
David Hutchison

???? - 27th Jun 1820

Claimant or beneficiary


Planter, owner of Coffee Grove plantation in Jamaica; died in 1820.

  1. Will of David Hutchison appointing brother George Hutchison of Edinburgh and Alex. Moore of St Elizabeth as trustees, legacies to DH's sister Agnes Jean Hutchison (wife of William Hutchison) and nephew George Ferguson Hutchison, and provision for reputed children by Elizabeth Hunt, a free woman of colour: see under Will details.

  2. "[Death] At Blackriver, on the 27th June last, David Hutchison, Esq. of Coffee Grove, Jamaica."

  3. David Hutchison was possibly the son of George Hutchison, a merchant in Ayr, and his wife Isobel Galloway. This couple had at least 5 children, all born and/or baptised in Ayr: John (1751), Cathcart (1753), Hugh (1755), David (1761) and Agnes Jean (1765). Agnes Jean Hutchison, daughter of George Hutchison, married William Hutchison in Edinburgh, 12/04/1799. This tallies with the details in David Hutchison's will.


T71/860 Manchester claim no. 439 (Coffee Grove).

  1. Transcribed in a Public Members Tree attached to David Hutchison (1761/1820) on, sourced to LOS 97/255 3/8/1820.

  2. Edinburgh Advertiser 01/09/1820 p. 7.

  3. Births and baptisms of children and marriage of Agnes Jean at, batch nos. C11578-6, C11578-7 and M11983-2. Baptism record of Agnes Jean, where her father is described as a merchant, General Registry Office for Scotland OPR Births 578 040 082 Ayr.

Further Information

[With Elizabeth Hunt] Jean, Eleanor, Margaret, David, Charlotte, James

Transcription of the will of David Hutchison (1761-1820) attached to a Public Member Tree on

I, David Hutchison, of the Parish of Manchester, planter, bequeath all my plantation in Manchester called Coffee Grove together with slaves and stock to my beloved brother, George Hutchison, of the City of Edinburgh in Great Britain and to Alex Moore, Esq., of St Elizabeth in trust for the purposes hereinafter recited:

First, taking into consideration the advanced age of my beloved brother, George Hutchison, and his having no family depending on him, I leave and bequeath L1000 in token of remembrance in fulfilment of all claims that he may have against my estate. Second, it is my wish that L5000 be invested in the funds of Great Britain as early as the sum is released out of crops.

To my beloved sister, Agnes Jean Hutchison, wife of William Hutchison of the City of London L500 and to her son, my beloved nephew, George Ferguson Hutchison, I leave and bequeath L500. To Miss Jean Hutchison, of the town of Ayr [Scotland] daughter of the late provost, James Hutchison, the sum of L200.

To Elizabeth Hunt of Manchester, a free woman of colour, L200 until the youngest of my reputed children, Jean Hutchison, Eleanor Hutchison, Margaret Hutchison, David Hutchison, Charlotte Hutchison and James Hutchison attain 21 years. They are to receive L100 each at the time of my death, then L200, then L1000 each when they attain 21 years. A comfortable dwelling house is to be erected and furnished on Coffee Grove for Miss Hunt and her children, and they are to have to services of 8 slaves. Interest is to be paid annually as aforesaid to such of my reputed children hereinafter or as may be residing in Great Britain or Ireland.

I appoint my brother, George Hutchison of Edinburgh, and Alex Moore, Esq., of St Elizabeth Parish, executors.

Signed: David Hutchison Entered: August 3, 1820.


Associated Claims (1)

£2,184 5s 8d
Beneficiary deceased

Associated Estates (2)

The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:

  • SD - Association Start Date
  • SY - Association Start Year
  • EA - Earliest Known Association
  • ED - Association End Date
  • EY - Association End Year
  • LA - Latest Known Association
1811 [EA] - 27/06/1820 [ED] → Owner
1820 [SY] - 1834 [LA] → Previous owner

Relationships (9)

Extra-marital relationships
Brother-in-law → Sister-in-law
Father → Natural Daughter
Father → Natural Daughter
Father → Natural Daughter
Father → Natural Daughter
Father → Natural Son
Father → Natural Son