
George Rodon

???? - 15th May 1813


Resident slave-owner in Jamaica. Owner of Dry River in Vere and Frankfield, Roswell and Moccho in Clarendon and co-owner of Crawle River, Santa Maria Pen and Mammee Gully estates with Mrs Elizabeth Gordon of Manchester Square (q.v.). Died "At Rosewells Estate in Clarendon, on Monday [15 May 1813], George Rodon, Esq. He arrived on the last fleet from London in the ship Simon Taylor." He left the estates variously among his children, James Rodon, George Rodon, Francis Rodon otherwise Francis Smith, Henry Rodon, Elizabeth Bryan, Ann Susanna McLean (nee Rodon) and Susanna Rodon (each of whom q.v.), and left a debt owed to him by her husband to his other daughter Mary Mackenzie.


Royal Gazette of Jamaica 20/05/1813; Will of George Rodon of Vere proved 19/11/1829, PROB 11/1763/116.

We are grateful to James Brennan for his assistance with compiling this entry.

Further Information

(1) Grace Waldron Smith (2) Angelina Fearon
James, John, Henry, Francis Smith, Susanna, Ann Susanna, Elizabeth, Mary Tabitha

PROB 11/1763/116 - precis.

George Rodon of the parish of Vere and island of Jamaica.

Payment of all my just debts and funeral and testamentary expenses should be paid charged in equal half shares upon my plantation or sugar works called Dry River in Vere and my plantation or sugar Works called Frankfield in Clarendon including any debts to merchants or factors with whom I have dealings.

To my son James £10,000 currency charged upon Dry River plantation and a further £2,500 charged upon Frankfield, to be paid him on attaining the age of 21 years. In the meantime, the interest to be paid to his guardians towards his maintenance and education.... If my son James should die before the age of 21 and without issue then I leave the said two sums equally to my sons John, Henry and Francis Smith.

To my daughter Susannah £300 issuing out of Frankfield estate to be paid immediately after I die.

To my daughters Susanna and Ann Susanna my coach, four harness and four of my horses such as they shall chose.

To my said daughter Susanna her heirs and assigns for ever my slaves Kate, Rose Syphax and Prudence with their present and future issue.

To my daughter Ann Susanna, her heirs and assigns for ever my slaved Juba and her two children named [blank] and [blank] and Sylvia with their present and future issue.

To my said daughter Susanna her heirs and assigns for ever one full third part or share of my pen or plantation in Clarendon called Moccho and the slaves cattle and stock thereon with their increase.

To my said daughter Ann Susanna her heirs and assigns for ever one other full third part share of the said pen or plantation.

The final third of Moccha with my slaves Abigail and Dominica to trustees, my friends Samuel Smith of Clarendon, Franics Smith of Spanish Town, my son John and my son-in-law Arthur McKenzie for the benefit of my daughter Elizabeth wife of William Bryan Esquire, for her sole and separate use not subject or liable to the debts of her husband. If Elizabeth should die without issue, then this third to be shared equally among Susanna, Ann Susanna and my daughter Mary Tabitha.

And whereas I am possessed of a security on Jericho coffee plantation slave stock and premises collaterally to serve a bond of my son-in-law Arthur McKenzie to me for a sum exceeding £6000 advanced by me to purchase said plantation and slaves, I give the said debt and all security and interest to my trustees Samuel Smith, Francis Smith, John Rodon and William Bryan in trust, for them to raise £5000 part of the said debt with interest, and to pay the yearly interest "into the proper hands of my said daughter Mary Tabitha and her assigns", free and exempt from the control or debts of her husband. The same arrangements to be made for ownership of my slaves Sylvia, Quaro, Tracey, Charlotte, Abigail and Jenny with their present and future issue.

Whereas I am indebted to my worthy friend Mrs Elizabeth Gordon by bond to about £4,500 sterling which bond debt I have reason to believe she will cancel at her death if I survive her. This debt to be liable in equal shares to Dry River and Frankfield. The amount of the bond debt at the time it shall cancelled shall be paid one quarter each to my daughters Susanna and Ann, one quarter to the trustees of my daughter Mary, one quarter to the trustees of my daughter Elizabeth.

To my sons Henry and Francis Smith Rodon their heirs and assigns for ever equally as tenants in common all my plantation of Frankfield with the hereditaments, slaves, cattle and stock thereon, the costing place or store on the New Road and pen at Rosewells and appendages to the said plantation. If either should die before the age of 21 or without issue then their share to be divided equally among the survivors of my sons John, James, Henry and Francis Smith as tenants in common in fee. The yearly profits of Frankfield to be paid to Henry and Francis Smith's guardians towards their maintenance, education and general benefit.

"And whereas I am siezed[?] and possessed as the same part absolutely as the other part of the life of Mrs Elizabeth Gordon of and in certain plantation or sugar work called Crawle River a penn called Santa Maria another called Mammee Gully in Clarendon and the slaves cattle stock and implements thereon now I give and divide such last mentioned premises to the said Samuel Smith, Francis Smith, Arthur McKenzie and William Bryan, their executors and administrators for the term of five hundred years on the trust after mentioned and subject to such term and the trusts thereof I give devise and bequeath the said last mentioned premises unto my four sons John, James, Henry and Francis Smith the heirs and assigns equally share alike as tenants in common..." During their minorities the profits shall be paid to their respective guardians for their wants...

To my son John Rodon my sugar estate in Vere called Dry River and the lands, houses, mills, erections and buildings and the slaves, cattle, stock implements and utensils thereon, and also all the residue of my estate real and personal. John to permit my daughters Susanna and Ann Susanna and my sister Mrs Hudson so long as they be unmarried to live in the family mansion or dwellinghouse on Dry River...

By a deed of settlement after my marriage with Angelina my late wife, formerly Angelina Fearon, spinster, power was reserved to the survivor of us to dispose by will or deed of the property belonging to my said wife among the issue of our marriage. My wife Angelina requested me by letter to set free a Sambo woman named Kitty and her mulatto daughter named Eleanor or Nelly... I direct to the first of my sons by Angelina to reach the age of 21 he should manumit at his own cost such slaves by all lawful deeds. If he shall not do this within 6 months of reaching the age of 21 then such son shall forfeit £500 out of the devise or bequest to him out of my will....

Samuel Smith, Francis Smith and John Rodon to be my executors and guardians of my infant children. In case of the death of any two of them then Arthur McKenzie and William Bryan to become guardians and executors jointly with the survivors. As soon as my son James reaches the age of 21 he is to become an executor and guardian as well, in preference to my sons-in-law.

Signed 11/03/1813.

Proved in London 19/11/1829 by the oath of John Rodon the son. Power reserved to Francis Smith the other surviving executor.


Associated Estates (8)

The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:

  • SD - Association Start Date
  • SY - Association Start Year
  • EA - Earliest Known Association
  • ED - Association End Date
  • EY - Association End Year
  • LA - Latest Known Association
1817 [EA] - → Owner
1809 [EA] - 1813 [LA] → Owner
1809 [EA] - 1817 [LA] → Owner
1813 [EA] - → Owner
1813 [EA] - → Other

George Rodon provided £6000 to his son-in-law Arthur Mackenzie for the purchase of Jericho plantation before 1813. See the will of George Rodon for more details.

1813 [EA] - 1815 [LA] → Owner
1813 [EA] - → Owner
1813 [EA] - → Owner

Relationships (14)

Legatee → Testator
Notes →
Mrs Elizabeth Gordon forgave George Rodon his indebtedness of £4535 to her in her...
Father-in-law → Son-in-law
Father → Son
Father → Son
Father → Son
Father → Son
Father → Daughter
Father → Daughter
Father-in-law → Son-in-law
Father-in-law → Son-in-law
Notes →
Rowland Israell married Susan or Susanna Rodon after George Rodon's death....
Father → Daughter
Other relatives
Notes →
George Rodon was described in the will of Hon. John Rodon as 'my relation'. Hon. John Rodon left his residuary estate to George Rodon's children. ...
Father → Daughter
Testator → Executor