

IOE - Faculty of Education and Society


Family background and economic stress in adulthood

17 January 2024, 1:00 pm–2:00 pm

Person writing in notebook at their desk. Image: Burst via Pexels

The relationship between a person's class origin and the economic stress they experience as an adult is rarely considered in intergenerational inequality research. This hybrid seminar will present research examining the relationship between these factors.

Event Information

Open to





Tobias Ruttenauer


Room G03
55-59 Gordon Square

Economic stress refers to the experience of pressure or tension resulting from economic life. It is well established that class of origin determines the socioeconomic status of individuals, typically captured by formal schooling, occupational attainment, or income in adulthood.

What is currently missing from the picture is how class of origin is interlinked with outcomes beyond socio-economic position, such as the experience of economic stress in adulthood.

The speaker presents findings from a study which shows that originating from a disadvantaged family is associated with more economic stress in adulthood even if individuals have otherwise similar socioeconomic positions. Moreover, family of origin may be even more impactful for the already vulnerable groups not engaged in the labour market, such as the unemployed, the long-term ill, students, and those with caring responsibilities.

This hybrid event will be particularly useful for researchers interested in social policy and interdisciplinary inequality.

This seminar is part of a weekly series co-hosted by the Quantitative Social Science (QSS) and the Centre for Longitudinal Studies (CLS).

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About the Speaker

Marii Paskov

at University of Bristol

Marii Paskov is a Lecturer in Social Policy at the School for Policy Studies at the University of Bristol and an Associate Fellow at Nuffield College and the Institute for New Economic Thinking at the University of Oxford. She is an interdisciplinary inequality and social policy scholar. Linking perspectives from sociology, social policy, economics, and applying advanced statistical methods, she studies how and why inequalities in living standards, wellbeing, and opportunities differ across countries and over time, but also across generations and the life-course of an individual. Her research is geared towards generating fairer and more productive societies, workplaces, and communities through the reduction of inequalities and increasing wellbeing and opportunities for diverse groups.