farm in the county of Kent £500. To Magdalen Louttit the youngest daughter of the said William Louttit £500.

Proved in London 16/05/1820 by the oaths of the Right Hon. Sir Robert Dallas Knight heretofore Robert Dallas Esquire, Henry Davidson Esquire and William Alves Esquire the executors.

Wealth at death

Associated Estates (3)

The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:

  • SD - Association Start Date
  • SY - Association Start Year
  • EA - Earliest Known Association
  • ED - Association End Date
  • EY - Association End Year
  • LA - Latest Known Association
1820 [EA] - 1826 [LA] → Previous owner

Possibly a joint owner since at least 1782 as a partner with Robert Bogle

1817 [EA] - 1820 [LA] → Joint owner
1817 [EA] - → Trustee and Executor

Legacies Summary

Commercial (1)

Name partner
Gemmells, Bogle & Scott
West India merchant  

Physical (1)

Country house
Crofton House, Titchfield [Purchased] 
description →
Yellow brick country house outside Titchfield in Hampshire, purchased by William Gemmell c. 1806 and sold after his death in 1820 to Thomas Naghten...

Relationships (6)

Trustee → Testator
Notes →
Gemmell and his brother Robert were also residuary...
Business partners
Notes →
Partners in Messrs Gemmell, Bogle and Scott until...
Testator → Legatee
Notes →
Also business...
Business associates

Addresses (3)

Irvine, Ayrshire, Southern Scotland, Scotland
Crofton House, Titchfield, Hampshire, Wessex, England
Weymouth Street, London, Middlesex, London, England