
Langford Lovell Hodge

Company Role

Australian Trust Company

No notes

Firm Notes

Formed 1840 to raise equity and debt to invest in mortgages on Australian land. Authorised capital = 拢1MM.  When 拢0.5MM paid up (authorising borrowing of 拢2MM) further calls subject to sanction of the Lords of the Treasury.

Focus on NSW [English law]. 'As New South Wales has ceased to be a penal settlement, a rapid amelioration in the character of the population may be anticipated; the stream of impurity being dried up, healthy and industrious emigrants from the mother country may be expected to flow into the colony.'  Imminence of steam communication. Wool exports from 512,758 lbs in 1827 to 7,837,423 lbs in 1838. 'This cheering increase'.

Directors = James Evan Baillie; Henry Bainbridge; Hastings Elwin; Benjamin Greene; William Hart; Langford Lovell Hodge; Robert How; Thomas Icely; John Innes; Francis Mowatt; Charles John Pearse; John Abel Smith. Bankers = SP&S; Solicitors  = Freshfields   

Firm Sources

Jameson, R. G. New Zealand, South Australia and New South Wales: A Record of Recent Travels in these Colonies  (1842) Appendix I pp. 341-343, on Early New Zealand Books